I like this time at night on HBT

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Wife and I went downtown and saw Here Come the Mummies last night. Free outdoor concert (Blast Friday) in Clearwater. I love this band!

[edit] right after posting this (my video) I see on youtube there were much better videos of the same concert. I need to work on my skillz.


Looks like a fun time!
I'd like to hear more about that.

A little gem I found in Paso Robles. Turley vineyards, zin specialist.

Fresh pepper and earth in the nose. Very alcoholic in the sinus. Low viscosity.

Complex on the pallet. High brix, slightly dry, not acidic, slightly astringent. Flavors hold and do not change with finish i.e. highly concentrated. Pair with Brie panini, rosemerry butter, and lemoned sour cream. Omit foliage in sandwich and compliment with a pickled egg.

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A little gem I found in Paso Robles. Turley vineyards, zin specialist.

Fresh pepper and earth in the nose. Very alcoholic in the sinus. Low viscosity.

Complex on the pallet. High brix, slightly dry, not acidic, slightly astringent. Flavors hold and do not change with finish i.e. highly concentrated. Pair with Brie pinene, rosemerry butter, and lemoned sour cream. Omit foliage in sandwich and compliment with a pickled egg.

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Sounds like my kind of wine. I don't like astringent, but the tannins don't bother me much if there's that complexity there, and some body, but NOT SWEET. It's a lot to ask for, but I'm a rioja drinker which is a dry cabernet.
A dad rant [emoji3]

Good evening late night crew (no matter the time)

I just finished some shopping for my son, Danny's birthday. There's a small chance he'll read this post and it will ruin my surprise. He has a premium membership here gifted by a member (not me) but I don't really think he checks this place out often. Busy guy. I'm sure someday he will be on here a little more often.

Quick pic of my boy. Mud Run Marine day.

My son is the blond haired one on the left. Puffing his chest out. Almost looks like boobs but they ain't. Many hours benching free weights

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And again in the next two pics, left side
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He's a really good son, good guy. He is posing for pics as a He-man. But he is much more. A great musician and carpenter. Not a bad cook either. The boy has confidence and is a natural born leader, that's not quite true. His leadership qualities he earned. Work wise, smart, strong work ethic and the kind of person you just wish you had more.

I haven't exactly said all about him. He's on his third year of college while full time Marine. His goal is to be an Electrical Engineer or MD. In that I think he waivers. He loves to build and also loves to help, heal if in his control. He's getting old. I think he could stay on course as a Marine and do great. I'm just not sure I want to see my boy live on the edge of death. He'll have to figure that on his own

Okay, yes. I'm totally crazy about my son. I'm his dad and am extremely happy he is my son and I couldn't be happier with the man he has turned into.

His birthday is end of this month. I'm sending him some cool stuff from Kreg and a palm router from Rigid. I hope he gets many years use from them


He's a healthy specimen there Dan. Sounds like a well rounded character as well. Someone must have been a good influence on him:rolleyes: I'm proud of him for you.

My oldest boy is turning 11 soon. How is that even possible? He is starting to enjoy doing projects with me finally. I showed him how to bend conduit today. He still has a short attention span but I am happy to see him interested in working with his hands. He won't need much help from me working with his brain.

Hope everyone is well. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
He's a healthy specimen there Dan. Sounds like a well rounded character as well. Someone must have been a good influence on him:rolleyes: I'm proud of him for you.

My oldest boy is turning 11 soon. How is that even possible? He is starting to enjoy doing projects with me finally. I showed him how to bend conduit today. He still has a short attention span but I am happy to see him interested in working with his hands. He won't need much help from me working with his brain.

Hope everyone is well. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Thanks for the kind words Ischiavo! I guess I got a bit carried away "braggin" though.

We all want the best for our kids, no doubt about that. Sounds as though your son is coming up right by a great dad. Wait till he gets old enough and wise enough to make you think..."Huh, I'd of never thought of that Son. Can you explain it again and this time a bit slower, and speak up! My ears don't hear as well as they used to" [emoji3][emoji3]

Our Children. I believe a father's desire is two fold. One that our kids are truly happy and Two they do better in life than us. Not to say you and me didn't do well or aren't happy. Just we want even better for our kids. That's not the same as spoiling. I want my children, they aren't so young anymore, but I want them challenged. No challenges in life makes mediocrity...something like that[emoji3]

On a different note

Bitcoins. Are they worth your time and money? They are like the metric system to me. It was a great idea but there has yet to be a full paradigm shift.
No idea about bitcoins. Seems that anyone using them is doing something questionable. I've been meaning to look into it myself :)

Freaking rats I hate hate them. Gawd. They've decided to get in my attic. I've killed a few, but I'm going nuclear on their asses now. Come out and play you stinky little f'ers, I'm ready tonight.

