OK- Who believes in UFO's?

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I have never been quite certain on this topic, but have always been willing to at least entertain the idea.... Until recently.. Now I am DAMN certain on the topic..

Coming back from a fishing trip with a friend recently, we both watched for three full minutes what we are 100% sure was a UFO- Was it a space craft from another planet full of little green men? I dont know.. What I do know is that it was the weirdest thing that either of has ever seen and it pretty much vanished right in front of our eyes.. A silver, cigar shaped object with flames (yes, undoubtedly FLAMES) shooting out the back end.. The flames changed colors from blue to red to green.. It moved very slowly across the sky, in broad daylight, directly above a mountain range to the north of us. We watched it move, then stop, then BLIP, it was gone! Just friggin gone! Not a cloud in the sky, no place for it go.. Just vanished..Very mysterious and very creepy.. (and no, we were not imbibing beer or anything other intoxicants!)

Anyway, I am wondering how many other of my homebrewing brethren believe in UFO's- Have you ever seen one? Do you have a story? Do you think the government is keeping it from us??

For the record, I am not a crazy anti-government conspiracy theorist.. Hell, I barely believed in the phenomenon until I saw it with my own eyes.. If any of you have an experience, please share! I know I can't be the only one who has seen something unexplained like this.

Saw a UFO while on a fishing trip. Happens all the time.

Fishing and not drinking beer. That has never once happened in the entire history of mankind.
sudsmcgee said:
I had a dream as a kid that I was abducted by aliens. It was very vivid and lifelike, to the point that I honestly thought it was real for a while. Today I know it could not be though because I didn't have any rectal soreness or itch. :mug:

I think normally they put the implants on the back of your neck just below the hair line feels like a bug bite
I have never been quite certain on this topic, but have always been willing to at least entertain the idea.... Until recently.. Now I am DAMN certain on the topic..

Coming back from a fishing trip with a friend recently, we both watched for three full minutes what we are 100% sure was a UFO- Was it a space craft from another planet full of little green men? I dont know.. What I do know is that it was the weirdest thing that either of has ever seen and it pretty much vanished right in front of our eyes.. A silver, cigar shaped object with flames (yes, undoubtedly FLAMES) shooting out the back end.. The flames changed colors from blue to red to green.. It moved very slowly across the sky, in broad daylight, directly above a mountain range to the north of us. We watched it move, then stop, then BLIP, it was gone! Just friggin gone! Not a cloud in the sky, no place for it go.. Just vanished..Very mysterious and very creepy.. (and no, we were not imbibing beer or anything other intoxicants!)

Anyway, I am wondering how many other of my homebrewing brethren believe in UFO's- Have you ever seen one? Do you have a story? Do you think the government is keeping it from us??

For the record, I am not a crazy anti-government conspiracy theorist.. Hell, I barely believed in the phenomenon until I saw it with my own eyes.. If any of you have an experience, please share! I know I can't be the only one who has seen something unexplained like this.

Fireballs entering the atmosphere at certain trajectories can appear as you saw. Also, military aircraft can do the same when they kick in the afterburners. Living out in the middle of nowhere in the desert, and spending LOTS of time under the stars with my variuous telescopes (I kind of lose count :D how many I have, at least 7 right now ) I have seen a lot of wierd stuff....

That being said, I am not saying you did not see a spacecraft piloted by beings from another planet....

Being an avid amature astronomer, and somewhat in the fringe of that group, I have read quite a few books on the subject. Not just testamonials, but also a lot of theory as to the science behind how and why an extraterrestrial race could or would visit this planet.

My answer to your question could be best summed up by the words of Jodie Foster in "Contact"

"I'll tell you one thing about the universe, though. The universe is a pretty big place. It's bigger than anything anyone has ever dreamed of before. So if it's just us... seems like an awful waste of space. Right?"
UFO= unidentified flying object

According to that, I believe that there are things that fly that I can't identify.

Aliens are another story. The tech doesn't add up; if they're able to travel through space and enter the atmosphere without being spotted on radar or visually, why can't they continue to mask their presence throughout their stay?

I also can't figure out why they would want to visit us, observation? To take us over?

If they are just observing us, what do they stand to gain? By their invisible presence and ability to abduct people at will, what are they hoping to gain? What do we do better than them?

