How many batches do you brew in a month?

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I started brewing at the beginning of the year, and I just brewed my 43rd 5 gallon batch at home. Generally brew once a week. Though as many others have mentioned, sometimes it's no brewing for two or three weeks, then I'll brew 3 batches within a week.

I share a lot of my brew (especially when it's not
my favorite beer). The lady and I move through a batch in about a week. I have 5 carboys and 2 kegs, and try to always have both kegs and 4 carboys full. It's a labor of love.
Probably 2x/month. Sometimes a month goes by with no brewing, but that's been rare this year.
Usually two 5 gallon batches a month. Tonight I'm bring a keg of my Oatmeal Stout and Zombie Dust to a Christmas party which will destroy my pipeline so I am going to be brewing a ton in December. Probably 15 gallons.
2-3 batches per month. My fermentation chamber only holds one carboy and I am super anal about fermentation temps so my brewing is dependent on this space being free.
I brew 10 gallons about once a month. I'm hoping to increase that to twice a month in the future but it's tough with my job, commute, son and house.
I started brewing around the beginning of the year and have done 12 five gallon batches so on average once per month, but I work seven days a week in the summer so it was more like twice a month for half the year. This winter I'm going to try for five gallons every weekend to get a good stockpile built up.
lucasxp said:
I know we all have limitations when it comes to homebrewing. It's either time, money, equipment, family, space or all of them together. So I was wondering how many batches the average home brewer is able to brew per month. I can brew twice a month, and you?

I brew once a week...then you always have something new coming out...
Home brew is the best way to stockpile water for emergency situations. Think about it.

Now work on the emergency stockpile.
I'm about once every other month or so. I'm the only one in the house that drinks it and still new enough to the game that word is only just getting out that I brew.
I brew 2-3 5g batches per month. Occasionally brew a 10g batch. I definitely brew more than I can drink. I have 6 cases bottled (and out of bottles), 5 kegs full (also out of kegs), with 3 full fermenters, and brewing again this week. Time to buy more kegs and bottles!!!!!
Although I have a keezer, I don't normally drink at home, I'm trying to drop a few pounds. I don't brew much when it gets hot in the summer, not if I can help it. BUT camping trips, hunting season, holidays, and a few other party's; let me brew as much as I want, some times more. I'll go 5 months without brewing, then do four or five 12 gallon batches in a weekend pulse partigyle's.
I should note: I have to brew a 12 batch two weeks before, so I have the yeast to do the back to back brewing.
Once a month, if I plan carefully. Could be more in the next year.

What limits my brewing more than time and money (both which are limiting factors for me) is free space in my fermentation chambers. Having a small house with no basement, I keep almost all of my brewing equipment in a detached, unheated garage. I have a fridge with a temp controller that I have used for a few years, so when it's tied up, I'm stuck - 2-4 weeks for fermenting/cold conditioning, plus 2-3 weeks for bottle carbing. I have a second fridge for cold storage of finished beer/cider/skeeter pee. I just got a CL chest freezer, and finished my STC-1000 build, and will start using it for cold conditioning and lagering, maybe some cold storage too. I might, depending on space and need, put a controller on the second fridge for fermenting, and for making sure my yeast bank doesn't freeze, like it is at the moment.. :(
every saturday..4 batches per month..every now and then I brew 2 batches on brew day.....but my average is 1 batch a week
RmikeVT said:
I average about 2 5g batcher per month. A little birdie told me I might be getting a 15g kettle for christmas, so we will see what changes.

Haha good one man. I cant imagen what a 15g kettle looks like. I already think my 5g one is huge!
SudsyPaul said:
I was doing 3-4/mth for a while, now I do 1 every 2 months. I have a 15mth old daughter that has more energy than my wife and I combined... so we're pretty pooped by 7pm, and I tend to be a nerd and play on the computer rather than brew :p

I don't drink much, either, so a 5gal keg lasts me a while.

