I like this time at night on HBT

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Evening Ladies and germs. Hope you all are doing well. I only know from this thread of course.

Dan, you I worry about. I do think you need to seriously get your **** together. I'm not sure what exactly your sitch is, but maybe PM me and we talk.

The rest of you pukes (ladies excepted, of course), this is for your late nite soundtrack. Groove Armada - Suntoucher.

Oof, I felt like crap this morning. I was up late making cheese last night, and digging to the bottom of a keg of beer. Ouch. What was I thinking. I barely even remember posting the post above.
Good on ya. What kind of cheese did you make? I have only made mozzerella once. It was great and I do not know why I haven't made it again.

Farmhouse cheddar with chives. I fell asleep right after cutting the curds. I needed to let the cut curds rest for 30 minutes so I layed down. Woops. Woke up this morning and got them into the press, but I'm afraid it won't knit into a proper wheel. Curds were super tight when I got them out of the whey.

I've made two good mozzerellas and about 10 bad ones. I might never try again. Regardless of what they say, that is NOT a beginner's cheese.
Farmhouse cheddar with chives. I fell asleep right after cutting the curds. I needed to let the cut curds rest for 30 minutes so I layed down. Woops. Woke up this morning and got them into the press, but I'm afraid it won't knit into a proper wheel. Curds were super tight when I got them out of the whey.

I've made two good mozzerellas and about 10 bad ones. I might never try again. Regardless of what they say, that is NOT a beginner's cheese.

That sounds good. Love chives! Maybe you found the secret and it will be the best ever.

At least I know where to get some advice for the next batch now;)
That sounds good. Love chives! Maybe you found the secret and it will be the best ever.

At least I know where to get some advice for the next batch now;)

I've been posting a bunch in our cheese forum on HBT. I just posted this picture a couple of days ago. I've been gnawing through this absolutely perfect blue cheese I just finished.

Pappy. Thanks. That's the second time you've offered a one on one talk. You're a very good fellow.

I'd just like to sit down with you and Ischiavo and most everybody here on this time of night. Talk, drink a couple beers, cigars if you got em 😄 shoot the ****.
I just found out that I have been anonymously gifted a lifetime membership! I am really floored. What an awesome gift! I may be wrong but my list of suspects is rather short. I highly suspect that my benefactor has posted in this thread though so here is where i will leave my very sincere thank you. I hope you find it here and hope I can repay your kindness someday.

Passed, that is some fabulous looking cheese there. One of my favorites. My grandpa got me started on it when i was very young. It was great because none of the other kids would touch it. I always ate anything and everything;)

Dan, I do hope we can meet up someday. You know you are welcome here if you ever find yourself in the UP.
I'd like to make cheese, but I'm determined to crack sourdough first.

Been busy teaching 3 nights a week (too much) doing the day job, son in scouts and baseball, and working on this year's So Cal Homebrew Fest (back on now that we got the law fixed)
I'd like to make cheese, but I'm determined to crack sourdough first.

Been busy teaching 3 nights a week (too much) doing the day job, son in scouts and baseball, and working on this year's So Cal Homebrew Fest (back on now that we got the law fixed)

Run your own company and you won't ever use the term "day job" again :)
Hi everyone!

PP that cheese looks fantastic!

Dan, it was good chatting today. We'll get that beer and stogie together someday!

lschiavo, I hope you have been well. How is work? Congrats on the gifted membership. You deserve it!

LRB, it sounds like you are indeed a busy man. I'm betting you do a good job on that sourdough.

I went on a diet as a New Year resolution. Well... it's the first time in my life that I have stuck with the resolution. I have cut my beer consumption down drastically. As well as improving eating habits. I'm down 13 pounds since New Years day. I have a long way to go, but feeling motivated. Fridays and Saturdays are my beer drinking nights ( I cheat and have just one usually mid week, though), so I am really looking forward to tomorrow. I have a lot of homebrew on hand, and at my new rate of drinking it will take a long time to finish it. First world problems..

Anywho.. I hope all of you are well, and enjoying life!
Hi everyone!

PP that cheese looks fantastic!

Dan, it was good chatting today. We'll get that beer and stogie together someday!

lschiavo, I hope you have been well. How is work? Congrats on the gifted membership. You deserve it!

LRB, it sounds like you are indeed a busy man. I'm betting you do a good job on that sourdough.

I went on a diet as a New Year resolution. Well... it's the first time in my life that I have stuck with the resolution. I have cut my beer consumption down drastically. As well as improving eating habits. I'm down 13 pounds since New Years day. I have a long way to go, but feeling motivated. Fridays and Saturdays are my beer drinking nights ( I cheat and have just one usually mid week, though), so I am really looking forward to tomorrow. I have a lot of homebrew on hand, and at my new rate of drinking it will take a long time to finish it. First world problems..

Anywho.. I hope all of you are well, and enjoying life!

Hey Stauff,

Nice to SEE you again. Work is slow now but good prospects coming up. I am enjoying a little time to catch up on projects. I am setting some tile in my bathroom today. It's you that does tile right? If so, come on over...I have plenty of beer and stogies;)

Nice job with the weight loss. I always gain some in the winter. Last few years, It's been tougher to keep my girlish figure. I weigh myself nearly every morning to try to stay on top of it. Seems to help a lot.
Hey Late Niters! Friday nite, I hope nobody is reading this because you're too busy celebrating your awesome lives! But if so, here's a ditty for your late nite soundtrack. The wonderful Leon Russell, Stranger in a Strange Land. I think I read a sci fi book a long time ago with the same title, but I might be mistaken.

