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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
Westland, MI
Ok everyone here is the deal. I have been invited to a wedding in October by one of my best friends. He has asked me to bring along my best homebrew. Now i am a beginner at best, so needless to say i have very few recipies under my belt. The few i do have are nothing special by any means. Just average stouts, porters, and 1 belgium ale.

I would love to fulfill the "best" requirements he gave me. I am looking for a very complex flavorful beer. Any style except Wheat is acceptable.

Can anyone throw me a bone and help me out with a recipe they have that got a ton of positive responses from a variety of people?
You might want to consider a kit from a reputable HBS like Austin Homebrew Supply or More Beer. I think they hone those recipes based on customer feedback and they are pretty reliable.

Check with your buddy to find out what kind of beer he'd like then pick up a kit or two and try them out before deciding. You have plenty of time.
Are you going to take multiple styles or just one.

You have plenty of time to brew a few batches and have him sample them to come up with the style he would like to serve.

*edit* guess I should have read to the bottom before replying since I just parroted Beerthoven. :drunk:
I'd shoot for a marzen if you have lagering capabilities. It is going to be October after all. ;) Otherwise I'll give a +1 to what's been stated above. Find out what kind of beer he likes and try out a couple recipes. You have plenty of time to nail one down.
In Mi you could lager in your garage.

Not to repeat, BUT......If your friend likes Bud light, a full flavored beer to him is Bud Ice. If he likes good...ahem...excuse me, craft beer, or microbrews, then it is a different story.

My best guess is a mild IPA.
There is an Extract recipe I have for a Bell's Two Hearted Ale clone, If that would Intrest them at all, Also there are a few Oktoberfest Recipes floating around here that you dont have to Lager such as BierMunchers. There are Plenty of Options and everyone will help ya if you set your sights on a certain style.

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