Are they here to take over our planet? They would have already done so. They've had years to prepare and if their weapons tech is not on par with their spacecraft, they aren't that smart after all.

Again, it's all about their simultaneously amazing and insufficient technology. Just my 2¥.

Why do we send rovers to mars, and probes to moons, astroids, other planets, even beyong our solar system? Voyagers 1 and 2, launched in 1977, are both in the heliosheath at this moment, an area where the solar wind is slowed by the pressure of interstellar gasses. For the record, that is WAY out there, far farther than the farthest protoplanet Pluto. At some point they will transition through the heliopause, and will truly have left the solar system.

Why bring this up about the Voyagers? Becasue they are our primative attempts at remote data collection. More advanced attempts can be seen in the technology seen abord the Mars rovers. The Voyagers are still sending back data 35 YEARS after the initial launch.

A society that has advanced to the point of interstellar travel, may not be sending themselves. One theory is that the "little green men" and the "greys" are biologic automotons. The technology is not as far fetched as it seems, we are now scraping the surface of the ability to create such a device or being or whatever you want to call it.

As far as why would they be interested in us? Same reason we study the world around us perhaps...Our society in general has an innate desire to gain a better understanding of where we fit into the grand scheme of things. We seek explanation, be it through science or, through religion...one way or another we seem to have to "know".
Fireballs entering the atmosphere at certain trajectories can appear as you saw. Also, military aircraft can do the same when they kick in the afterburners. Living out in the middle of nowhere in the desert, and spending LOTS of time under the stars with my variuous telescopes (I kind of lose count :D how many I have, at least 7 right now ) I have seen a lot of wierd stuff....

That being said, I am not saying you did not see a spacecraft piloted by beings from another planet....

Being an avid amature astronomer, and somewhat in the fringe of that group, I have read quite a few books on the subject. Not just testamonials, but also a lot of theory as to the science behind how and why an extraterrestrial race could or would visit this planet.

That is a big dog...part wolf?

My answer to your question could be best summed up by the words of Jodie Foster in "Contact"

"I'll tell you one thing about the universe, though. The universe is a pretty big place. It's bigger than anything anyone has ever dreamed of before. So if it's just us... seems like an awful waste of space. Right?"

That is a big dog...part wolf?
(Warning. Bad Poetry)

I believe. But think you guys that also believe have mis-information. The aliens seek homebrewing guidance. This post is a bit lengthy, please keep reading, the end is the best.

Who says aliens do not exist?
And why claim so profoundly?
Why do you resist?

Am I so arrogant?
I can't understand
there might be “beings”
out there
with a different plan?

You have probably noticed,
UFO’s come only at night
otherwise we would see them
in the daylight!

Why would they worry
about us seeing them?
When they could destroy us
just on a whim.

Not sure I’m totally convinced
Been straddling
that jagged a$$ed fence.

Ignorance and pride in our own human race.
Why would they want to come here,
what is the chase?

I look into the night's sky
and see the milky way
a billion stars,
other galaxies farther away!

So who knows if they are real?
But they’ll get a pretty good deal
if they take my advice and
forget the human chase.
and answer their question
about our race.

A quick trip to Walmart is a good start
They’ll say yuks
This planet sucks
Lets get back to our spaceship
And look for a better place.
Maybe KMart!

With better luck
A world which isn’t destroying
Itself with such rancor
They don’t even care
as if there’s nothing the matter!

They are at war with each brother
and don’t respect their planet
Which is our brother
from a different mother.

But, I can see these aliens saying
“For this planet our lives’ might be worth
Their homebrew is good!
I’m just saying .

But the UFO guys
stay in their flying saucer
One of them hands out his homebrews
Nobody takes up the offer

So yes in my own opinioned way
Aliens want to come our way
To learn how to brew
They want to be old school
They want to be cool

I do believe they exist.
I watched a number of spaceships fighting one time, lasers etc shooting and explosions it was cool.
That was some really good acid. (true story)

Apart from that I always suspected it would be true, until http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Mitchell Edgar Mitchell came out and said it, all he really did was confirm what I more than suspected was true.

He's not some crackpot conspiracy UFO nut, he's a one time astronaut and knows what he's talking about.
I tend to look at it this way. We have not gained the knowledge yet to answer this question. If we had not found dinosaur bones would you believe me if I told you that before humans ever walked on earth that these huge monsters that looked like giant lizard/alligators roamed around the earth on a huge super continent...

I think aliens probably do exist, the Universe is just to damn big for them not to. We are finding now that most star systems probably have planets. Our knowledge is growing, so the puzzle is coming together.

I heard some mention why would an alien waste the time to visit earth if they had the technology to travel through the cosmos. What if we had that technology and found another planet with life. Would we go check it out?
I tend to look at it this way. We have not gained the knowledge yet to answer this question. If we had not found dinosaur bones would you believe me if I told you that before humans ever walked on earth that these huge monsters that looked like giant lizard/alligators roamed around the earth on a huge super continent...

In this hypothetical scenario, am I from the bible belt?
In this hypothetical scenario, am I from the bible belt?

I don't understand the question, but I am from Georgia.

Another hypothetical scenario would be, would it be easy for you to beleive that a 98 foot fish like creature lived in the ocean weighing about 150 Tons and it breathed air through a hole in it's head if you didn't have direct evidence of one.
A quick trip to Walmart is a good start
They’ll say yuks
This planet sucks
Lets get back to our spaceship
And look for a better place.
Maybe KMart!

This is my favorite part! Walmart would definitely make me turn my spaceship around! Great poem Dan!
We have the most technologically advanced air force in the world. These aircraft don't just blink into existence - they take years, if not decades to develop them. For example, by the time we first learned about the F-117 stealth fighter in the first Gulf War, that thing had been in development for almost 20 years and flying for years.

They have to test these things. Can't fly them in private because you have to fly them in the sky. They're visible when they're in the sky. Experimental aircraft are pretty spectacular and I bet they get mistaken for weird alien spacecraft.
Online Drake Equation calculator. Kinda fun to play with. It becomes obvious that you can get wildly different results with adjusting inputs that we dont understand like "lifetime of a communicating civilization".


I used
R=10, Fp=1, Ne=.1, Fl=1, Fi=.00001, Fc=.3, L=1,000,000
yielding the number of communicating civilizations in the Milky Way as...... 3.
Great poem!

My husband and I saw a very strange green light in the sky. It seemed to arc with a trajectory that would have had it landing in a nearby lake. But I haven't heard of anyone else seeing such a thing.
My kids saw weird lights near our house, but I forgot how they described them.
Husband and his uncle also saw strange thing in the sky. While fishing, of course.
EoinMag said:
He's not some crackpot conspiracy UFO nut, he's a one time astronaut and knows what he's talking about.

being a one time astronaut does not prohibit you from being a crackpot conspiracy ufo nut. :D
i always think they are time traveling archeo/anthropologists from the future, with a penchant for all things anal. but really- i'm so skeptical, i find it hard to even believe in blimps.
I frequently fly around in my ship we call the silver cigar, and then suddenly just disapear.

What's the big deal?
I get the feeling walking through your door without knocking would be ill-advised...

sorry to hijack

Actually....The wolfdogs are very timid, like a zoo animal, with strangers. Just don't corner them.

We do have a Belgian Malinois however, that is about as nasty as they come if someone pops in unanounced. One day Jehovah's Witnesses came to our house...it was kind of comical as usually our gate is closed (but we left it open for some reason that day) and the driveway is about 450 feet to the house...these people just rolled right up and hopped out of the minivan...The Malinois came out of nowhere and gave her warning. I think we may have been thier last stop that day, someone needed to clean thier shorts :D

About the UFOs, the link below is about the space surveillance system. One of the antenaes is about 30 miles from our hose...


if they are out there, our guv'ment knows and aint tellin...
No need for mass panic just yet.

By corner, do you mean "dont try to pet my cute wolf head?"

Thats a temptation that I would have to surpress

sorry to hijack

Actually....The wolfdogs are very timid, like a zoo animal, with strangers. Just don't corner them.