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Was it an alien dude that was being kept at a hospital and hit on by earth chicks? That's all I remember.

That's the one. He was born on a space ship headed to Mars. He was the sole survivor and raised by the Martians. He was sent back to Earth 25 years later and had to cope with meeting earthlings (including a hot nurse). I'm sure I just massacred the plot.
This is what a pineapple looks like when it begins to fruit. This plant is about 1 to 2 years old

I had a friend who grew lots of pineapples in pots. He had them everywhere. He ended up writing kids books. I went to an "author's signing" event at a Barnes & Noble where he was signing books. His book was awful. I did buy one though.

This song sticks in my head; I was just on the side lawn, looking at the stars and discharging a beer, and I found myself humming it. No idea what it all means. Somebody figure it out and let me know. Let me know the gender of the artist too.

For your late nite soundrack, Brett Dennen.

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I had a friend who grew lots of pineapples in pots. He had them everywhere. He ended up writing kids books. I went to an "author's signing" event at a Barnes & Noble where he was signing books. His book was awful. I did buy one though.

This song sticks in my head; I was just on the side lawn, looking at the stars and discharging a beer, and I found myself humming it. No idea what it all means. Somebody figure it out and let me know. Let me know the gender of the artist too.

For your late nite soundrack, Brett Dennen.


I enjoyed that. Thank you for sharing that. It makes you think about how good we have it. Lord knows, I have it good. I know about homelessness and being really hungry, because I've been there. I would still be homeless and hungry, if not dead, if wasn't for a series of miracles in my life. I truly feel that I'm one of the luckiest people to ever live. I've been homeless and broke without a friend to turn too. From that, I now have a family, a home, a wonderful wife, and plenty of valuable possessions to pass on to my wonderful children.

I've never forgot what living on nothing feels like. I never pass a homeless person without giving them food. I never look at those with less with condescending feelings or comments. I know, more than most, that it isn't someones fault they are in their situation. Sometimes circumstances work out in the worst way and it isn't anyone's fault. I've been homeless and without any hope. Thank God I could play a guitar well. Guitar was my salvation. I could play well, got into a band, that band did well, through that band met my wife, through her I managed to get a bachelor's degree, from there I became self-sufficient. Wow! A huge series of miracles.

Plus, I got into home-brewing. You got to love making expensive beers on the cheap. Besides, it's something educated people do.
I enjoyed that. Thank you for sharing that. It makes you think about how good we have it.

Love it! You might be surprised to learn about the path people have taken to get to you. You look at this forum and see some funny names and happy avatars. But there's stories there.

There're few among us that had it easy. That path was hard, we learned the lessons that we had to, we're still learning them. Life's a struggle for sure.

Glad to have you here. It's amazing to me that people find the time for diversions like brewing in the chaos of life, but they do. It's a testament to the resilience, the fire of the human spirit.
That touched me brother! Like you I am not really sure why or what its all about. The video is moving and again not really sure why. Thanks for sharing Brett is MALE for the record..

For your listening pleasure. Nat and 10,000


ohhh and


And I think some of her best work!


Cannot get this song out of my head...For like the last 5 years..LOL

Probably the first selfie ever..LOL

Ok OK OK 1 more from the lovely Natalie Merchant..


I almost ashamed to say how long it's been since I've listened to any of her solo stuff. Thanks for the reminder. I'll have to play some later today.

Now, it's nearly 0730, time for bed.
I listened to Tigerlily today. Still as powerful as it was twenty years ago. I'll probably do Ophelia or House Carpenter tomorrow. She has a self titled one out within the past year or so that I've never gotten around to picking up. I'll have to throw that on my next Amazon order.
Been a long time since I've listened to the unplugged album, too. I think I may move that to the top of the list. I really liked that one.
Lost an old friend but young man tonight to cancer. I was lucky enough to live in an area where people didn't move often. As a result, many of us grew up together. Brian was one of the younger brothers of our group. Kindest guy ever. Unsettling when cancer takes someone younger. Cheers to a very good man.
I have been hearing about cases of Cancer a heck of a lot recently. Everybody from my cousins teenage daughter to friends and family members here on HBT. Cancer is a real A$$hole. I am sorry to hear about the loss of Brian. I hope that someday soon there will be something found that can better screen for the precursors to cancers so they can be caught at a point where they are the most treatable.
LRB, that is truly ****ty, and am saddened to think about your loss. As we each grow older, it becomes more and more common to lose those we care about. I wish it would get easier, but it unfortunately doesn't. The most we can do is make the best of what gets handed to us today. Then tomorrow, make the best of the new day's situations.
Hey, if you guys are trying to waste time at work today, you can check out the interview I did with the brewmaster at Sierra Nevada. Very cool guy. If you're like me, you might never even notice the front page of this forum where the articles are :)


Wow! Great job with that and he does seem like a really nice guy. Thanks for the link. I would have missed it for sure otherwise.

Happy VD late nighters. I have a tenderloin feast planned for my beautiful wife and boys tomorrow. It is too cold and snowy to go out anyway.