Game of Thrones

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That rings familiar, but I honestly can't recall.

His real name was Walder, according to the books, and that's phonetically close to the only word he can say.

Yea. I think they changed it because there is already a Walder in the show/story, and they are trying to reduce confusion.
I can't find where Hodor was masturbating either. I may be mistaking it for some other fantasy book series. I can't keep track of all of them.

Anywho, we've just about run out of book plots, so I'm starting to develop ideas for where things are going to go from here in the show. Of course you never know with these guys, so it's all just ifs and buts at this point, but we can theorize intelligently based on what we know so far.

1. Stansa has seen enough sht go down in her life that she finally says F all and starts a homicidal rampage that makes Cersei seem like... (Was going to find a sweet and innocent lady figure's name to put here, but the only one in the books I could think of was Stansa...)

2. Hodor is controlled a bit too much by Bran, and at some point gets over his aversion to fighting and between him and bran they team up and go 'Mano y Mano' on The Mountain in combat. Picture them as Master Blaster from Thunderdome.

3. Arya Stark completes her training and returns home in a climactic finale to find that all of the persons on her assassin list have already been killed. A girl's vengeance is unfulfilled.

4. John Snow is back from the dead. The Wildlings revere him as a God, and the people of the North fear him as an aberration. Bran teaches him how to Warg, and he uses it to make people say silly things at parties as a gag.

5. Catelyn Stark also returns to Winterfell, but she's lost all sense of humour from her ordeals. And it's a good thing too, because ever since her throat got cut her laugh sounds a bit like a Murlock from World of Warcraft.

6. The Imp teams up with Daenerys to overthrow the Lannisters. He drinks a lot of wine and makes witty remarks. So, no change.

7. Daenerys defeats the Lannisters with Tyrion's help. With the Winter coming and the threat of White Walkers imminent she sets up shop to have her dragons create Dragon Glass to be used as weapons against them and makes a tidy profit. Creates new slogan for her house, "We don't always pay our debts. If you don't like it, talk to the dragon."

8. Petyr Baelish Finds his true love, but is rejected when she discovers the true reason for his nickname...

9. Walder Frey dies of natural causes: He's stabbed in the back. This is only natural when you invite someone into your home and then murder them.

10. Cersei Lannister accidentally sees Gregor Clegane without his helmet on and faints and hits her head on the corner of a table and dies.

11. Theon Greyjoy settles in a distant kingdom where they don't call him Reek. He comes back to attend the 20 year reunion and people discover he's now a successful Banker and owns a Real Estate company on the side.

12. Jaime Lannister is spared when Kings Landing is taken due to his good looks and because he helps Daenerys. When the dust settles he finally gets around to naming his golden hand. He names it, "The Stranger".

13. Jora Mormont gives up seeking the love of Daenerys after her 4th marriage to another man. He marries a nice-looking woman from Meereen and spends his remaining days wondering about what might have been.

14. Tommen is reunited with Margaery and they escape just ahead of the fall of King's Landing. They settle in a distant land. Margaery opens a school for hot young boys. Because she has such a big heart.

15. Brienne delivers Stansa to Winterfell to help John Snow reclaim their home. She is so overwhelmed with her first successful completion of duty that she decides to quit while she is ahead and settles down and marries Podrick.
You guys are confusing the book with the TV series. They are only a rough outline. :confused:

I was rather let down by this episode. They had much more to work with but took the easy way out.

Next week's episode could be epic.............................. too bad it will only suck.
So here's my theory on how this plays out. First season Ned got his head cut off because he figured out the Boratheon son's were born through incest because of their hair.

I believe if you look at current characters there are 3 that have a common characteristic hair trait. Flowing curly hair, Jon Snow, Danearis, and the Imp. I believe they are all Targerian.

This will also fit the dragons, they will each bond with a dragon. This will then lead to the respective regions rallying behind these dragon riders to help rise up and defeat the white walkers.
I have a feeling you'll find out something about Jon's lineage next week. I don't agree with Tyrion being a Targ though. There's some halfassed evidence to support it but it really destroys the father/son magic that he and Tywin share.
I have a feeling you'll find out something about Jon's lineage next week. I don't agree with Tyrion being a Targ though. There's some halfassed evidence to support it but it really destroys the father/son magic that he and Tywin share.

