I like this time at night on HBT

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Ok guys and gals. I'm, im. Lost. I gave up a really good job, turned down an even better one and moved to Hawaii. Since I've been here jobs are hard to find. Back in CA it wasn't much of a problem to find great jobs in around Naval aviation bases. Long story short. That luxury is not available here in hawaii

I have an opportunity where the VA will provide 13 months of training. All expenses paid.

I'm ,50 , nearly 51. I was pretty much at the pinnacle of my career and threw it away. I was if not arrogant; naive to think when I moved to Hawaii I could do as well. Believe me. I've thought about goingback to CA for a job

Hawaii, tough place to find work at what I did. Before. No market

I'm. Not dumb but my my math skills are are not great. I have recently Istarted an online math course.

Like I said, the VA will give me 13 months training. I just don't know what to do.

I'm kind of a Hands on person. I'm a good learner.

I really didn't expect to learn a new job skill at my age. I don't know what to do.

Don't be disheartened Dan. It is tough to find a job when you are currently without one. For some odd reason it seems far easier to locate employment when you are already employed than when you aren't. Were I in your shoes, I would definitely take the VA up on their training. Any training is good training. It counts as experience and helps you get your foot in the door.

As for what kind of training to take, that is purely subjective. Do some homework. Find out what kinds of jobs are more readily available on the island. Of those think through what of those you are most in learning about, or feel that you would enjoy most. Look for training along those lines. Think of the whole thing as a chance to start over and see how things go.

As for last nights post, I am with you on the close friends thing. I am an highly social person but can definitely be reculsive. It all goes in waves, super social and busy for weeks to months at a time, followed by the equivalent in hanging back and keeping to myself. I have many aquaintances, but few people I feel comfortable stopping by to see if they are home to spend time with without too much advance planning. Most of them have moved out of state too so it makes it harder or are complete workaholics. I think thats one of the reasons I like brewing and smoking meats. They can be social, but can be equally fun solo. I think the key is to keep exposing yourself to opportunities to get out and meet new people. The beautiful thing is there are many avenues to doing so. I have joined in on such things as hiking groups and other meet-up type of groups. Sure some of the groups around are more centered to the just out of college crowd, but you never know when you will meet that kindred spirit (male or female, I am not necessarily talking lifemate) and it will not matter that you didnt grow up best friends and stick by each other through it all. Optimism and opportunity is all I am saying.

I find I tend to be more of an early morning poster here, though one mans early morning is anothers late night.

Cheers Dan and the rest of you late nighters. Happy New Years Eve to all, and may 2015 be a great year!
The other day, my wife pointed out to me I don't have many close friends in my life. I suppose that's true, mostly. It's a true statement actually.

You ever watch the show Psych? (Sp?)

Two childhood friends grown up together and experiencing a life together. Close brothers really. Close enough to have disagreements and close enough to get over the disagreement.

Best friends. I'm jealous to be honest. Envious a better word

I am in this boat as well Dan. I am an extremely loyal friend but not very forgiving. So I tend to eject people from my life because they don't deserve my loyalty. Having a brotherhood with close friends would be a welcome thing to have but I probably never will at this point.
The forecast was from Tuesday. We almost had snow! We rarely have slightly cool.

LRB, Happy New Year Brother!

I was talking to my son down San Diego way.. They had snow there too! Crazy.

I do know what it is though. God, saying. I love you guys. Here's a little thing unexpected to make you stronger. What dad, wouldn't challenge their kids?

Haha.. Me. I've probably convinced some folks across this thread I don't believe in God. But I do. Probably not the traditional thoughts but ...

erhg.. I started getting religious on this thread... NOPE! Done
Love it!! Class ACT!

You know were gonna drink together some day. right? Relax with a Cigar and a nice "drink of choice" Laugh our asses off and just watch the worlds problems go up in smoke!

Cheers Brother!


Absolutely My friend Jay!

DJ, & MasterChief Coastie 😊

Thank you both for the long thoughtful posts; understanding, and encouragement. Thanks to all on this great thread.

New Year's Eve was great. A time of remembrance and thanks.

My wife and I watched fireworks ( fireworks of July 4th fail in comparison to NY eve fireworks in hawaii, don't ask me why because it will sound Asian racist)

I received a text wishing me a happy New Years. I didn't recognize the number so I called it. Turned out to be a guy I served with. He was the assistant Department Head in my outfit during our tour in Iraq. A really good guy, a brother from a different mother, so to speak. We talked of glory days😄. We talked of future days. He has done a better job keeping up with some of our old Shipmates than I have. Two of them are right here in Hawaii. One of them is my old friend DBs, I'd lost contact with him. He's still on the Navy and right here in Hawaii. A MasterChief now. The other is a guy retired from the Navy like me. I used to call him First Sergeant! He was a SeniorChief as I was. The title suited him well. Found out he is working at Pearl Harbor base.

I look forward to getting together with them soon. You spend a lot of time with people, nearly every hour. You get really close and form s lifetime bond. Then don't see them for years on end. Once you do. It's just like you saw them the day before. That's the closest I come to having best friends.

Cheers to you all
Absolutely My friend Jay!

You spend a lot of time with people, nearly every hour. You get really close and form s lifetime bond. Then don't see them for years on end. Once you do. It's just like you saw them the day before. That's the closest I come to having best friends.

