Man I sure do hate the police...

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Lived in my house for 5 months, just got my second traffic ticket in that time within 2 miles of it....never gotten a ticket before. These guys suck....hard.

Be glad you were NOT drunk at the time then you'd really be pissed. No pun intended.
speed doesn't kill... driving out of control kills.

there are a million stupid traffic laws out there. the great state of connecticut seems hell bent on posting "no right on red" signs at every intersection.

i'm living in china right now where there are practically ZERO traffic laws. i feel safer driving here, in an ass-backwards way. yes, people perform dangerous driving maneuvers without thinking twice, but on the other hand everybody pays 110% attention to the road.

back home, people don't pay any attention whatsoever.

at least here, i know the nutjob passing me on the right at 60mph on a city street is watching out.

i should take a video next time i'm in a cab... some of the stuff here is hilarious.
I got a ticket in my driveway. I blew a stop at the end of my street. Its a bull**** 3 way stop. By BS I mean there is no reason for 2 of the stop signs. Anyway he pulled me over as I pulled into my driveway.

Cop- know why I pulled you over?
me- yea I blew that stop sign
Cop- huh...
me- there is no reason for 2 of the signs.
Cop- license, reg, insurance
me- here you go
my kid in the yard- ARE YOU GETTING A TICKET!?!?!
me- *facepalm*
Cop- heres a ticket for failing to signal
me- Thanks officer, have a nice day
I don't condone the practice, but slap an EMS Star of Life or local fire dept. sticker on your car. I've gotten away with doing 75+ in a 50 zone with PD trailing me for 2 minutes before giving up...

Said the local EMT.

*Disclaimer-I had nothing do do with the future endeavors of people who thought it wise to follow the advice given here*
But there is a way to avoid them [cameras]: obey the traffic laws.

Does not work. We have a red light camera in the next town that flashes on people who are driving legally through the intersection. Is it a malfunction or deliberate surveillance?
I have only ever gotten tickets on turnpikes.

The wife however, gets pulled over all the time. Yet, she rarely gets a ticket.

Maybe you guys need to wear more short skirts and show more cleavage.

I'll give that a try, but hear me out on this one. Cops never buy the "I'm rushing home to get to the bathroom" excuse because all gas stations (more or less) have bathrooms. What if you said "Sir! I'm so sorry! My SWMBO just called and said the airlock blew off my IIPA and I need to get home and put a blow-off tube on it before the yeastie monster gets out!"

It's worth a shot.
Want to get back at them .... plead not guilty ... they will spend 1000s of budget dollars for your trial and you will pay an extra $30 bucks or so.

Not to be rude, but that's some of the worst advice I've ever heard. Anybody with any sense of civil responsibility will agree that it's cases like this that help to deteriorate our economy like it is now.

Unless the ticket is bogus, and we all know which ones are, just accept the responsibility and don't do it again. San Diego drivers speed constantly, and since the law states that you must go with the flow of traffic, it makes it OK. Just don't go 5mph over the fastest person and you'll be safe. I presume other states are like CA.

I do understand that most of the anger towards the police is because tickets are quite expensive these days, but that's not their fault. Just like the BAC level in CA went from .078 to .03 this year, it's in large part for scaring people into not driving under certain circumstances.

It's part of life.
But there is a way to avoid them [cameras]: obey the traffic laws.

Does not work. We have a red light camera in the next town that flashes on people who are driving legally through the intersection. Is it a malfunction or deliberate surveillance?

You can write a letter to the city demanding its removal if it's catching people illegally. I'm sure those people never actually get anything in the mail, but if it is in fact malfunctioning, it's an invasion of civil privacy and can be removed if people like you speak up about it.
.03%????? holy hell! That isn't drunk driving except for maybe a 12 year old. Is that one of the governators way of fixing the budget?
Paid enough not to get screwed around by a cop who has nothing better to do. Think of it like this ... I already prepaid for the trial, so I might as well get one. One has a better chance at one, not having to pay, two getting reduced charges, & even having it not appear on your driving record.

Only a fool wouldnt use a service they already paid for.

Besides if everyone would fight traffic tickets, the government would be forced to come up with new sollutions. Besides, name one person here who hasnt gone at least one mile over the speed limit.