Tywin's final words to Tyrion were "you are no son of mine" and previously had said "Men’s laws give you the right to bear my name and display my colors, since I cannot prove that you are not mine"

interesting too: Jon Snow's, Tyrion's and Daenerys' mothers all died after giving birth to them

the dragon has 3 heads
Tywin's final words to Tyrion were "you are no son of mine" and previously had said "Men’s laws give you the right to bear my name and display my colors, since I cannot prove that you are not mine"

interesting too: Jon Snow's, Tyrion's and Daenerys' mothers all died after giving birth to them

the dragon has 3 heads

Though on the other hand, the richest/meanest/most powerful man in Southern Westeros couldn't bribe/threaten/torture someone into admitting that Joanna had extra-marital affairs resulting in the birth of a dwarf son?

The second statement to me indicates that he certainly tried to prove that Tyrion was not his son and failed in the process. The first statement is certainly something someone would say after being shot by their son, while taking a dump.

Dany's heritage is without question right now, it *could* be that she is a pretender propped up my Vary's and the cheese monger (don't know why I can't remember his name) but it seems very unlikely that this is the case. Jon Snow's parentage is shrouded in mystery as it is with Ned's refusal to talk about it even to his wife and at the expense of his own honor, and we also have a strong indication of 'mysterious' events like the Tower of Joy and Jon's general appearance being a good match between Stark and Targ qualities. I would think that there would be more rumors and mysteries regarding the conception of Tyrion outside of two statements from a spiteful and arrogant lord.

Edit: That's not to say Tyrion couldn't be the third head. He could certainly still be the third head but I don't remember it necessarily meaning that all the heads of the dragon had to be Targ.
In the books there is a random snippit about Mad King Aerys having a thing for Joanna, but no evidence for any shenanigans going down. Some people even think that means Cersei and Jamie are half Targ instead of Tyrion, given that every-other-Targ seems to have the inbred crazy (Cersei). I don't support either. I also think having multiple secret Targs is just a bit boring. Plus anyone who would know is long dead. Just a half-baked fan theory as far as I'm concerned.

"Jaime," she said, tugging on his ear, "sweetling, I have known you since you were a babe at Joanna's breast. You smile like Gerion and fight like Tyg, and there's some of Kevan in you, else you would not wear that cloak... but Tyrion is Tywin's son, not you. I said so once to your father's face, and he would not speak to me for half a year. Men are such thundering great fools. Even the sort who come along once in a thousand years."

I agree with Arkot, no need for the 3 heads to all be Targaryen.
I'm not quite so sold on the idea that Tyrion is a secret Targaryen, there's an awful lot of evidence that points to Tyrion being Tywin's son, people often remark they are very similar in demeanor and methods and that Tywin was just being stubborn. I wouldn't put it past Martin to write it in but I'm going to have to see some more compelling evidence than "The Mad King said some stuff and felt up Joanna on the wedding night". Yes, the timelines roughly line up for her to potentially have been raped by the Mad King during a tournament, but according to what the books tell us Aerys made some comment about nursing messing up her breasts and Tywin and his family left pretty much immediately. It seems more likely that the death of Joanna Lannister during childbirth to a "deformed" son pissed him off in multiple ways.
So that was quite the nothing episode.

Teased At the Tower
We come achingly close to finding out what happened with Lyanna and Ned Stark at the Tower of Joy, but we don't quite get there. It's interesting to note that Bran said his father told the tale of the fight at the tower differently, with him managing to beat Ser Arthur Dayne, but it was Howland Reed with a stab to the back that saved Ned Stark. Ned Stark wasn't known to why did he? Was it to protect the honor of his friend Howland Reed? Also interesting to note that the Three Eyed Raven tells Bran that he's preparing him for something that requires him to travel outside of the bounds of the tree, but what?

Jon Snow Resigns
We see Jon Snow execute the four main traitors, hearing words from each of them, before handing off his commander's cloak to Dolorous Edd saying his watch has ended. No real surprise if you've been watching the trailers or done some guesswork. It looks like the Umbers think Snow is building a wildling army...which I guess he very well might be now. Speaking off...