I think i'm averaging 1 every month and a half - 2 months too.
I wish i could brew more but everyday life gets on the way
rorypayne said:
I started brewing again after a 2 year hiatus so I brewed 4 in a month to fill the kegerator then I brew one once I float a keg. And now I get to spend a year away so ill age 2 beers for that year and start back where I left off.

Are u going to age the beer in a cask? I've never aged my brews but i kind of want to try it soon
seckert said:
i brew one or two batches a month normally. If i have more get togethers or holiday parties that i know will stress the pipeline then i will brew extra for that though. I always want to have something ready to put in a keg when it dries up. I like having more choices on hand. Although i normally have my favorite out of the ones i am drinking at the time.

I wish i could go brew regurally like you man. Do you have any good spring recipes?
rossi46 said:
I brew 2-3 11 gallon batches a month. I like to brew more than drink, so I keep a lot of friends stocked up.

We r on the same boat Rossi lol
fartinmartin said:
I am averaging two brews a month of about 19Litres each
Trouble is, I am very relaxed, and getting heavy.
All will be ok if I can grow a few inches taller. I am really trying dear.

Lol you should do like @rossi46. Keep your friends stocked up!
rorypayne said:
Bottling is such a hassle hence the kegerator that fits 4 cornys... Granted the fridge was free and the Craigslist score on the co2 and reg was awesome I will never bottle anothe beer again. Unless I go commercial of course.

I used to only brew once a month because bottling was such a pain... Used to as in years ago but y'all need to keg. Walking into my garage and pouring a beer is hands down the most rewarding thing after a 10 brew day.

Dude i cant wait to start kegging the beer instead of bottling! One day... One day...
Qhrumphf said:
I typically do 2-3 batches (5 gallons) per month. Sometimes I'll do less, sometimes I'll do more. My record is 6 batches in 4 days.

6 batches in 4 days??? I'd say thats a brewathon!
DarrellLeavitt said:
I brew once a week...then you always have something new coming out...

I wish i had space to do that. Ive been seen so many awesome recipes out there but for me it has to be one at a time :/
Black Island Brewer said:
Once a month, if I plan carefully. Could be more in the next year.

What limits my brewing more than time and money (both which are limiting factors for me) is free space in my fermentation chambers. Having a small house with no basement, I keep almost all of my brewing equipment in a detached, unheated garage. I have a fridge with a temp controller that I have used for a few years, so when it's tied up, I'm stuck - 2-4 weeks for fermenting/cold conditioning, plus 2-3 weeks for bottle carbing. I have a second fridge for cold storage of finished beer/cider/skeeter pee. I just got a CL chest freezer, and finished my STC-1000 build, and will start using it for cold conditioning and lagering, maybe some cold storage too. I might, depending on space and need, put a controller on the second fridge for fermenting, and for making sure my yeast bank doesn't freeze, like it is at the moment.. :(

Space is a big deal for me too. Besides my apartment kitchen, the guestroom is full of brewing equip and the guest bathroom is my fermentation/ conditioning place lol
2x 2.5g batches a month. Mr. Beer keg is all I have, that and $25 every two weeks is all I am allowed to burn on brewing :)
2x 2.5g batches a month. Mr. Beer keg is all I have, that and $25 every two weeks is all I am allowed to burn on brewing :)

$25 for 2 gallons is too much. I learned this early on with Mr.B. Quit buying hme and get better beer for cheaper with lme/DME, specialty grains and hops. Bet you would avg less than $15 for a batch.
$25 for 2 gallons is too much. I learned this early on with Mr.B. Quit buying hme and get better beer for cheaper with lme/DME, specialty grains and hops. Bet you would avg less than $15 for a batch.

Just because I get $25 doesn't mean I spend it all on beer stuffs :p

my 2.5g batches cost me $16 for 4lb of extract + hops + yeast at the LHBS

The other 9 I usually buy a 6 pack with
I try brewing 2 5gallon batches on the weekends. I'll kick a keg in 5-6 days. It's hard to keep the pipeline flowing!!! Did 40 gallons last month.
Like many...I came out swinging: 1-2 batches a week. Getting up to 4 batches when I could. Now, about 2-3 month or every 2-3 weeks on average.