I like this time at night on HBT

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A sad day for America. Lennon lifted my spirits. Thanks, passed.

Dan, I PKUd on your son and daughter doing very well for themselves. Congratulations all around. You raised some excellent human beings. Good job, buddy.
A sad day for America. Lennon lifted my spirits. Thanks, passed.

Dan, I PKUd on your son and daughter doing very well for themselves. Congratulations all around. You raised some excellent human beings. Good job, buddy.

Thank you my friend. I think they're better human beings than me though. Truly
Today is so sad. Evil I do know exist. Not something we want to be faced with daily though. Am not a tree hugger or liberal or Democrat or Republican. I am man! And I'm not.a bad one.

Life is precious. I'm terribly sad one person destroyed many yesterday. This event makes me want to take up arms again
I will not
Life is precious

Remember rats are rats, no room in your soul to hate them although I kind of feel the same way about mosquitoes and centipedes. It's like why are they here?

I killed king rat tonight.

The traps I use are sticky, which means they step on the trap, they stick, and the more wriggle the more they stick. Eventually they are stuck on their side. But it doesn't kill them. I did see one rat eventually get back on his feet, after tearing all his hair out. That was it for him though.

So, tonight king rat, a biggie, got stuck. I shoveled his anxious body and trap off the floor and dropped into a bucket of water. Oddly, it floated like a boat, so I capsized the thing and he hung under it, under the water. He managed to swing his head around the trap and get his whiskery nose out of the water. No way he'll last the night like that though.

I feel like a monster, I really do. I can't stand rats, but I also don't enjoy torturing them. If I was religious I'd be looking for absolution. But I'm not, so I'm typing this and working through the guilt on my own. Nothing a little beer and some light reading won't cure. (I'm a monster!)
A guy I knew a long time ago told me that back in the day they'd float a bunch of grain in a barrel of water, then slope a plank up the side of the barrel. Rats would run up the ramp and jump in and drown. That might be true, but I've seen rats crawl right up the corner of a wall. I think they'd get out of a barrel. Maybe not.
Those sticky traps work great but I've sworn them off. I can't bring myself to use them anymore because I do feel like a torturous monster when I used them. The animals starves or dehydrates to death. I used to put the box under my car tire and run them over. It's brutal but quick. I will never use those type traps again. The big neck breakers are good. Instant death I hope.

I think my hippy Buddha soul is more prominent these days. So much killing in this world. I don't even want to kill a centipede right now.
Those sticky traps work great but I've sworn them off. I can't bring myself to use them anymore because I do feel like a torturous monster when I used them. The animals starves or dehydrates to death. I used to put the box under my car tire and run them over. It's brutal but quick. I will never use those type traps again. The big neck breakers are good. Instant death I hope.

I think my hippy Buddha soul is more prominent these days. So much killing in this world. I don't even want to kill a centipede right now.

They neckbreakers don't seem to get my rats. I think they have them figured out.
They neckbreakers don't seem to get my rats. I think they have them figured out.

I've lived in Florida. Them St Pete rats is smart. ;)

I hate rats, the give me the heebie-jeebies.

My rat story: About ten years ago I was cleaning a shed at my mother's house in Michigan. It was obvious that there was a lot of rat activity in the shed, but I hadn't seen any of the little bastards. I was down to the last box of crap. I looked into it and saw a really nice set of jumper cables, so I reached into the box to pull them out...as I did a rat about the size of a German Shepard around in the bottom of the box. As I recoiled in terror I went "NEeeenyaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa"

My kids still make fun of me for that noise...
...or a .22 pistol with CB caps? Woke up about 2AM with the lump on my L2 vertebra hurting like all to be dammed. Not so bad this early sometimes.
...or a .22 pistol with CB caps? Woke up about 2AM with the lump on my L2 vertebra hurting like all to be dammed. Not so bad this early sometimes.

I feel for you man, sounds like painful ****. My knee keeps me awake some nights and slows me down some days. I would guess chronic L2 pain is extremely more uncomfortable.