Shaggydog is Dead!
The Umbers want Ramsay Bolton's help to head off Jon Snow's supposed wildling army, plus Bolton thinks that Sansa is heading to the wall (which she is) so it looks like a fight between Ramsay and Jon is definitely about to happen. The head of the Umber family doesn't want to bow to Ramsay Bolton for reasons that are confusing, but instead he has an offering, Osha and Rickon. His proof that Rickon is Rickon? Well that would be a decapitated Shaggydog, nooooo!

Mostly it just seems like this episode is setting things up for the next few, not terribly interesting, what did you guys think?
One does not simply end his watch...

"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my DEATH. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."

So...... Technically he did die and therefore his watch has ended. ; )
I do like how the Arya & Dani parts are progressing - Also Bran's evolution is nicely progressing as well - I don't look too critical at this show, because it's entertainment. Like Ian McShane once described the show:
"It's only tits and dragons."

ps...I liked what to happen to Olly & I appreciated the part in the episode where Qyburn gives sweets to youth of Knight's Landing for information. That cleared up a lot of questions I had about The Mountain finding that one bloke & smashing his head into the wall.
One does not simply end his watch...

Would you argue with the guy that just came back from the dead and who is way better with a blade than you are and has an army of wildlings and a giant backing him? Besides which, the vows are supposed to end when you die, it just so happens his death wasn't permanent.

Beyond that, I think that Snow realized he can't do anything from the Wall to fix the problems. Nobody will listen to him or pay attention until he interjects himself into the Game of Thrones, besides which he's had to sit there and hear about his family getting slaughtered; now it's time for a little selfishness. Now he just needs that hot redhead wildling to be selfish with, whatever happened to her?


Oh, right.
Tyrion Unleshes the Dragons (Phrasing!)
Tyrion, smart dragon expert that he is, figures out that the reason the dragons in the tunnels aren't growing is because they're locked up; he managed to unlock their chains without getting chomped or fried in one of the more tense moments in the show. Maybe Tyrion can actually control them somewhat?

That's what stood out to me, what about you guys?

I've heard some musings on a couple of different forums that perhaps Tyrion is actually of Targaryen descent, even though he may not actually know it, hence his ability to convey his intentions to Daenerys' dragons and escape being eaten or roasted alive by them. Should that be the case, it would be one hell of a plot twist.
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Tyrion Unleshes the Dragons (Phrasing!)
Tyrion, smart dragon expert that he is, figures out that the reason the dragons in the tunnels aren't growing is because they're locked up; he managed to unlock their chains without getting chomped or fried in one of the more tense moments in the show. Maybe Tyrion can actually control them somewhat?

That's what stood out to me, what about you guys?

I've heard some musings on a couple of different forums that perhaps Tyrion is actually of Targaryen descent, even though he may not actually know it, hence his ability to convey his intentions to Daenerys' dragons and escape being eaten or roasted alive by them. Should that be the case, it would be one hell of a plot twist.[/QUOTE]

I think the more likely explanation is the dragons are just smart. It's stated multiple times that dragons are at least as intelligent as humans, if not more than humans. The dragons assessed Tyrion determined at worst he's too small to be a threat and they could eat him at their leisure if he made a threatening movement.
I think the more likely explanation is the dragons are just smart. It's stated multiple times that dragons are at least as intelligent as humans, if not more than humans. The dragons assessed Tyrion determined at worst he's too small to be a threat and they could eat him at their leisure if he made a threatening movement.

That and Tyrion did tell the dragons to start with that "I'm a friend of your mother. I'm here to help. Don't eat the help!"

I think my favorite part of the whole scene was when Tyrion was finally heading back up the stairs and he says "If I ever get an idea like that again, punch me in the face!"
Interesting theory that Bran continues to warge and tries to talk to King Aerys, who can hear him but not see him (like with young ned) and it is actually bran that accidentally drives him mad.
I've heard some musings on a couple of different forums that perhaps Tyrion is actually of Targaryen descent, even though he may not actually know it, hence his ability to convey his intentions to Daenerys' dragons and escape being eaten or roasted alive by them. Should that be the case, it would be one hell of a plot twist.

