Man I sure do hate the police...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2006
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Atlanta, Ga
Lived in my house for 5 months, just got my second traffic ticket in that time within 2 miles of it....never gotten a ticket before. These guys suck....hard.
Not to be a dick, but any time you speed you should be ready to accept a ticket. It is not the police's fault you were breaking a law. I am always shocked by people who are suprised they got tickets.

If you speed, you are in violation of the law and are subject to the enforcement of that law. I speed too, but with the full knowledge that if I get caught I have to pay for my gamble. I see no need to be angry with the police.
Wow no sympathy? I personally think that is bull. I would be forced to move if I lived near a permanent speed trap like that!
My last ticket was bull**** and I am pissed as hell. It is border line extortion. I was on a backroad and the speed limit dropped from 55 to 35. The cop was sitting about 100 feet past the new speed limit sign and clocked me when i was in the 55 but pulled me over just after the speed limit sign. He gave me a ticket for 43 in a 35.
Yeah, it sucks when people do their jobs. I got yanked two weeks ago doing 60 in a 45. I was pissed at the cop for nailing me but it sure as hell isn't his fault I got a ticket. :)
My last ticket was bull**** and I am pissed as hell. It is border line extortion. I was on a backroad and the speed limit dropped from 55 to 35. The cop was sitting about 100 feet past the new speed limit sign and clocked me when i was in the 55 but pulled me over just after the speed limit sign. He gave me a ticket for 43 in a 35.

Take that to court. It should get dropped. These types of tickets piss me off too. You definitely have a right to be pissed about that one.
I have only ever gotten tickets on turnpikes.

The wife however, gets pulled over all the time. Yet, she rarely gets a ticket.

Maybe you guys need to wear more short skirts and show more cleavage.
My last ticket was bull**** and I am pissed as hell. It is border line extortion. I was on a backroad and the speed limit dropped from 55 to 35. The cop was sitting about 100 feet past the new speed limit sign and clocked me when i was in the 55 but pulled me over just after the speed limit sign. He gave me a ticket for 43 in a 35.

Go ahead and fight it. It won't get any more expensive and it might get thrown out. At the very least you'll make the cop have to show up in court and you won't have to cough up the money for awhile.
I dunno, I drive a lot, and drive a little over the speed limit most of the time. I've started to expect a ticket about once a year, just a tax to get places faster. Don't get tickets that often but its nobody's fault but mine when I do.
Go ahead and fight it. It won't get any more expensive and it might get thrown out. At the very least you'll make the cop have to show up in court and you won't have to cough up the money for awhile.

Well I was going to go to court for it and try and get it atleast lowered to a non-moving violation but a few days later I couldn't find the ticket. Apparently my wife accidently threw it away. I called and they said I quialified for probation before judgement so I should set up a time to go for that. I did but she lied and I didn't qualify. At that point I couldn't fight the ticket and had to pay it. It was also a road that I rarely drive on so I didn't know where the speed limit dropped but a couple months later is when I found out about it so there was not a damn thing I could do.
Want to get back at them .... plead not guilty ... they will spend 1000s of budget dollars for your trial and you will pay an extra $30 bucks or so. I fight every speeding ticket. Now I get warnings to slow down, once they run me. 4 were dismissed because the cop didnt show, 2 I was ordered to pay & 3 the officer was punished for sitting on private property (entrapment) ... no offense to the cop lovers out there, but I believe their word and technology about as much as a common thief.

There is nothing more that pisses me off more than to see an officer respond to a real crime and say they cant do anything, there will be no investigation, yet, they go straight from the victums home and sit in the middle of the highway and give tickets to fullfill their quotas & departments pockets.

I work with these jackholes every day. Most have little courage and got into the business to secure their egos. I still think its retarded that cops dont have to have law degrees. Somehow 16 weeks of training justifies allowing a citizen to carry a gun and enforce what little they know about law.

Dont even get me started on some of the things Ive seen cops do in the field. Let me just say this .... if you dont know the law and your rights no one will for you ... to think a cop knows & would help you exercise those rights is just foolish, they think that you are not born with certain rights and that they must be exercised. Therefore you must exercise your rights and be firm.

Few! Had to rant a bit .... I think the cop serving a warrent on a homebrewer in another thread really got me pissed.
In Austin the cops never show up for speeding tickets so you can get out of it by asking for a hearing... or so I'm told. I have only had a warning. :)

I wouldn't bother to fight it in P-ville though, since the Justice of the Peace and the police HQ are in the same BUILDING. :rolleyes:
You dont have to pay taxes?

Paid enough not to get screwed around by a cop who has nothing better to do. Think of it like this ... I already prepaid for the trial, so I might as well get one. One has a better chance at one, not having to pay, two getting reduced charges, & even having it not appear on your driving record.

Only a fool wouldnt use a service they already paid for.

Besides if everyone would fight traffic tickets, the government would be forced to come up with new sollutions. Besides, name one person here who hasnt gone at least one mile over the speed limit.
I got a letter in the mail with a picture of my license plate going 39 in a 25 on Saturday! I don't have a problem with a cop doing his job...But a Frickin' camera doing it for him is BS!
Oh and you think cops and speed traps are bad, they just legalized and installed speed cameras on the interstates. So now it is a computer giving you the ticket and it is a 24/7 speed trap that doesn't take into consideration the flow of traffic and can give 100 people a minute tickets.
I got a letter in the mail with a picture of my license plate going 39 in a 25 on Saturday! I don't have a problem with a cop doing his job...But a Frickin' camera doing it for him is BS!

hahaha, funny we would both say the same thing at the same time.
I got a letter in the mail with a picture of my license plate going 39 in a 25 on Saturday! I don't have a problem with a cop doing his job...But a Frickin' camera doing it for him is BS!
Wow, your license plate has a lead foot. :D

Speeding is speeding, no way around that. Look at it this way, maybe the cameras are helping police do the whole "protect and serve" thing.
Since we are talking about criminals here, why put cops out there at all. We have the technology to place mile checkpoints with cameras out on the roads to clock everyone every mile. We also have the technology to place identifiers of vehicles so we dont need license plates.

