[Initial Release] RaspberryPints - Digital Taplist Solution

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Well I have all the parts and a few hours to work on this. Not being a computer guy we will see how it goes. Wish me luck.

Just follow the directions. I know you want to gloss over stuff, but if you read the directions and follow them closely it will all work out.

Edit: Looking back this sounds like I am being a condescending jerk. No jerkiness intended. I just know that people like to be impatient with directions, but the ones included with this project are well written and work well.
I was taking is slowly. I was able to get to setting up the wifi part and made access to my router settings to assign a static IP. I got into the Address Reservation window and tried to assign the Raspberrypi a specific number.

I followed these directions on Step 3 "Give your device an IP address that’s memorable to you. We recommend keeping the first three octets (sets of numbers) in the IP address the same as your router’s IP address."

When I kept the first three numbers the same and changed the others I got a message that said the something like "those number are outside of the range"

This is from the manual of my modem.

Reserved IP Address Setup
When you specify a reserved IP address for a computer on the LAN, that computer always
receives the same IP address each time it accesses the modem’s DHCP server. Reserved IP
addresses should be assigned to servers that require permanent IP settings.

To reserve an IP address:
1. Select Advanced > LAN Setup, and click the Add button.
2. In the IP Address field, type the IP address to assign to the computer or server. Choose an
IPaddress from the modem’s LAN subnet, such as 192.168.0.x.
3. Type the MAC address of the computer or server.
Tip: If the computer is already present on your network, copy its MAC
address from the Attached Devices screen and paste it here.
4. Click Apply to enter the reserved address into the table

The Raspberry Pi is listed on the Address Reservation Table of my modem. I clicked on it and then tried to modify the address keeping the first three numbers and making up my own numbers for the others.

This is also in the manual.

Use Modem as DHCP Server
By default, the modem functions as a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server,
allowing it to assign IP, DNS server, and default gateway addresses to all computers
connected to the modem’s LAN. The assigned default gateway address is the LAN address
of the modem. IP addresses are assigned to the attached PCs from a pool of addresses
specified in this screen. Each pool address is tested before it is assigned to avoid duplicate
addresses on the LAN. For most applications, the default DHCP and TCP/IP settings of the
modem are satisfactory.

The "Use Router as DHCP server" is check marked in my modem settings. Does that mean I can skip this part of assigning a static IP address for the Raspberry Pi?
Well, what ip address did you try to assign?

The fourth octet must be between 1 and 255...And not conflict with another assigned address...

The fourth and fifth numbers were 1and 0. The numbers went like this. 192.10x.x.x

When I did this I lost my connection to the router and couldn't get it back. So I reformatted the SD card and started over again.

I do recall seeing something listing a range of what IP address would be valid, or that's how I interpreted it.
It was

If I remember correctly the 192 and 168 had a gray background.

I won't get home until tomorrow morning so I will take any suggestions on how to make this work. I'll also be spending time today doing some research on the internet.

The fourth and fifth numbers were 1and 0. The numbers went like this. 192.10x.x.x

When I did this I lost my connection to the router and couldn't get it back. So I reformatted the SD card and started over again.

I do recall seeing something listing a range of what IP address would be valid, or that's how I interpreted it.
It was

If I remember correctly the 192 and 168 had a gray background.

I won't get home until tomorrow morning so I will take any suggestions on how to make this work. I'll also be spending time today doing some research on the internet.


If your router is handing out random IP addresses in the 192.168.1.x range, you need to keep your fixed IP in the 192.168.1.x range. You can't change the number in the third set for your fixed IP. It has to be the same as the random IP addresses.
You have to maintain the subnet by using the same first three octets as your router's LAN address. So most likely 192.168.1.nnn where nnn is between 1 & 255 without conflicting with any other assignment (including the router!)...

So with the post on facebook about V2 nearing completion, is there a parts list anyone would care to share? I'd like to have as much of it on hand for the big reveal as possible :) Flow meters are the big thing for me.

I would appreciate this as well. I do not want to be needy and whiny, but I really like the idea of flow meters and want to add them to my system as well.

So, now for my needy and whiny questions/requests. Is V2 still imminent? It has been a while without update and I am getting itchy. I know you all are most likely busy and are volunteering your time working on this project so do not count this as a I want it now, though I kinda do as I am sure everyone else does. No pressure. Is the V2 design for the flow meters still planning on working around the same Swiss Flow meters mentioned far earlier in this thread?
Ok, getting back to finishing this thing up.

Thanks for the insight Newsman and day trippr. I thought the first three octets was just the first three numbers.
I'm into step 7. Typing in information. Apparently I didn't select the correct keyboard when I initially set this up. When I use the Shift+2 combination instead of getting @ I get " and when I use the Shift+3 combination I get a thing that looks like a cursive L. I think it might be the character for the British Pound. Is there a way of going in and changing the keyboard or finding out where the @ is with the way I have it. I think I just selected the generic keyboard setting.
Got it. I guess I just had to think about it for a few minutes. I did a google search for British keyboard layout and found it.
Not sue how I ended up with that selection for my keyboard.
Success. It is up and running. Not sure what happened with the sample beers. Obviously didn't do something right. Now to adding beers, kegs and taps to this thing.

I've been saving up my drinking out money to buy all of this stuff. I bought a TV at Costco while it was on discount. I thought it would be nice to have a TV out in the garage while I'm tinkering around in the brewery. The bonus I can use it as a RaspberryPints Tap list too. That helped me justify the purchase in my mind.

Unfortunately my keggerator is in the garage, but I have it mounted and working out there. I have a few taps added to the list but, still need to add more beers, kegs and taps to the list.

Thanks for the help.

Now to add the motion sensor and a two column list. So I won't have to rotate the TV when I change it between the two options.