I think the more likely explanation is the dragons are just smart. It's stated multiple times that dragons are at least as intelligent as humans, if not more than humans. The dragons assessed Tyrion determined at worst he's too small to be a threat and they could eat him at their leisure if he made a threatening movement.[/QUOTE]

I'd agree here. Keep in mind that, in the books at least, having Targaryen blood doesn't stop you from getting murdered by dragons. Quentyn Martell was descended from the Targaryens after all and it didn't do him a lick of good and I seem to recall a line or two about Targaryens being killed by their dragons too. I suspect they simply understood what Tyrion was saying or they were curious as to what he would do.
I think the more likely explanation is the dragons are just smart. It's stated multiple times that dragons are at least as intelligent as humans, if not more than humans. The dragons assessed Tyrion determined at worst he's too small to be a threat and they could eat him at their leisure if he made a threatening movement.

And yet. Dragons aren't smart enough to do the ridiculously easy task of removing a single bolt off of the neck latch of each other to set themselves free.
So let me try & state the obvious.................................

Jon Snow leads the Wildlings against House Bolton. They are going to do whatever he says, whenever he says it! Sansa hooks up with Jon. As time goes on more Stark's are going to combine until they are all together. All **** is going to break loose. Lot's of people are going to die. It's going to make the Red Wedding look like a PTA meeting.

I loved the way Jon just handed off the Blackwatch leadership jacket, "I don't care if you burn it! I'm done." :)

What else is in store?
And yet. Dragons aren't smart enough to do the ridiculously easy task of removing a single bolt off of the neck latch of each other to set themselves free.

But Mom grounded them, they knew they had to stay in their rooms until mom un-grounded them.
So let me try & state the obvious.................................

Jon Snow leads the Wildlings against House Bolton. They are going to do whatever he says, whenever he says it! Sansa hooks up with Jon. As time goes on more Stark's are going to combine until they are all together. All **** is going to break loose. Lot's of people are going to die. It's going to make the Red Wedding look like a PTA meeting.

I loved the way Jon just handed off the Blackwatch leadership jacket, "I don't care if you burn it! I'm done." :)

What else is in store?

I don't think Jon and Sansa are heading for the incest route, based on the books I would say resuming her marriage to Tyrion is the most likely outcome for romance with Sansa. The show might go with Podrick though.
I don't think Jon and Sansa are heading for the incest route, based on the books I would say resuming her marriage to Tyrion is the most likely outcome for romance with Sansa. The show might go with Podrick though.

Podrick is hard for Brienne.

It's only HALF incest with Jon anyway.

Which makes me wonder... If Bran can "warg" into Hodor's body, then can't Jon warg into another person as well? And if so, could he warg into a chick's body? That could make things freaky!

I'm wondering what's going to happen at Kings Landing between the Sparrows and the Loyal troops.

And where are all these armies coming from? Seems like everyone is attacking everyone, then they get attacked, and then they attack someone else, and so on. But they keep coming up with more soldiers!!
Jon might not be a Stark - remember the castle scene w/ Bran? That was Ned's Sister having a baby.

Jon is supposed to be half from his father, and half from an unknown woman. That Ned brought Jon home an into the family was always a sore spot for Lady Catelyn, who treated Jon as less than the others. It would be interesting if he really was Ned's sister's offspring.
No, I was replying to the statement saying Jon Snow may not be a Stark, because he's Lyanna's child, not Ned's
Interesting theory that Bran continues to warge and tries to talk to King Aerys, who can hear him but not see him (like with young ned) and it is actually bran that accidentally drives him mad.

i love this idea.. would add an awesome depth to the time-travel-ness that is going on with bran..

nobody has mentioned yet how badass dany is.. she does seem to come through when her back is against the wall, nice this time it was w/o the help of her dragons.. i can only hope that she cleans up the mess in slaver's bay quickly so she can be off westward by the end of the season!

oh and that preview with bran and the white walkers! so excited for the weekend!!!! :rockin: :tank:
Jon might not be a Stark - remember the castle scene w/ Bran? That was Ned's Sister having a baby.

He's definitely of the Stark bloodline, even if the theory that it was Rhaegar and Lyanna is true, Lyanna was a Stark, that would make Sansa and Jon cousins instead of half siblings, which is slightly less icky but still definitely incest.

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