For your late nite soundtrack, late nite denizens, Offspring. I know I'm not the only one who bangs their head to this one.

Pappy I'm not able to play videos on HBT. I can watch Netflix, Amazon, YouTube on their sites but no video on HBT. All started when I switched to an iPhone 6.

I don't like rats much either. When I lived in Hawaii last time there was a big mango tree close to the cottage. Rats would climb the tree and cross the limb to our roof. From there they'd get into the attic somehow. We'd hear them running across the attic at night sometimes and there were holes In our screens where the little M-fers tried (and succeeded) to enter the house. Hawaii rats are big! But they can get through small holes.

One day according to my wife ( I was deployed at the time) a rat was climbing up the living room wall. My wife got a broom and pinned it against the wall. Then my stepdaughter grabbed a paper bag and held it under the rat. Wife pulled the broom away and rat fell into the bag. They threw the bag into the trash bin but an hour or so later they put more trash in the bin and the rat was gone. Good story. I don't really know though if they caught a rat or mouse. My wife sometimes exaggerates[emoji3]
My oldest daughter is getting married beginning of next year. The proposal was last November so about 14 months heads up. I've mentioned in previous post I'm to make a kegerator for some commercial and homebrew beer. That's work in planning. Spell check changed work to wort, I fixed it but that word isn't far from the truth.

Newest project for the wedding that my wife and I actually made some headway on is baskets for center pieces. Flowers will go into them. Thirty is the requirement. I think we cut enough wood for 32 and there is a few bits and pieces left over for fup's

Here's some pics
Me making some basic width cuts
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My wife doing some curved corner cuts. I did quite a few prior to this with a dull blade and said that's it. We need a new blade. Then Jan cut a bunch. Of course she said "this is easy I don't know why you complained so much". Lesson learned - use sharp tools from the beginning

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Wife decided to pick plumeria and make Leigh's during the project
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The first few "kits"
First of the 30 some
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All 31 boxes ready to be built
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The product
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A little jig I made to hold the sides up when putting everything together
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The two baskets above are not the same height. So much for freehanding it. This little project got me interested in building things again. I see a contractor table saw in my near future. I can justify it to my wife as a work tool. Wouldn't be a lie just a bit of a stretch.
No-one will notice the height difference when the baskets aren't next to each other. There is something else different about the two also. The bottom seems shallower on the short one when compared to the side slats. Is the bottom attached differently between the two? Could be just a trick of the light.

The same interest struck me amidst a partial remodel. I built my wife a ginormous home entertainment center and then I amassed a nice collection of tools in my garage that I have precious little time to use. Some aren't even completely set-up and "tuned". It's sad really.
I agree Gil's, nobody will notice. Just me [emoji3]. The bottoms are all the same height. That last pic of the jig holds the at the same height and then a cross piece Is attached and the bottom slats are tacked to it.
G'evening guys. I feel I've been neglecting the group a bit. We finally got some rain and OMG has the grass decided to go into overdrive mode. Work has had me swamped until recently. We just wrapped up a Rock The South concert that we host every year following some tornadoes that ran through our city 5 years back. This years event attracted over 45,000 peeps. The leg work leading up to the event is backbreaking, but it's over and done with for the year.

I've been busy at home building tomato cages over the past cpl days. I'm really late into the game and I hope I've not waited too long as the wind has already laid a few over. If I don't do some serious weeding this weekend, along with placement of the cages, I'll be in a deep mess. Add to this, that apparently the farm store mislabled some bush beans for pole beans, I now have about 250' of beans to put poles with. I'll take a trek down to the pond area and start collecting bamboo poles. Sad that all this effort to collect the bamboo, would have made a dang good tiki bar. lol

Anyway, I have 8 more hours of this shift left. Not been a bad shift yet, so I'm not fussing.

Big. I just wish I could grow some damn bamboo around here.

I'd love to put in a small, contained, bamboo grove.

Problem is the contained part. That stuff is worse than Bermuda around here. Have to install root barriers to keep it from spreading. Did it with a friend once and it was a PITA. We poured 12" deep barriers and the bamboo still got a jail break.
Dan, cutting wood is one of the most satisfying things. The smell of sawdust has some sort of primal appeal to me. I love projects that require it (always an excuse to get another new tool :) ) I've built similar type containers as portable project boxes. I cut and glue dowels where the nails would go - much more sturdy. I use them for toting tools around the house when I'm working on something - better than having the tools scattered all over the work area. I line the bottom outside with felt and the inside with cork.