Cheers to you all

Brother that is EXACTLY what REALLY good friendships are all about! By best friend and brew buddy, DC moved away several years ago. When ever we see each other its like yesterday!

Cheers Brother

In my little piece of paradise, right out my yard a person got hit by a car and died today. This hill I live on is the homestretch at the end of a workday. In the 8 months iced lived here my wife and I have had car accidents within 1/2 mile of our home and now some guy was killed. There is no reason for it other than haphazard actions, impatience and complacent minds. I think that's a reason roads are sometimes intentionally designed to be challenging. People drop there guard when all is easy
Math is like a card game. Rules and more rules. Once they are memorized through repetition; they become intuitive. Then you use that to win.
in regards to the song I posted above. Cowboy.

I like the young man singing it. I like the song. I'm old but will only grow older if youth is not part of my life. The day I tell you I don't like the sounds of music, no matter the genre, is the day you can say, Dan, is dead.

Probably the song I'm going to post is pretty obvious.. But it is a classic and should never be forgotten.

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I like Don McLean Dan. Great story teller.

I think there are two brands of music: 1) music that tells a story, essentially modern poetry, and 2) music that conveys a "feeling" through a beat or rhythm, maybe also in conjunction with colorful lyrics.

Both kinds are great. Maybe there's a grey area between them. I dunno. It's an idea I'm working on in my head, not fully thought out :drunk:

Anyhoo, here's a tune for your late night soundtrack. You figure out which brand it is. Shawn Lee's Ping Pong Orchestra - Kiss the Sky.

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I'm not good at defining.

The video you posted

The eyes!

Determination brought upon by pain

That's best I can do

Cheers and Happy New Year to you brother!

I cry every time I listen to this song! Tonight was no different! He was 38 when he died in a car accented.... I often wonder if the people that played with Harry knew they were recording such a powerful and timeless song during that time?


Have a good night..


You just posted the ultimate Dad song. Perfect.

I haven't read recently but 10-15 years ago I was a huge fan(I still am) of "James Herriot", a pen name.

He was an veterinarian in England during the early to mid 1900s and wrote stories.
Yeomen fails me but what I do remember today were some of his book names. I think they each got a name from a poem. I'll try to write that

All things bright and beautiful
All creatures great and small
The lord God made them

Erg. I've forgotten the poem.

James Herriot didn't though. He wrote books for each line of the poem.

If you want an uplifting story and you like animals and you love a beer. James Herriot stories are heart warming, funny, real and humanly
I could be am probably am wrong

The poem i mentioned above goes.

All things bright and beautiful
All creatures great and small
All things wise and wonderful
The lord God, made them all

I think I left a line out.
I mentioned the other day somebody was hit by a car snd killed right in front of my house. Today I went to the store and along the way thought I would buy flowers and place on the corner where the girl lost her life. I wanted to get some Rosemary for remembrance, a tulip to express life and a red rose to show love. No good flower shops around here though so I bought some pretty flowers and placed them with the others.

I was on my bike, pulled over to the side of the road. All the sudden a policeman pulled up behind my bike. (I was parked illegally) and I thought oh crap. I'm gonna get a ticket. He waved me over. We talked.

Turned out he didn't have any intention of ticketing me. He was the first responder at the mishap, the girl's death. He saw me laying flowers and stopped to find out if I knew the girl. Apparently he has been driving past this intersection hourly to try and find somebody who knew the girl who died. He told me he's been a policeman for 17 years and has seen tragedy over those years. But this one is haunting him.

We talked a while longer. I gave him my phone number and email and told him if he needs to vent, talk; give me a call. The guy's life was obviously affected by the tragic death of this girl. Looked as though he hadn't slept since the accident two days ago. The whole thing is senseless and so effing sad. This didn't need to happen.
Hey Dan, ever hear this one (you probably have, recently):

I hold my head up just enough to see the sky
And when we go we won't go slow we'll put up such a fight
When they fade into the dust and into ash
But all children know this pain will surely pass
Strong and wise and you are love
And When the tide it come you will float above and
And you will be one day exactly what you are
Just keep your head up high kiss your fist and touch the sky

Too late to keep the world from dying this time
Too late to spread the love you have
One day when we are ready for crying
One day I know that we'll be there

Too Late

The sound we hear it is our hearts they are the time
They're marching clear and swift the beat forever in our mind
It gives us hope it gives us strength you know to carry on
Keep fighting till the end and past the end you will be strong

Too late to keep the world from dying this time
Too late to spread the love you shared
And one day, ooh, we'll all be there

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yes we will
Math is like a card game. Rules and more rules. Once they are memorized through repetition; they become intuitive. Then you use that to win.

I almost always win at poker. It's intuitive. It's math I guess. If I really had to think about it, it wouldn't be any fun at all. I graduated Michigan Tech. I didn't have a term without a math class. I guess it's ingrained. I was about the worst math student in high school. I learned algebra because I had to pass calculus and once I was there I was like this **** is cool. I am not the superhero mathematician I could have been but who is afterall? Actually, I really suck at math and have to cheat to help my son with his multiplication table.

Oregon sucks, osu showing how overrated they were.


Green bay is more relevant.