The good news is that if I can do this anyone can.
I've been saving up my drinking out money to buy all of this stuff. I bought a TV at Costco while it was on discount. I thought it would be nice to have a TV out in the garage while I'm tinkering around in the brewery. The bonus I can use it as a RaspberryPints Tap list too. That helped me justify the purchase in my mind.

Unfortunately my keggerator is in the garage, but I have it mounted and working out there. I have a few taps added to the list but, still need to add more beers, kegs and taps to the list.

Thanks for the help.

Now to add the motion sensor and a two column list. So I won't have to rotate the TV when I change it between the two options.

The good news is that if I can do this anyone can.

Pics or it didn't happen

Sent from my iPhone using the sweet Home Brew app, cuz I'm a ****** and I need everyone to know that I have an iPhone as if everyone else in the world doesn't have one.
It looks like a permission or file issue (as its a 500 error) but really No idea. Have you asked in the temp logger post?
Perhaps would be better served in the other thread, but as my junk pretty much relies on the user having already installed Raspberry Pints (or at least every requisite package therefor) I'd want to know if the 'Pints page works or not. If that's barfing up 500s there'd be little hope for the logger...

OK, I added some JavaScript to pull in my kegerator temperature from my BCS system into my RaspberryPints display (at the very bottom). Pretty simple.


Not much code to get it done. I had to copy the 3 necessary js files over to my Raspberry Pi html folder and then added a new div section id called "ShowTemp". Note that the bcs.js library is new from the BCS guys and will be distributed with the new firmware.

		<div id="ShowTemp">
			Refrigeration Temperature: 00.0 F

	<script type="text/javascript" src="bcs.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="q.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="request.js"></script>

	var bcs = new BCS.Device('');
	bcs.on('ready', function () {
		bcs.helpers.getTempValues().then(function (temps) {
		document.getElementById("ShowTemp").innerHTML = "Refrigeration Temperature: " + temps[1] + " F" ;
Awesome! I still need to take a whack at the large font header like yours (so many projects, so little time sober ;) ) and I've been toying with the idea of replacing the thermometer icon in the top right corner of my R'Pints page that links to my temp logger with the keg temperature - either pulled from my logger's sqlite3 database or read in real time. Either way, end up with a two character large/bold font thingie in that corner spot that itself would be the link to said logger instead of the .ico file.

I need a round tuit....

Cheers! :)
Im glad to see people making adjustments and additions to the software, this is the #1 reason we stuck with open source. LIMITLESS
It's truly a great time to be a geek :D

In 1973 I was designing the first semiconductor memory systems for IBM mainframes. Forget the mainframe itself, one megabyte of memory was selling for one million dollars. And those 1973 dollars were worth about four times what a buck is worth today.

Today's typical cellphone has over four orders of magnitude more memory - and sells for under $600.

Yup. Definitely Geek Time...

Cheers! ;)
I know some of you have this running with the brewpi. Is it best to install rpints before brewpi? I plan on bread boarding it up installing prints then brewpi. Is there a good post on this in this mammoth thread?
The automatic BrewPi install will wipe out the contents of /var/www, which is where R'Pints lives. Otoh, the R'Pints installation is not similarly stupid. Knowing that gives you options...

My apologies if someone has already posted about this option for using RaspberryPints.

I had an old laptop which wasn't being otherwise used so I decided to set it up as both a webserver and client to run and view RaspberryPints. It took about an hour to do the following.
Download and burn an Ubuntu Server 14.04 CD then installed it on the laptop including the LAMP and OpenSSH packages. I then connected the laptop to an Ethernet cable, rather than trying to set up wifi which can be tricky from a command prompt, and used apt-get to install the Unity GUI.

I downloaded the RaspberryPints files to /var/www and ran the installer then logged in as admin and configured it. I then set up wifi so I can edit or transfer files with Putty, WinSCP, or access the admin panel. I made a few edits to index.php to customize the screen a bit and will make more once I decide what I want it to look like.

I leave the laptop closed on top of my keezer but all I have to do is open the screen, tap the mousepad, and the RaspberryPints display in a full screen Firefox window appears. Easy peasy and I didn't spend a dime. Since pictures are worth a lot of words:

Right. So?

The question remains "Does the underlying infrastructure work?" and knowing if R'Pints runs successfully would go a long long way towards knowing. If it doesn't work, the logger won't work...

The rpint works perfectly even when the logger is installed.The logger worked before and then suddenly started giving problems.
Thanks anyway for the replies.
My apologies if someone has already posted about this option for using RaspberryPints.

I had an old laptop which wasn't being otherwise used so I decided to set it up as both a webserver and client to run and view RaspberryPints. It took about an hour to do the following.
Download and burn an Ubuntu Server 14.04 CD then installed it on the laptop including the LAMP and OpenSSH packages. I then connected the laptop to an Ethernet cable, rather than trying to set up wifi which can be tricky from a command prompt, and used apt-get to install the Unity GUI.

I downloaded the RaspberryPints files to /var/www and ran the installer then logged in as admin and configured it. I then set up wifi so I can edit or transfer files with Putty, WinSCP, or access the admin panel. I made a few edits to index.php to customize the screen a bit and will make more once I decide what I want it to look like.

I leave the laptop closed on top of my keezer but all I have to do is open the screen, tap the mousepad, and the RaspberryPints display in a full screen Firefox window appears. Easy peasy and I didn't spend a dime. Since pictures are worth a lot of words:


Run that in chrome not Firefox the SRM will work much better
Run that in chrome not Firefox the SRM will work much better

Nice suggestion, thanks. FWIW from the command prompt the command to install it is:
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser

I tweaked the interface a bit more and think it really looks nice though I might try some different backgrounds: