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Apr 2, 2011
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Hey Guys!

So im going to me doing my 1st ever proper brew in about a month or 2 once ive harvested my barley and could do with a little advice as my way of mashing and roasting is a bit different to the usual and google is unhelpfull about it.

So anyway would this give me a beer i can drink? Thanks. This really needs somebody who knows what there talking about but feel free to leave some advice just know that i know how to, and can malt my grains and that roasting me grains in the oven will be a mission.

Dont just give me some crappy unhelpfull advice. Like "youll needa buy this thingy thall cost you like $500" orrr "give up" see attached image for my understanding on how to brew

By proper brew i mean i have played around with using dry malt extract and ive done countless amounts of beer in a can type extracts
It looks like your process needs some work... you can't actually just boil your barley, it needs to be mashed to convert the starches to fermentable sugars. Since you are going to be malting it yourself you might want to run a search for a step mash. I don't want to be a naysayer, but you might want to try making beer with some commercially processed grain before you do this. There's a whole lot more to making an all grain beer than boiling it in a pot, suitable equipment not being the least of this. The cheapest way is definitely BIAB (search that) since it looks like your trying to keep costs down. There is at least one great thread on here where someone malted their homegrown barley. You might want to track that down for some pointers.
poyboy said:
Hey Guys!
Dont just give me some crappy unhelpfull advice. Like "youll needa buy this thingy thall cost you like $500" orrr "give up" see attached image for my understanding on how to brew

That kind of attitude isn't really necessary, there are a lot of really helpful and knowledgeable people on the forum that are glad to help.
Good luck. Maybe you shouldn't have your 6-year-old writing up your brewing plans... BOOM!!!
That kind of attitude isn't really necessary, there are a lot of really helpful and knowledgeable people on the forum that are glad to help.
yeah huh. This is the sorta stuff im talking about im 16 not 6 and i was meant to be left handed at birth but got trained to write with my right hand. I cannot write neat if i try so i don't and plus the reason i used a pen and not the PC was so i could write fast, not try to make it look nice.
I was hoping that if i said that i wouldn't get people like YOU.
So really i came on this forum for help, not to have an argument with some troller i wont ever even meet so both you guys just p**s of some place else.

I know swearing isnt aloud but putting stars is allowed right? Im sorry if it isnt.

Also thanks for the advice the first person who replied ill look into it. Just trying to get a feel for making MY OWN beer. I haven't, really, properly read into mashing so ill try and learn some on how it actually works.
Thanks again.


So the first and second guy are the same people, Kay well now i said it so you cant take the p**s. Thanks for the advice but your second post is a load of rubbish if everybody on this forum are good people then why do i get these people hating at me when i said i only want people giving me good usable advice. Dont even say "telling you not to use a 6yr old to write up your plans is good usable advice" or something equally dumb either. Im sick of you forum talkin tw*ts
not sure if drinking at 16 is allowed in NZ, but i'll assume yes.

FYI - you want to roast your grain BEFORE milling it. - there are several reasons for this, not the least of which would be that trying to run wet, growing seedlings through a mill will just create a pulpy mush.
Maybe you got the response you did because you're such a ****** bag. Now, GTFO.
not sure if drinking at 16 is allowed in NZ, but i'll assume yes.

FYI - you want to roast your grain BEFORE milling it. - there are several reasons for this, not the least of which would be that trying to run wet, growing seedlings through a mill will just create a pulpy mush.

Thank You! Reply's like this will save my ass. And yeah the thing over here is if you can make it you can drink it... well that's my understanding of it anyway :cross: and its definitely legal with the presence of a legal guardian who is over 18. How many kg ( or pounds if that would be easier ) of 6row malted barley would i need for a 20L fermentation?... approximately Lol. I'm guessing this is a pretty variable amount. and also 2row because the seed heads haven't grow yet so i don't actually know. H
Yup im a ****** bag bottle bomber.... Oh dam so basically i was just gonna try insult you saying some junk about how old were you when you first tried growing your own beer so i went to your profile and well your the man. If im any where near that much of a good c*nt when im 35 ill be a happy chappy. Yeah OK IL GTFO. But im still gonna take any tips so keep em coming
Children shouldn't come swaggering into forums with stupid, stupid attitudes ablaze, firing on those who would help you. Don't post on this forum if you're going to be an a$$hole, period.

By the way, I can't imagine how you thought taking a photo of your chicken scratch handwriting and uploading it would be faster than just typing it out on the keyboard already in front of you. You don't need brewing lessons, you need lessons on how to behave in public.
Children shouldn't come swaggering into forums with stupid, stupid attitudes ablaze, firing on those who would help you. Don't post on this forum if you're going to be an a$$hole, period.

By the way, I can't imagine how you thought taking a photo of your chicken scratch handwriting and uploading it would be faster than just typing it out on the keyboard already in front of you. You don't need brewing lessons, you need lessons on how to behave in public.

I scanned it actually and i wrote it down to try and get it sorted in my mind what i was doing and then i thought il upload it onto good ol home brew talk where people would correct me to what i was doing wrong. Dont know how many times im gonna say this but i didn't want an argument. You talk about me being an a$$hole but lets face it mate your 27 and you come onto this forum and see a thread with a young home brewer wanting to get some help on making a beer, some other idiots are ripping the sh*t out of him so you figure you may as well jump on board. Whos the immature, swaggering a$$ hole now. f*ckn period. I aint swaggering i dont know the meaning of the word and i dont have any attitude. If somebody try's to verbally abuse im not just going to take it. Unless its that 'bomber' fello. Cuz im sorry dude but your pretty much my idol, that better be home grown your smoking (tobacco or otherwise) Any way yeah please people dont even bother trying to i dont know bully me its dumb its wasting your time and mine. Wheres the tips? I need more of them. Also if anybody wants to see pics of my hop plant or barley just ask and il go take some. Thanks
not sure if drinking at 16 is allowed in NZ, but i'll assume yes.

FYI - you want to roast your grain BEFORE milling it. - there are several reasons for this, not the least of which would be that trying to run wet, growing seedlings through a mill will just create a pulpy mush.

Hey there please reply to this. Ive got some conflicting info here im reading how to brew by john palmer and he says that the enzymes are destroyed above certain temperatures 162oF being the temp all enzymes get destroyed so if this is true then roasting your grains would not be viable even though roasting is the main part of getting flavor from your grains... ahhh help. Im so confused
i dont have any attitude.

Read 100 random posts on this website. I will bet not one of them will contain as much venom/censored profanity/attitude as the posts you've made in this thread. You're out of line. This is a good-humored community of homebrewers where the only thing we take seriously should be making damn good beer. No one's piling on you. Calm yourself down and re-read your posts. Read a dozen or so more posts (perhaps while following the above suggestion to search for "home malting" in the upper right corner of your screen). You'll quickly realize that the very, very few who behave like you on this forum get a good ribbing and hopefully learn a little Homebrew Talk etiquette in the process. Wake up pal, you're out of line.
You're out of line. This is a good-humored community of homebrewers where the only thing we take seriously should be making damn good beer.

This post is about me trying to make good god damn beer, so that should be taken seriously. Wee bit contradictive.. You came here to have a go at me, dont expect me to sit back and take it
Nothing good can possibly come from this thread.

-a self admitted underage kid looking to brew something he can't even drink legally
-a little self righteous sh*t attitude

You're gonna get torn to shreds if you keep it up kid. You're looking for advice? Every person in this thread has offered some. Attitude adjustment, and learn how to search. We're not here to do sh*t for you. If you don't want to learn, not our problem.

Now do what all spoiled brat kids do. Go get daddy to buy you brewing lessons.
Children shouldn't come swaggering into forums with stupid, stupid attitudes ablaze, firing on those who would help you. Don't post on this forum if you're going to be an a$$hole, period.

This. I don't care how old you are (if you're legal), but a smart mouthed abrasive namecalling arrogant person is never welcome. Get lost.
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