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Apr 30, 2007
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Hello all. New to breweing and found this forum, looks pretty neat. I had been thinking of it for a while and finally went to my local shop and got the basic starter kit with a few add-ons. He suggested I start by using a can of mix to get the idea first so thats what I did. I purchased a can of dark roast, and proceded. I followed all instructions to a tee, sanitized all my gear, boiled up the malt and indgrediants as specified. Let it cool to 76-78 and added the yeast. By now all my liquid is in the carboy, I installed the blow-off tube and put the tip in a jar with some water. I guess I expected it to start foaming up like some science experiment gone mad, but nothing. Then this morning, nothing, then.....when I came home, WAL-LA, the suff was movin! I've had to clean out the blow-off jar several times to clear the foam as to not make a mess, I think it is starting to slow a tad so I can put on my airlock. My question is.....hos much should this stuff foam up when fermenting? It smells great...haven't tasted it though. Thanks for any input or words of wisdom, obviously new to this and not familiar with all the terminology used to properly describe various items or practices, so thanks in advance for the patience. Thanks and take care.
The amount of foaming depends on the amount of "flocculation" that the yeast is undergoing. Basically how much its eating sugar and oxygen while farting co2.

Sometimes foam goes really high and you get blowoff, sometimes it only goes up about an inch, and sometimes its full of gross chunky gunk.

That foam is called the kraussen, to help you while studying it.
Sounds like all is going well my friend, i'm addicted to the smell of fermenting beer too, I often stick my head in the cupboard as I pass to get a good snifta!:D
Thanks for the warm welcome and the advice/help. I was worried that it was over-fermenting or something. I need to pick up some lierature on home brewing so I can understand what is being talked about. I'm a big fan of beer, anything cold works for me, or sometimes chilled, and free is nice too, just kidding. I'm just concerned with proper technique and turning out a viable beer for starters, then I'll venture into making something more to my taste.
Stape said:
I was worried that it was over-fermenting or something.
No need to worry about over-fermenting. The yeast will ferment what it can, and it pretty much takes care of itself. There is a lot of variation as to how vigorous the ferment is. Sounds like yours was pretty vigorous. In other cases, you may have a good ferment, but less vigorous such that doesn't even cause any overflow. Sometimes fermentation finishes quickly, less than 48 hours. Other times you'll see airlock activity for a full week or more.
cnbudz said:
Here's what to read first, it's full of great info

Welcome to the obsession, that "starter kit" will soon expand, and expand, and expand.......

and eventually one day you will realize you have so much stuff.

One thing I'd like to, coolest thing eva!