Is it just Jersey?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
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Bridgewater, NJ
It seems like every party I've been to in the past couple of years has included the following exchange at least once, always by different people:

Someone: Tequila?
Someone else: No way, I had a bad experience when I was younger!
Everyone else around: Oh yeah, me too! Hahahaha!

I've been blacked out on tequila and mezcal more times than I can remember. How is it that all these people are having such horrible experiences that they can't even bear the thought of drinking it ever again? Did they hijack a bus full of nuns to drive through an orphanarium on their way to the pound to disembowel kittens? Were they drunk on tequila when they got married? I mean WTF makes being 'faced on cactus juice different from being 'faced on JD?

I don't remember hearing that other places I lived, not as a general rule anyway. Is that some sort of rite of passage for Jersey kids? Drink a bottle of tequila and then sleep with the ugly chick or something? :tank:
Don't even say JD...."I had a bad experience when I was younger!" and can't even smell the stuff without gagging. And yes...I'm from NJ.
At the risk of giving a serious answer in this forum, I think tequila comes with an expectation of bravado. The stories of being drunk on tequila always seem to emphasize it's evil nature. They always have to contain cool but stupid things you did that you can blame on the liquor and not on your dumbassedness for getting tanked on it.

Tequila is something people drink in shots with the intention of getting wasted. Me, I like a nice sipping tequila. I don't "do shots" of anything. I will drink too much of some things but not deliberately. :drunk:
So when people say that, does it generally just mean they drank too much, or does it mean they drank too much and did something regrettable, like playing strip Risk with your algebra teacher?
So when people say that, does it generally just mean they drank too much, or does it mean they drank too much and did something regrettable, like playing strip Risk with your algebra teacher?

Hey, she was the hottest teacher I ever had...There were no regrets buddy, none at all! ;)
The things she taught me have helped me in many ways...
Ugh... *shudders*
That would be one HUGE regret. I'm glad I never did that... it would've been fun with her daughter though ;)

I don't know the reasoning, but I think a number of people dislike one specific liquor. I know a number of people who won't touch Tequila... until they've had a couple shots of vodka. :tank:
As a native Jerseyite, I have no fear of tequila.

If there's one spirit I won't touch any more, it's Goldschlager. Yuck.
Well how old are you? I know that for folks around my age (early 30s), there was a big Tequilla craze when we were in college, it was just the "in" thing to do shots of. Maybe this is still the case but I feel like the trend has shifted to vodka a bit with all the "premium" brands out there. I'd also +1 to everything GroovePuppy said.
Well how old are you? I know that for folks around my age (early 30s), there was a big Tequilla craze when we were in college, it was just the "in" thing to do shots of. Maybe this is still the case but I feel like the trend has shifted to vodka a bit with all the "premium" brands out there. I'd also +1 to everything GroovePuppy said.
Never had much tequila myself. When I went to college (let's just say at a time when feathered hair of Flock of Seagulls were considered cool), the shot of choice was the kamikaze. As for one-liquor shots, I don't remember. Jagermeister was seen as a show of manhood, IIRC.
I think it's more of the puking and the hangover. If I quit drinking something every time I had a bad experience I would be sober.
I'm in my early 30s, and while I'm vaguely aware of this tequila craze (as well as the faux-tini craze) it wasn't something I was ever really a part of. But that strikes me as maybe a bit outside of the range of sophistication for the people I tend to hang out with.

BTW, I didn't mean to imply that everyone from NJ has this sort of "experience" tucked away, nor that it was limited to tequila. I've heard the same comment regarding other spirits, but tequila seems to be the most common. Scotch is a close second.

In all honesty my pet theory is that when people just don't like the way a particular spirit tastes, they might feel it's not macho to say that outright. So they say they "had a bad experience," which sounds waaay cooler than, "I don't like it - it tastes yucky!"

Not saying that's true in all cases, or even true at all. But I always wonder....
BTW, I didn't mean to imply that everyone from NJ has this sort of "experience" tucked away, nor that it was limited to tequila. I've heard the same comment regarding other spirits, but tequila seems to be the most common. Scotch is a close second.

I can't ever imagine swilling Scotch- I like it too much! I want to enjoy a dram, not slug it down. But that's just me. :D

Tying on a few is great fun, but drinking hard and fast just to get smashed just ain't my style. I'm 28 BTW.
I get the same response out here in Calif. To some it's called Takillya and others it's just another drink. In college a buddy of mine and I used to go to the Hofbrau and get a pitcher of Margaritas and study. One night it turned into a Tequila taste test. :D I still like Tequila.
Shoot, I didn't mean I do that now... I just meant in the realm of "having a bad experience in my younger days," drinking a bottle of tequila one day and a bottle of whiskey the next seemed to produce the same result. <-- Edit: By "Bottle" I mean the pint bottles, not like a fifth or anything. Ok, maybe half litres now that I think about it.

I can't say I've ever slugged down scotch, though. Couldn't afford it when I was a drinker, didn't want to when I could.
I get the same response out here in Calif. To some it's called Takillya and others it's just another drink. In college a buddy of mine and I used to go to the Hofbrau and get a pitcher of Margaritas and study. One night it turned into a Tequila taste test. :D I still like Tequila.

That wouldn't be Harry's Hofbrau, would it? :mug:
BTW, I didn't mean to imply that everyone from NJ has this sort of "experience" tucked away, nor that it was limited to tequila. I've heard the same comment regarding other spirits, but tequila seems to be the most common. Scotch is a close second.

