I am a Homebrewer [video] Release

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Well that was my dirty secret... the beer I'm holding when I say 'we don't chase after trends, we chase after great beer?' Yeah it's not very good :)
If I have time at the range I may do a parody video of me shooting a case of Budweiser. Where I'm going to find a case of Budweiser, I have no idea.
I put corn in my beer.

Yeah what is up with that corn diss? It is just inaccurate. When corn and rice were initially introduced in Budweiser and the like, the adjuncts were actually more expensive than Barley, and were added for their mouthfeel and flavor, not because they were trying to save money. Other than that, cool video.
If you don't put corn in your beer, that precludes you from making (among others) both Classic American Pilsner and Lambic, using traditional formulations.
The corn and rice lines were in the original. It might have been nice to alter those, but alas, it is what it is.

I can't say that agree with all of the lines and I'm a bit at odds with the whole message, but I'm glad I did it. It shows we are a community.
You need to stop saying so many things I agree with, olllllo. It was fun to do and I think the result is great.
I don't think you have to take the video very seriously. We aren't passing judgment on anyone or anything. It is just a fun promotional video. I find it odd that people get upset about other people having fun.
The corn and rice lines were in the original. It might have been nice to alter those, but alas, it is what it is.

Quite true, Rob.

Looks like a fun project just the same, though I wish there wasn't this misguided pretentiousness about the use of adjuncts.
had to go watch it one more time...makes me proud to be a craft brewer.

as far as the B.N. pfffffft. I stoped going to that site a year ago,they(some) are more into flaming and ego stroking than helping others out.

HBT wins. this site is THE site for help,info and just good peeps.
It's easy to think of things that could have been different in the video, but since I didn't offer up anything originally, the only complaint I have is that I didn't participate.
Yeah, I use corn... what is the predjudice?

You guys did a good job, I admit some of the lines sound funny coming from homebrewers... I cracked up a little. I cracked up a little with the BN razz too. Meh, its a hobby :fro:
The corn and rice lines were directed toward BMC. I don't think the line was in the spirit of ragging on spontaneously fermented lambics. ;) Again, it is all just fun and games, I mean who doesn't like to poke fun at BMC? Evan!'s law anyone? :D
I was actually thinking we should do a more laid back, fun version, like shouting 'I'm STILL a homebrewer!' And then JoeC can stand next to the Kilterator and say 'Some of us are fsking crazy!' Yooper can say something and there can be a flashing subtitle OMG A CHICK. Not goofy necessarily, but lighthearted.

Yeah, jamesnw, get on that.
The corn and rice lines were in the original.
It was, and it bothered me in the first one too. I kept hoping that right after it showed the guys saying "I don't put corn in my beer" they would cut to Dan Carey saying "I put a ton of corn in my beer. I also make better beer than half the ******** on here who sell syrupy unbalanced horsesh!t with a gargoyle/skull/shark on the bottle."
You know, the BN criticisms on both the adjunct lines and the high-browed seriousness of the whole thing do have a teeny bit of merit, even though Justin was a complete *********.

Guess we're all guilty of taking ourselves too bloody seriously sometimes.
You know, the BN criticisms on both the adjunct lines and the high-browed seriousness of the whole thing do have a teeny bit of merit, even though Justin was a complete *********.

Guess we're all guilty of taking ourselves too bloody seriously sometimes.

It's definitely home brew pron.
I was actually thinking we should do a more laid back, fun version, like shouting 'I'm STILL a homebrewer!' And then JoeC can stand next to the Kilterator and say 'Some of us are fsking crazy!' Yooper can say something and there can be a flashing subtitle OMG A CHICK. Not goofy necessarily, but lighthearted.

Yeah, jamesnw, get on that.
I say let's do it. Throw in some jabs at Justin, and a suck it JP for good measure. Do it in a lighthearted manner and have fun with it. I'll even get my ugly mug in on it.
I have to disagree with most of you guys. The video was pretty cool. I do like the way it brought people together. But it was far from the great piece of art that some of you seem to think it is. Besides doing a video talking about how creative you are probably should not be a blatant copy. Some one made a comment that the BN contributed nothing to the universe. What exactly did this contribute?

I know that the Brewing Network is not for everybody but it is easily the most information filled media out there for homebrewers. These guys interview the rockstars of the brewing and homebrewing world. Just because they like to screw around and have fun does not negate this. If it was all info I don't think I could listen.

If you had really paid attention you would have understood that the comments on the show were all in fun. After all shouldn't we all relax and have a homebrew?
I have to disagree with most of you guys. The video was pretty cool. I do like the way it brought people together. But it was far from the great piece of art that some of you seem to think it is. Besides doing a video talking about how creative you are probably should not be a blatant copy. Some one made a comment that the BN contributed nothing to the universe. What exactly did this contribute?

I know that the Brewing Network is not for everybody but it is easily the most information filled media out there for homebrewers. These guys interview the rockstars of the brewing and homebrewing world. Just because they like to screw around and have fun does not negate this. If it was all info I don't think I could listen.

If you had really paid attention you would have understood that the comments on the show were all in fun. After all shouldn't we all relax and have a homebrew?

Well you are actually articulating some points whereas they (the Brewcasters) did not.

So to your first point, tell me where anyone mentions that this is art... or even great art.

Second, tell me which of us said it was creative.

Third tell me why a network that has entire shows devoted to cloning a beer and a brewcaster that famously cloned Pliney the Elder can discriminate original from a respectably intended tribute. Also which of us said it was original. No I don't think you will find that.

Because I believe that you buy the Brewcaster's premise that we somehow represented this as something that it is not.

Perhaps you need an original opinion and not regurgitated talking points.