We do have a Belgian Malinois however, that is about as nasty as they come if someone pops in unanounced. One day Jehovah's Witnesses came to our house...it was kind of comical as usually our gate is closed (but we left it open for some reason that day) and the driveway is about 450 feet to the house...these people just rolled right up and hopped out of the minivan...The Malinois came out of nowhere and gave her warning. I think we may have been thier last stop that day, someone needed to clean thier shorts :D

About the UFOs, the link below is about the space surveillance system. One of the antenaes is about 30 miles from our hose...


if they are out there, our guv'ment knows and aint tellin...
No need for mass panic just yet.

By corner, do you mean "dont try to pet my cute wolf head?"

Thats a temptation that I would have to suppress.

sorry to hijack

Actually....The wolfdogs are very timid, like a zoo animal, with strangers. Just don't corner them.

We do have a Belgian Malinois however, that is about as nasty as they come if someone pops in unanounced. One day Jehovah's Witnesses came to our house...it was kind of comical as usually our gate is closed (but we left it open for some reason that day) and the driveway is about 450 feet to the house...these people just rolled right up and hopped out of the minivan...The Malinois came out of nowhere and gave her warning. I think we may have been thier last stop that day, someone needed to clean thier shorts :D

About the UFOs, the link below is about the space surveillance system. One of the antenaes is about 30 miles from our hose...


if they are out there, our guv'ment knows and aint tellin...
Wow. De Ja VU!!

I am having abduction flashbacks.....thought I had read creamy's post somewhere before!
No need for mass panic just yet.

By corner, do you mean "dont try to pet my cute wolf head?"

Thats a temptation that I would have to surpress

No need for mass panic just yet.

By corner, do you mean "dont try to pet my cute wolf head?"

Thats a temptation that I would have to suppress.

.........oh man, it happened again.....
I'm going to skip reading all the replies for a bit and post mine before I forget.
1; reapers! (mass effect series)
2; if aliens are here then we must give them beer in return for space beer.
3; maybe it's like south park, and they watch us like we watch the jersey shore?
4; I think if the govt has aliens they wouldn't tell us either way.

Now time for the OP to tell us the truth about him being a skitso, anti government, space robot. :p
No need for mass panic just yet.

By corner, do you mean "dont try to pet my cute wolf head?"

Thats a temptation that I would have to surpress

Some people are stupid and think every dog loves them....fine if its a Chihuahua or a Jack Russel....But if one of these guys feels like he can not have an out then it's game on...not pretty when canine teeth are over an inch long....its all good, our pups are happy pups:D
soon enough the asari, turians and salarians will find us and before you know it we will be struggling for our seat on the galactic council.
soon enough the asari, turians and salarians will find us and before you know it we will be struggling for our seat on the galactic council.


we are not it. Ants are closer to being the creatures that can survive long time off this planet...we are to fragile with our internal skelitons, multiple and fragile internal organs, and narrow range for suitability of enviroments.

Ants can do it (become space travelleres). Something like that. team work goes a long way, independant thinking could be self destructive on long space journeys....either that, or build more robots to explore for us.

:tank: yes i am:D

we are not it. Ants are closer to being the creatures that can survive long time off this planet...we are to fragile with our internal skelitons, multiple and fragile internal organs, and narrow range for suitability of enviroments.

Ants can do it (become space travelleres). Something like that. team work goes a long way, independant thinking could be self destructive on long space journeys....either that, or build more robots to explore for us.

:tank: yes i am:D

ants can't even ride bicycles!!!
unless the bike has like six pedals or something...
To think that we are the ONLY life in an (effectively) infinite universe is pretty naive.

To think that aliens who have the capacity for interstellar travel, would not have seen such glowing representation of our species such as "The Jerry Springer Show" that is broadcast out into space, or that they would have seen such retarded BS and would still want to plan a trip to this planet on their valuable vacation time is also pretty naive.
To think that we are the ONLY life in an (effectively) infinite universe is pretty naive.

To think that aliens who have the capacity for interstellar travel, would not have seen such glowing representation of our species such as "The Jerry Springer Show" that is broadcast out into space, or that they would have seen such retarded BS and would still want to plan a trip to this planet on their valuable vacation time is also pretty naive.

well, i still want to go to endor, and those stupid ewoks thought c3po was a god. I also went to the jersey shore once, so i don't think your negative tourism campaign holds salt! if anything, we will attract the jane goodall types...