Oh, well if it's open to any alcohol than I'd say it's because lots of folks got hammered to the point of being seriously sick when they were in college and we are actually programmed to avoid things that make us ill. Ever notice how there are some foods people won't eat anymore after they get sick from them?

On the other hand, I think your theory might have some merit. For example, my "drink to avoid" after college was rum, but I've been equally as drunk/sick from drinking beer and I ain't gonna quit that, no way, no how.
Ever notice how there are some foods people won't eat anymore after they get sick from them?

Which is equally as crazy to me! I got violently ill after eating a burrito once, to the point where I honestly thought I was going to take the Elvis way out.

But to say I'll never eat a burrito again? Madness. Never from that particular taqueria again, but giving up burritos because of a little food poisoning is just plain crazy.
I know people who avoid various drinks for various reasons... of course Im still in university, but the drink I avoid like the plague is Vodka.... it tastes like high school and a bad night in Brussels...

Even drinking quality Vodkas, I still cant enjoy them. I would say its not just Jersey...
Just because my friend had alcohol poisoning for a week from the-kill-yah, and I drank just as much as him, I was able to revive ok about 12 hours later... Gin though- didn't get sick that night, but ugh the smell after that long night just makes me cringe. Who would think juniper berries would be good fermented?!?!

And no, I don't eat the worm.... Another WTF!?!? Who why huh?
it's gin for me. can't stand the stuff...can't even smell it without practically vomiting in my mouth.

EDIT: and yes, i had a bad experience when i was about 17. instead of getting laid, i ended up puking in the woods.
Ever notice how there are some foods people won't eat anymore after they get sick from them?

when i was a kid, i ate butter on bread and i choked for some reason. i would never eat butter on bread again, unless the bread was toasted. i'm weird like that.

i still don't eat butter on bread unless it's toasted, but i think it's mostly flavor. i like the butter melted :D
For me it is peach schnapps, even the smell of it makes gag. It made for an extremely long night one evening, but luckily(?) I have the newspaper clipping to help me remember the events.
Drank 8 shots of cuervo in 15 minutes in college.

It was about 8 years before i could drink any tequilla.

But then I tried Patron Silver, and I could drink tequilla again.

Drank 8 shots of cuervo in 15 minutes in college.

It was about 8 years before i could drink any tequilla.

But then I tried Patron Silver, and I could drink tequilla again.


I'm with you on this one. In high school, tequila was my drink of choice. Something about girls going crazy and stripping, I don't know... I had 15 shots one night with a buddy and have never felt worse to this day. I didn't touch it for about 10 years, but I was offered Patron a few years ago and liked it. I'll even drink Cuervo once in a while, but not like I used to. The smell still makes me cringe, but I'll drink it. I had to give JD a break for a while too, and now I like it again. Although, my liquor of choice is now Jameson.
I just always think and assume when people say that, that they just don't like the taste. Me, tequilla tastes like ass on it's own. I love it in mixed drinks. Rum is the god of spirts(IMO). Bourbon is wonderful by itself, haven't had a scotch I've liked yet so I stay away, etc. I've been fairly inebriated on about everything, and it's never made me not want to drink it again.

It's like that stupid ass saying where you're not supposed to drink beer/wine/spirits before or after one another. That is complete and total horse ****. I'll take a bottle of wine, a couple of pints and a gin martini please!

I do get disgusted by brands that try to push themselves off as something they're not though. (jose isn't tequilla, Jameson isn't whiskey, rhum agricole typically isn't)
I thought that jersey was all about the jagerbombs...

[ame=]YouTube - My New Haircut[/ame]
"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. "
See, you all is crazy - It's the opposite for me.

I *love* tequila and gin. I can drink them all night long. Sure, if I get particularly ill off of them, I'll take a break... 4 or 5 days of drinking something else - e.g. beer, and I'm back on the horse. +1 on the smell of Jose being particularly off-putting.... When possible, I try to drink Patron instead - because, seriously, Patron is the liquor of the f*ing gods.

It's RUM that kicks my ass. I can't take a single rum drink without getting queasy. The sickly sweet taste of it gets right to my stomach and I'm ready to toss some eggos all over the place.

Now, to be fair: Goldschlager and Jagermeister are also two drinks I cannot stand the thought of.... but that's because I abhor both cinnamon and licorice. It's not a "bad experience" kind of thing.

Now........ my buddy who pounds Jameson straight from the bottle...... I'm not that manly, I won't lie to you. :)
Those are not accessories. They are "Lifestyle Enhancements."

Besides, Guidos drive Camaros. Hillbillies and Kiwis drive utes.
Its not just Jersey, seems to be the most common liquor that triggers a revulsion.

I think it might be because tequila has a more distinct flavor and smell than say vodka or rum. Therefore when the person has a bad hangover after tequila they remember and associate the event more with the smell and flavor than they would connect a less distinct liquor.
Me I never had a particularly bad night, so no revulsions for me. :D

I do like tequila, probably because it is distinctive. I need to try me a good gin sometime as I have not had the chance yet. I also like good rums, and whiskeys. With vodka I'm like "why?". It has very little taste or aroma. It just seems like a way to add alcohol to some other drink. The sweet syrupy drinks like jager and schnapps are not very interesting to me either. They seem too artificial and definitely too sweet.


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