You'll not hear me disparge the BN, but I know thoughtless rhetoric when I hear it and I don't care which "Rockstar" I need to remind who the real brewers are.

And thanks, I found that very relaxing.
My take on this whole mess is "who cares". Why do people feel they need to pass judgement on what others do. The video was made to express the love of homebrewing, from what I can tell it was not made to compete or better any other video. I liked the casualness of it, IMO it made it feel more like a homebrew production which should not be polished and perfected much like the brews we make.

So if everyone can stop pointing at each other long enough to pick up a glass of homebrew "Cheers, Prost, Salute" I say to you and lets all get back to what we love to do brew and drink to our successes in brewing.
I know that the Brewing Network is not for everybody but it is easily the most information filled media out there for homebrewers. These guys interview the rockstars of the brewing and homebrewing world. Just because they like to screw around and have fun does not negate this. If it was all info I don't think I could listen.
I agree.

First of all I will admit I have turned to this site many a time for diy (the forum section on that here is second to none imo) as well as other random stuff. That being said, I don't come here expecting to find a spot-on clone of Moose Drool straight from the horse's mouth. Nor would I expect to find live and/or downloadable mp3's/podcasts with professional breweries from all over. There's only one place you can go for these things. Regardless of what most of you may think about The Brewing Network, they have done A LOT to help bridge the gap between commercial brewers and homebrewers and bring unprecedented information to the brewing public.

As far as the video goes, well, I wasn't too big of a fan of the original. The followup done here felt way too serious and I'm sure that's why you guys are getting razzed about it. A spoof video of the original could be funny though.
I thought it was pretty freakin cool.Find something else to ***** about.
I am a homebrewer. - Homebrewing - BeerAdvocate

Hi Folks,

Justin here from the The Brewing Network. Never post here (or anywhere actually) but thought I'd chime in since there seems to be a lot of feelings going on. And more so just to show some respect for the BA forum.

I don't feel the need to respond to criticism of The Sunday Session per say. We are what we are and do what we do because it is what we love and it is also what works. Oh, and we're really great at it too :) (sense of humor folks...easy now) I appreciate all the comments and always take criticism into account when building our shows. Our product is public and anything that is given to the public will have varied reactions. It's my business to know that.

As for the video commentary, I said what i thought about it. Why do we all have to agree that everything published about beer or homebrewing is good? I think it's cool that the homebrewers wanted to make it and felt passionate about it, but why do I have to like it to be a "good homebrewer" or a "good beer lover". The answer is that I don't. I make my living discussing the craft beer and homebrew realm. It is my job to have opinions and broadcast them. It doesn't bother me when people don't like my opinions. They are mine and not the end all be all, no matter how loud our voice is. But when things are made public, they are open to public criticism, period. Doesn't mean I wouldn't love to talk beer with anyone involved in the video, or that I think they suck personally. I just did not appreciate the video. Weird I know.

Is it any different when Beer Advocate or one of the trade magazines posts a negative review of a craft beer they didn't like? Surely the brewer put his heart into the beer and could be offended by the review. But it is understood that these reviewers mean no malice toward the brewers in print. An honest opinion is expected from all of you, and by me as well. Maybe there is something about the audio version of criticism that is particularly offensive.

I'll finish with a couple corrections though so that at least the criticism about my commentary can be properly guided since it appears that many of the most offended posters did not actually hear my words. I did not really care about the production value of the video, although some of my co-hosts did. I get that it's a home made youtube video, so that is to be expected. Our videos suck too in that regard. We are an audio company. What I disliked was the commentary and the seriousness. I can see how some folks will like that. I found it pretentious and funny to watch. Criminal I know, but that's how I saw it.

Overall, I'm glad it was made. It's not easy filling three hours of terrible radio with zero beer information so material is always welcome. If any of the makers or participants are particularly hurt by my comments, please know it is never my intention to hurt anyone's feelings. I'll buy the beer if it helps and will happily listen to all the bashing of my show you can muster.

Prost and respect!
I cancelled my BN donation and sent an email to Justin about it. I love the BN, I really do - but I really felt that this video didn't really hurt anybody so there shouldn't have been a reason for the on-air criticism. That is my only reason behind how I fell.

I will still listen to their shows and hang out on their forum and in their chat. If I find myself coming around to support them a little bit down the road, then I will do it. I expressed my beliefs, Justin had nothing but good things to say in his reply email, and that's it. I've actually hung out with him before and he's a really friendly person and most importantly, underneath the fart jokes and whatnot - passionate about what he's doing, and that's what matters most in this business. The humor and show isn't for everyone. I personally don't care about the useless bantering, but it should be understood that it is a whole different type of community over there, and one that I personally fit in well despite this rift.
I agree, chef: I have been on the edge of donating to BN (mostly because of Jamil). Not now. These guys crossed a line that, I thought, showed their true colors. That Sunday show, making fun of a group of VERY passionate home brewers, was appalling.
BN? bonehead numskulls?

juvenile sophomoric dribble -- sorry i wasted the time to listen to their "show"
I know we're trying to get off the whole BN thing...

I enjoy all three brewing shows they put out. I even like the Sunday Session because it's brewing mixed in with a lot of other stupid crap. I think that group tends to poke fun at everyone. I haven't listened to the latest Sunday Session, I'm listening to the old one where Jamil goes off on a certain bay area home brew club.

I'll give it a listen and make my decision. I was thinking about donating to them, because I do get some good information from their shows, but now, I don't know. I mean, they have to kind of realize that this website and the people in that video are sort of their target audience, the hand that feeds...nice way to go and insult that group guys! D-bag move? Maybe. Par for the course? Probably. Short sighted? Definitely.

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