Name one person who ever got pulled over for going 1 MPH over the speed limit.
10 MPH over they let you go 9 out of 10 times unless you get all Skippy Gates on them

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I've gotten a ticket for going 2 miles over the speed limit. I passed a cop DOING LESS than the speed limit and he followed me from a distance until he caught me going just over. "What do you think that makes me look like?" "Dude, I was going the speed limit." "You don't get's your ticket." I get're an insecure prick with a gun.
You can write a letter to the city demanding its removal if it's catching people illegally. I'm sure those people never actually get anything in the mail, but if it is in fact malfunctioning, it's an invasion of civil privacy and can be removed if people like you speak up about it.

actually its not an invasion on civil privacy. The expectation of privacy is in your home not out in the general public. You are watched all the time by store cameras ATM machines and cameras that are set up by the towns and cities. Once you step out of the house you can be photographed and video taped.Now if these cameras infringe on you right of free movement thats another story but they don't .

Now if the camera is malfunctioning then it should be fixed and the tickets issued should be void.
I've gotten a ticket for going 2 miles over the speed limit. I passed a cop DOING LESS than the speed limit and he followed me from a distance until he caught me going just over. "What do you think that makes me look like?" "Dude, I was going the speed limit." "You don't get's your ticket." I get're an insecure prick with a gun.

yup the guy was a dick. And every profession has them .
I've met some cool ass cops before that have really helped me out. Living in Oakland, I have nothing against police...they have a tough job and usually do it quite well. The cops here don't worry about the little stuff...they're after the true criminals.

But a lot of them do sign up because of their personal issues, which is why they are perceived as *****ebags, and often are. The only difference is that most the ******** in other professions don't carry guns ;)
In SE Wisconsin, you are likely to get pulled over for anything over the limit. I have been pulled over for 2 over. The tickets get dropped if you contest them, but they still give them out. 5 mph is my standard over speed and generally I don't get ticketed, but I drive everyday knowing the tax man may come calling.
In SE Wisconsin, you are likely to get pulled over for anything over the limit. I have been pulled over for 2 over. The tickets get dropped if you contest them, but they still give them out. 5 mph is my standard over speed and generally I don't get ticketed, but I drive everyday knowing the tax man may come calling.

I generally drive between the speed limit and 5 over. On the freeway around here EVERYONE drives at least 10 over, so you have to speed just to keep with the flow of traffic.

I've gotten pulled over for a seat belt once in Piedmont (Affluent Oakland.) That cop looked like he was 18 and he told me that a seat belt ticket was a MOVING VIOLATION. There's another ****** for the list.

Of course, that's what I get for driving three blocks from my house to park without putting my seat belt back on. Ugh.
I've met some cool ass cops before that have really helped me out. Living in Oakland, I have nothing against police...they have a tough job and usually do it quite well. The cops here don't worry about the little stuff...they're after the true criminals.

But a lot of them do sign up because of their personal issues, which is why they are perceived as *****ebags, and often are. The only difference is that most the ******** in other professions don't carry guns ;)

I took the job because it had benefits and decent pay and a pension. I also had a kid and one on the way.

Was also nice that I wasn't breathing in dust and overspray all day I worked in a body shop.Its really bad when you would wear a mask and you still blow black ,green and other lovely colors from your nose. All my cousins who stayed in the business are all f'd up now.
The cop that gave me the ticket for 7 over the limit looked about 19 maybe 20 and I think it was his first day out of the acadamy. He walked up to my car and I think verbatum recited what he was taught. He said "In the state of Delaware it is against state and locals laws to drive faster than the posted speed limit....,.. blah blah blah"

It was right then i knew there was no way in hell I was getting out of him writing me that ticket. I bet he framed that **** to be able to remember his first.
speed doesn't kill... driving out of control kills.

there are a million stupid traffic laws out there. the great state of connecticut seems hell bent on posting "no right on red" signs at every intersection.

i'm living in china right now where there are practically ZERO traffic laws. i feel safer driving here, in an ass-backwards way. yes, people perform dangerous driving maneuvers without thinking twice, but on the other hand everybody pays 110% attention to the road.

back home, people don't pay any attention whatsoever.

at least here, i know the nutjob passing me on the right at 60mph on a city street is watching out.

i should take a video next time i'm in a cab... some of the stuff here is hilarious.

I have been there too. Think of a crowd at a stadium. That's how it is to some degree. I remember people not wanting to wait in a traffic jam so the go down the wrong side of the road into oncoming traffic. Mainly because they are wanting take a left but every one else is going straight.

Their is no such thing as, that is not allowed on the road. Ox carts, moped, tricycle trucks, bicycles, mini-compacts you name it. Then of course it gets to the other extreme with the big european limos.

My favorite is the side car motorcycle taxi. Runner up is the tri-cycle truck. Think one axle flatbed trailer, with a motor cycle front end. The run off a big single cylinder motor, might be 2-cycles.
I don't speed on purpose.

1) I don't want to give them the satisfaction
2) I don't want to pay the fine
3) I don't want the points on my license
4) I don't want to pay higher insurance premiums

I can't tell you how many dirty looks I get from cops when I pass them doing exactly the speed limit. Nope, sorry, no overtime for you 'cause of me, I'm not speeding...

And around here in Michigan, as far as I understand, the cops get overtime (time and a half) for appearing in court. Nice little incentive there don't ya think?
I generally drive between the speed limit and 5 over. On the freeway around here EVERYONE drives at least 10 over, so you have to speed just to keep with the flow of traffic.

I always loved this argument, "Everyone is driving 10 over, so I have to too," or "I drive with 80% of traffic; passing 80% and getting passed by 20%." Just because everyone else is going 10, 15, 20 over does not mean that you have to as well. Pull over to the right lane and go the speed limit. Sure, you piss off some dipstick who thinks its his right to do 80 in a 50, but your still legal, and possibly someone will notice you doing the limit, think there is a cop ahead, slow down themselves, so on and so forth.

Then there is the "I drive the speed that I feel safe driving," response. Fine, YOU may feel safe doing 90 because your car is built for it, but what about everyone else on the road? You driving over the speed limit endangers the other drivers around you, especially the ones who are law abiding that you think you are so important to just zip around. Just because you think you are good driving faster than everyone else does not make you safe. Just look at Dale Earnhardt... I don’t give a damn if your 3 minutes late to starbucks, there is no reason your everyday commute should ever go above the speed limit. Hell, I would go so far to say even emergency situations you should go the limit. You are already stressed, focused on something else, driving faster is just going to make it more likely that you are going to end up in bad shape as well.

If its so common place, why not call out the local PD for not enforcing, and see how much longer it lasts. I am sure they won't turn down the opportunity to up their revenue by setting up an impromptu speed trap...
Sheesh...I said you had to speed to keep up with the flow of traffic. I didn't say you have to speed. You can still get pulled over, it's just highly unlikely.

Driving with the flow of traffic IS the safest way to drive, btw. They even teach that in traffic class. Going far below or far above what other people are driving is dangerous.

I don't worry about it when there are tons of ******** passing and going faster than just means they'll get pulled over first and I can drive how I want.

I drive what feels comfortable and safe. Sometimes that is 80MPH, sometimes it's 60. I'll drive whatever fvckin' speed I want...if I get a ticket that's my problem.
Not to be rude, but that's some of the worst advice I've ever heard. Anybody with any sense of civil responsibility will agree that it's cases like this that help to deteriorate our economy like it is now.

Unless the ticket is bogus, and we all know which ones are, just accept the responsibility and don't do it again. San Diego drivers speed constantly, and since the law states that you must go with the flow of traffic, it makes it OK. Just don't go 5mph over the fastest person and you'll be safe. I presume other states are like CA.

I do understand that most of the anger towards the police is because tickets are quite expensive these days, but that's not their fault. Just like the BAC level in CA went from .078 to .03 this year, it's in large part for scaring people into not driving under certain circumstances.

It's part of life.

I have heard nothing of that, and have never seen the previous limit written as ".078" it's always been ".08"
Sheesh...I said you had to speed to keep up with the flow of traffic. I didn't say you have to speed. You can still get pulled over, it's just highly unlikely.

Driving with the flow of traffic IS the safest way to drive, btw. They even teach that in traffic class. Going far below or far above what other people are driving is dangerous.

I don't worry about it when there are tons of ******** passing and going faster than just means they'll get pulled over first and I can drive how I want.

I drive what feels comfortable and safe. Sometimes that is 80MPH, sometimes it's 60. I'll drive whatever fvckin' speed I want...if I get a ticket that's my problem.

I wasn’t prodding at you specifically, your post just happened to be the one I referenced to. I just got passed by some dude in a duelly doing 65 in a 40 and weaving over the whole road like he owned the damn thing. Nearly ran me off the road... Just peeved and needed to rant. no harm meant :mug:

That said, I guess I will continue to use your post for ranting material :D

Ultimately if the flow of traffic is that much higher than the posted limit, than your local PD has not been doing their job for long enough that people feel cocky enough to go whatever speed they wish, forcing others who would normally drive the limit to travel faster than they feel safe to keep from getting run over. As far as getting a ticket being your problem, your right, that’s your problem, but you somehow cause damage or injury because you feel "safe" traveling above the posted limit, then its no longer just your problem. If an incedent were to occur where something were to happen from property damage to death, and speed limit was obeyed, stuff happens, forgive and forget, life goes on (except for in death, but you get the point)... You are in the same accident while speeding (or drinking for that matter) it shows a total disregard for the law and the others around you, and I would not feel bad one little bit persecuting you to the fullest extent of the law, to the point of being obscene, to return the same disregard to you and your family as you have shown me. (yes, I am kind of a revenge guy...)