Since it is illegal whats the big deal right?
As a matter of fact, why the hell do we need warrents, ey? If your not doing anything illegal whats the big deal if a cop/judge/tax man shows up at your house and demands entry?
I've never had a ticket, but I know they are expensive.

If I did get a ticket, though, I wouldn't blame the cops for doing their job. I'd blame myself.

I actually would like to live in a neighborhood where traffic laws were enforced. When I first moved here, I had young kids who walked to and from school everyday and I was really concerned about people flying down the road hurrying to work. If you had kids walking and playing in the neighborhood, you probably would have a different view of the cops patrolling your neighborhood.
I've never had a ticket, but I know they are expensive.

If I did get a ticket, though, I wouldn't blame the cops for doing their job. I'd blame myself.

I actually would like to live in a neighborhood where traffic laws were enforced. When I first moved here, I had young kids who walked to and from school everyday and I was really concerned about people flying down the road hurrying to work. If you had kids walking and playing in the neighborhood, you probably would have a different view of the cops patrolling your neighborhood.

HaHa. I have been meaning to get the plate number of the cop in my hood. His speed through my streets is the one I have the most gripe about.
Since we are talking about criminals here, why put cops out there at all. We have the technology to place mile checkpoints with cameras out on the roads to clock everyone every mile. We also have the technology to place identifiers of vehicles so we dont need license plates.

Since it is illegal whats the big deal right?
As a matter of fact, why the hell do we need warrents, ey? If your not doing anything illegal whats the big deal if a cop/judge/tax man shows up at your house and demands entry?

I actually would like to live in a neighborhood where traffic laws were enforced. When I first moved here, I had young kids who walked to and from school everyday and I was really concerned about people flying down the road hurrying to work. If you had kids walking and playing in the neighborhood, you probably would have a different view of the cops patrolling your neighborhood.
I feel this way about my neighborhood. One of the roads I run on every day is somewhat rural and people drive incredibly fast on it. I fear for my life every day running down that road.
Speed cameras are only revenue collectors. Numerous studies have found that if the police really wanted to protect the public by slowing the flow of traffic, the most effective way of doing so it sitting in a clearly visible spot with their lights flashing, you dont even need a person in the car. Giving someone a ticket without them ever knowing it is just crazy. and dont even get started on redlight cameras!
HaHa. I have been meaning to get the plate number of the cop in my hood. His speed through my streets is the one I have the most gripe about.

What about the cops that flip on their light just so they don't have to sit at red lights.
Since we are talking about criminals here

Actually we aren't talking about criminals. Moving violations are not felonies.

Making the jump between being pissed about a speeding ticket and constituational rights is pretty extreme.

I do not like the cameras either. My statements were directed to knowing you are breaking the law and may have to pay the concequences of your actions.
I feel this way about my neighborhood. One of the roads I run on every day is somewhat rural and people drive incredibly fast on it. I fear for my life every day running down that road.

I grew up at in intersection of two back roads in a pretty rural area and people used to haul ass down those roads. The thing about the intersection was that one of the roads was a little off set and you couldn't just go straight through the intersection. We would have atleast 2 car accidents in our yard or driveway every year. A few of them were really severe, a woman died once and a couple times a medivac chopper actually landed in our yard.
Only time I got a ticket it was for an out of date insurance card. Showed up half an hour later to the barracks with my up-to-date one that was sitting at the bottom of a pile of mail I hadn't opened since I got back from college and handed him the ticket back.

Granted, I was speeding, probably going the 71 in a 50 that he clocked me doing on my bike, but I wouldn't have done it if I'd known it was a place where I could get a ticket for it. I'm pretty sure in VT if the cop is moving when they trap your speed they can't do **** about it except give you a warning and he came around a corner, when I was enjoying the throttle and tagged me. Out of date insurance card was the only thing he could ACTUALLY ticket me for, but he wrote down the 71/50 anyways.
Shecky, bro, your complaining about cars on a street that you run on, lol, perhaps you are causing more danger for the cars than they you. I wont lie, when I drive down the road and have to slow down cause some guy in riding his bike 10 mph or running 5 mph in the road I get a little pissed.

I suppose we are to share the roads, but when its 35mph and your running on it.........
its not like all you guys wear bright orange with reflective stuff. We do spend massive amounts of money on places you can run without cars.

just my two cents, hope i didnt offend ya Ed.
Shecky, bro, your complaining about cars on a street that you run on, lol, perhaps you are causing more danger for the cars than they you. I wont lie, when I drive down the road and have to slow down cause some guy in riding his bike 10 mph or running 5 mph in the road I get a little pissed.

I suppose we are to share the roads, but when its 35mph and your running on it.........
its not like all you guys wear bright orange with reflective stuff. We do spend massive amounts of money on places you can run without cars.

just my two since, hope i didnt offend ya Ed.
No offense at all. Sorry you get pissed at we runners, but we have a right to the road, too. It's there for transport, not merely vehicular transport. If I slow you down by a second or two, apologies, but you'll just have to live with it. :)

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