Caught 3 rats yesterday. I know there's at least one left - saw his fat ass yesterday. He's the biggest, like the rat king from the Nutcracker (man I hope I don't start dreaming about giant rats like the girl in the play). They have been snooping around in my garage, sniffing the bulk grain bins. Gawd I hate those smelly basterds.

Bamboo, I have it growing behind my house. I have the small variety that stays under 1" thick, and about 20' tall. My neighbor lined the back of his yard with the giant stuff. Must be 50' tall, each one is 2-3" thick. When it's windy you can hear the stalks bumping against each other. We have a stream that runs behind our houses that keep them growing tall all year. The problem with the stuff is that it sends tendrils under the ground and you have new bamboo popping up randomly all over the place. Nothing my mower or the brushcutter can't handle though.

Heading out for a bike ride now, then mow the lawn, then hitting the local country club with wife and friends tonite. Have a good wkend late niters.
Pappy!! Sounds like I have a ways to go in keeping up with your wood projects[emoji195][emoji2]. I do like the idea of dowels. Truly you gave me something to think about adding to make my next project better, stronger!

Remember rats are rats, no room in your soul to hate them although I kind of feel the same way about mosquitoes and centipedes. It's like why are they here?

I love bamboo. It provides a good amount of shade and when the wind rustles through it - just peacefull fantastic. But yea man. The tendrils find places 30 feet away. A lawnmower does do a great job holding them at bay. I wonder what would happen it the back lawn in the Cali house wasn't mowed for a year. OMG. It would be a bamboo field! Scary. Also a fire issue. When those things dry out they're flammable as gasoline. That might be a stretch but they're very flammable. I wish my wife and I would have planted them with a little more knowledge of their growth potential. They're really a liability now more than just a yard ornament. We planted them wrongly

Cheers my friend!
I think there are a few varieties that may grow up north. I'll have to do a little more searching. I think it would be fun to make stuff with.

Gotta love the original. No video I guess. Live band at a grad party played this tonight. I also got some homebrew there. Good night it was;)

Not sure this link will work but I'm going to give a shot. Just a silly video that's hard to hear what's being said, it's s bit awkward. It's just life[emoji3]

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Hate to see women using power tools of any kind. Yep, I'm showing my chauvinistic side. Don't care. I know they can do it, but if I cut off the end of my finger, no biggie. Them, biggie.

Here's the toolbox totes I make - no metal in them. The black dots on the end are the thin dowels I cut into pegs (not sure why the end of the dowels are brown, maybe I stained them, can't remember). You can buy a thin dowel and cut it with snips, then clamp and drill where you want them, etc. They can be sanded, and they'll never rust or loosen once glued. Lifetime gadgets.

It's probably not what you'd do for gifts at a wedding, but for your own stuff, think about it.

Ischiavo, I'm super happy you are still on this site. I haven't given up on shooting the **** and drinking beer together. What's it Four five years we've been acquainted? I hope that goes on for a lifetime my friend

Heart is saddened today. Horrific violence in Florida. It's not right. It's not right.

Peace love and energy to those of you affected by this insane brutal disastrous terroristic mean astronomically horrendous bully


There is to much in life good to hate those different from us. Or are we different?

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Heart is saddened today. Horrific violence in Florida. It's not right. It's not right.

Peace love and energy to those of you affected by this insane brutal disastrous terroristic mean astronomically horrendous bully


There is to much in life good to hate those different from us. Or are we different?

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I couldn't agree more Dan. No matter what your beliefs, religion or feelings. No one has the right to kill another unless in self defense.
Not sure what happened to my last post

thankyou for your reply SFgoatThere's some ugly hate in this world. Always has been I suppose. I'm not really sure how to deal with it. Tell my grown kids how to respond in a situation like this? I'm not worried about myself, I've had a pretty good run at life. But our kids, they're just getting started. Different world they are growing up in than we did. Yah war has always been around. But brutality on my front porch. That pisses a guy off. I feel sorry for the shooters family, sort of. They'll carry his evil on their backs forever....if they're normal folk.

Really this is a terrible day in our country. I'm not going to get political and generalize. But will say the USA should retaliate.

I support and defend the Constitution of The United State of America against all enemies foreign and, AND domestic.
Howdy hey late niters. Hockey game is on intermission, thought I'd check our favorite place on the webz. Yea, pretty screwed up in Orlando. Prolly don't need nuts with automatic weapons IMO. What's up with that.

For your late night soundtrack, John Lennon. I think it's been posted here before, but what a sentiment. Good evening folks.

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Not my best work but they'll do. Dewalt Impact driver's battery is worn out. We're done for today

I'm tired


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