Can you say the name of your books again and where to find them, unionrdr?
Stopped during my bike ride to take a pic a Florida native. Just outside Philippe Park.


Do cars hit them often? Our version of your gator is the whitetail deer. They don't eat many people but they are good at getting hit by cars.

We had a nice party for my oldest son's 11th birthday today. Cannot believe he is 11. Where does time go? I smoked a few pork butts. Wifey made all the sides. We ate well. Most of the family came over and we finished off with a nice campfire in the backyard.

It was hot for us yoopers today. So, of course, I spent half the day on my brother's roof. We're doing one of those double roof things which seem to work great in our climate.

Well, happy Father's day dads. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Do cars hit them often? Our version of your gator is the whitetail deer. They don't eat many people but they are good at getting hit by cars.

We had a nice party for my oldest son's 11th birthday today. Cannot believe he is 11. Where does time go? I smoked a few pork butts. Wifey made all the sides. We ate well. Most of the family came over and we finished off with a nice campfire in the backyard.

It was hot for us yoopers today. So, of course, I spent half the day on my brother's roof. We're doing one of those double roof things which seem to work great in our climate.

Well, happy Father's day dads. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Nah. Gator hits on roads is pretty rare. They stay in the water. Regardless of what you see on the news, gators are not a nuisance down here. Yes, they are everywhere, in every ditch and pond. But they mind their own business. Mostly :)

Happy Father's day bud. My #2 and #3 are home now, tomorrow it'll be #1 and #2. All in college, so it's a shuffle sometimes.
Hey all. Centipedes are the outdoor nuisance here in the land of Aloha. They ain't cute, in any way.

My wife saw a small, 5.1cf freezer along our street tonight (monthly bulk disposal time of the month). We brought it home but sounded like glass bottles rattling around inside. There weren't any, it's the compressor internals knocking around. I powered it up and was surprised to hear the compressor start and run quietly. I put a glass of 78 degree tap water in it around 9pm my time. I'll check in the morning. I don't need a freezer just a ferm chamber. If it chills down well I'm going to take an amp reading. Would have tonight but my amp meter is as work.

Wish me luck!

Not sure I'm familiar with those, Dyna. My HVAC skill is pretty basic. I understand the theory but putting that into corrective action is different.[emoji4]
This past month I've been buying my son, (he'll be 28 end of this month) tools. For me it's a celebratory month in many ways. Mostly it's because I couldn't be prouder of my son and it's his birth month. When I was unemployed he was my rock. He still is!

Please Trust me about some thing. I was not always there with him. I'm not talking I missed a birthday, aholiday or Christmas's with him once or twice. It's or more like 15 or so.

I didn't want to be a dad like that. Partly it was my military career and partly, a effing divorce with his mom 12 years in

I have no idea why I'm telling you all this. I'm just really happy this month for a few reasons. Somebody once told me I show my heart on my sleeve. I guess I do. But have no idea how much that makes sense to the younger crew - No tattoos involved there guys. [emoji1]

I lost Danny's grandpa and grandma, my Dad and Mom, way, way to early in life. I will not do that to my son and daughters. My ex is way to stubborn to go early too. [emoji4]

FU cancer. You bastard


My prayer;
May peace be with you and with me
Those two truths should always be
Life doesn't always smile upon us
Unless you look upon hard and good as a truss
To my fellow man I trust in you
Without you all we'd have no crew

Miss Exstrand

She was my first grade teacher in 1970. I think she was at least 200 years old. She was skinny and had shriveled skin and she was mean. Textbook She never used a ruler on your knuckles or maybe I blocked that out of my memory. I'm still left handed. She did make a girl pee in her dress in front of the class. The girl asked if she could go to the bathroom. Miss Exstrand said no. The girl really had to go. And she did. Standing up in front of us all, she just couldn't hold it any longer.

