hard lemon aid question

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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2009
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I'm trying hard lemon aid
I started my yeast (champagne) in a bowl with sugar and water then I added the lemon aid concentrate 1tbl spoon per hour to get the yeast use to the acid
I pitched it and it's been 24 hours now and there are very little bubbles coming out of the airlock is there something I can add to help the yeast or will it just take more time because of the acid
did you oxygenate the wort by shaking it before you pitched? swirl the fermenter around to stir things up and make sure it's not too cold. Next time if you're using dry yeast, there's really no need for a starter. You could always buy another yeast packet and pitch it now to make sure.

BTW it's "ade" not "aid" :)
I did shake it a little to mix it up
no a hard shake because I thought most brews you don't want oxygen in because of bacteria
I saw after that I spelled aid instead of ade
so because I spelled it aid, I'm hoping it has suck a good kick you'll need a doctor after:D
I started a hard lemonade two months ago, and I used the same technique with the yeast going in slowly, and giving the jug a swirl every day. I had low activity for two weeks, about a bubble a minute. Two weeks in, it started chugging away, similar to what I've seen when a cider fermentation gets started. It's pretty much clear now and done.

However, being the adventurous person I am, I made fresh lemonade for a base, and threw in some peels as well (a lot), as that's how people make limoncello. The result - a beverage that tastes like household cleaning products. You could clean your kitchen floor with this stuff. I'll let it sit and see if it improves, but it's unlikely. I'm going to start again with minute maid concentrate.
You can add some yeast neutrient. Not sure how it will work as the acid enviornment will be pretty harsh on they yeasties. Also, as Bluechicken said, the final result might not be that tasty...super dry, thin, alcoholic, and acidc (and not in a good way like a lambic, but in a harsh, chemical way).
I did something similar. I used quite a bit of tea, lemon juice, sugar and yeast nutrient. I made a starter with champagne yeast. It took about 3 days to start up. It finally did and fermented out pretty quick. I had read that the tea made it drinkable right away. Drinkable is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. I drank enough to get a buzz. The next day some friends tried it and congratulated me on my pruno. They said it would be a big hit in Chino Men's Prison, then washed their mouths out with Drain-O to help with the aftertaste.
well it looks like it's starting to go but it is very slow
hopefully it will kick in soon I added some nutrient we'll see what happens
I'm a little worried about the taste now can't someone tell me they made this and it was great (truthfully)