I guess my point is more aimed at the speed limit not being there to hinder you as an individual, and is more there to keep the rest of us safe, to protect the public at large. When you speed it is more than just your problem.
You have a point about the police. I think the cops here have more to worry about here than speed limits. Yes, they have officers designated to those positions, but there is a lot of crime and a low budget, so they can only do so much.

I do have a total disregard for the law, tho. I didn't make these laws and I only need abide by them because I live here. Some I break and I know there are consequences if something were to happen or if I got caught. In regards to driving, I drive safe.

The speed limit does not make one safe. Going with the flow of traffic, being courteous to other drivers, keeping a good following distance, and communicating your intentions are what driving safe is all about.

The following distance is a huge problem. Even people that drive the speed limit do it on other people's asses. I keep enough distance ahead of me so that I have many options of manuevering to avoid danger, even if Godzilla showed up. I even keep half a car's length distance when I stop at a light, in case I need to get out of traffic for a fire engine or a mugging.
In college, a friend of mine was pulled over on I-465 around Indianapolis for driving the speed limit. The police officer was "worried there might be something wrong." Traffic was moving about 10-15 mph faster than the limit. She wasn't cited but was given a warning and told to speed up or take surface streets.

My "hate the cops" story was in North Dakota. I got pulled over for 75 in a 55. Problem is the cop followed me from a 75mph zone and lit me up when I passed the 55mph sign. I HAD slowed down to 55 before the sign, but of course he had the radar gun that showed me at 75. Too bad it was a mile back. I went to court and he didn't show up, so the ticket was tossed. I blame it on the fact that I had just moved to the state and still had Mississippi plates, so he though I was easy money.

When I was 19, I got pulled over for doing 100MPH in a 65 zone. I was listening to music and heading downhill and just let the car coast. Didn't even realize how fast I was going (I knew I was speeding, but 100? crap) until I was getting pulled over at the bottom of the mountain.

I paid that ticket, grateful that the cop apparently didn't know what marijuana smells like.
My worst ticket was 85 in a 45. Had been working as a life guard at a middle school lock-in when I was in high school. Job ran later than I anticipated and cell phones not having been invented then I was in a hurry to get home before the parents freaked out. They sure did freak out when the town constable (yes that was his official title) called! :eek: I came out lucky because my mom watched a state troopers kids and he managed to get me into a super secret first offender's probation program so the ticket just went away after 6 months. Of course, I still didn't have my car back by then.


I still submit that I could have gotten away if I was just a little farther down the road when he spotted me. :D Oh to be young and immortal again!
I like the cops a lot. But then again I am a middle aged upper middle class urbanite with lots of nice stuff to protect living in a city where the cops could not care less if you run through a very yellow light 20 mph over the limit. Where the standard highway speed is 80 mph and I have passed cops at speed traps doing 80 without even decelerating.

OTOH I did live in Ohio for the longest 9 years of my life and got a total of 13 tickets in those 9 years. Most of those tickets occurred at speed traps on rural roads where the limit abruptly changed downward. So I still like Gahanna Ohio cops because they protected my stuff but the rural Ohio cops were megalomanical asshats with small diks.
nwa lol...

every time i sing that ****ing song... ;)

i am fundamentally opposed to any sort of traffic or civil surveillance, and would go so far as to advocate the vandalism of them, but would prolly get caught.. ****ers!
Had one quite a few years before this that wasn't cool. I got clocked doing 38 in a 40. City cop wrote me for 38 in a 30. The cop literally threw my paperwork and license in through the window of my car when he came back to have me sign the ticket. It got put into a diversion instead of dismissed because I asked the wrong questions, but at least it didn't cost me anything.

My highest ticket was lots of fun. I was coming home from work, rather upset that they had just tried to fire me. I topped an interchange as I realized that I was going way, way too fast. Speed limit is 65, I was doing 115. I hit the brakes and burned off speed before the State Trooper coming the other way clocked me, there was no way I would have been able to see him earlier, it was simply good juju that I caught myself when I did. I didn't stop, just went down to the normal 70mph and kept going. He turned around and followed me for five miles before pulling me over, two of which were on side streets. When he pulled me over, he asked the Usual questions, and took my paperwork. He wrote me down for 80 in a 65 and after I signed the ticket, he showed me the locked speed on the laser. 89. Really nice guy!

These days, I don't get pulled over for speeding as I just don't speed. It's a pretty easy way to avoid it.
Whenever I get pulled over by the fuzz I like to ask them about their thoughts on the best way to dispose of a dead hooker. I figure that they'd have some decent ideas, but honestly I rarely get a good answer.

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