Miss Exstrand is one of three teachers I remember the names of throughout K-12. Well I do remember one more. High school gym teacher, Mr Mavis. Tough ass guy sort of. He seemed really old when I was 15 which means his age was I'm guessing late thirties. One day A few of us were cutting through the basketball court to get back to class after lunch. Mr Mavis was doing sit ups on the gym floor. He said to us he works out and we should too because if we kept our lifestyle up without working out then by the time we were 40 we wouldn't be able to "get it up". (That's really most probably true advice) One day in his office He also explained how he saved 30% on shaving cream because he had a mustache. [emoji1]. A couple years after I graduated high school and had joined the navy I was home on leave. I went to the high school Friday night football game with a few friends I'd grown up with. Mr Mavis who had been the football coach for years wasn't any longer. He was in the ticket booth. Still looked the same to me, big cheesy 1970's mustache and school logo windbreaker on. He didn't let us in!! I guess my old friends had burnt some bridges while I was gone. When you're young you do stupid ****. I'm old now and look back....man I did a lot of dumb. It's life

I truly respect Mr Mavis. He was a good guy, he was "Coach". Used to always wear a white pullover school shirt with a whistle around his kneck. He was an athlete at one point. Tough guy who decided to be a high school teacher. I haven't seen him in 32 years but still remember him. He's a good man. It'd be pretty cool to drink a beer with him.

Miss Exstrand? I'm sure she was not nearly as terrifyingly mean as I remember

Ps. The friends I mentioned at the football entryway One is now a civil engineer, husband and father. He is a respected member of the community and church. The other friend is still working at the same grocery store he worked at as a teenager. Only difference between now and then. He bought the place. He owns it!


A roll I'm on. Just rambling


I'm in love with it. I dont eat bacon often, mostly just on occasional weekends
Some neighbor is cooking some now and the smell is good. I think they left it on the frying pan a little to long, judging the aroma.

It's ok. Still baconk
To HBT folks

May the sun shine upon you even on cloudy days
May your life be filled with love and laughter, may this be your stay
All my best to you and yours
That really ain't a big chore

Bless you all today
Life is pretty good
Hooray!, hooray!! [emoji4][emoji4]
Ive been around 50 plus years or so. I was a warfihgter for a good part of them. Not anymore. Eff. No I'm not going to give up my pension. If that makes me a bad and the weak man, so be it. Not why I'm posting tonight

You ever heard the we are the world song.

That's how I feel these days. I make a difference. Im not to sure how I will. But I Will!!

Sent from my iPhone
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We are the world.

We are us

I have to start making a difference. My life has pretty much been blessed. Plenty tough times I've been through. Ghastly really. But overall if I look at my life, very fortunate.

I'm really just not sure how to help out. Ii'm not rich, not a celebrity. I'm just me
Dan, you were def on a roll. When you do that, I think of this song (not the first time I posted this here). My wife's dad always plays (and sings!) this on the piano when he visits. He does a pretty good job with it, but I don't think his fingers work as well now. Probably time for me to learn it and carry on. I've got the sheet music, just have to sit down and do it.

For your late nite sountrack, Sons of the Pioneers. Marty Robbins did it too, that's the one I'm familiar with, but this was the first thing I saw when I looked up your tube.

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Dan, you were def on a roll. When you do that, I think of this song (not the first time I posted this here). My wife's dad always plays (and sings!) this on the piano when he visits. He does a pretty good job with it, but I don't think his fingers work as well now. Probably time for me to learn it and carry on. I've got the sheet music, just have to sit down and do it.

For your late nite sountrack, Sons of the Pioneers. Marty Robbins did it too, that's the one I'm familiar with, but this was the first thing I saw when I looked up your tube.


Hey Pappy [emoji3]
For whatever reason I can't always play tracks from this site, I can post them though. Weird?

I looked at the album picture and Sons of the Pioneers label and searched YouTube. Pretty sure I found the song (straight from YouTube always plays - no idea the difference). Pretty sure the song is Cool Clear a Water of a vintage 78 gramophone - that's what the title said. [emoji3]

As always, Pappy I'm truly blessed to know you and for your support. Youve always helped me see things differently over the years. Even on the riddle thread you had to sometimes explain the answer to me even after it had been given. [emoji4]

Cheers to you my friend. Cheers Pappy!

