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Of course you know who # 4 is....

I did wake up and brew coffee... I had some foggy brains that needed to be cleared up before anyone got on the road.

Matt M's baby is less than two months actually. She was born a couple of days after the holiday party.
Notice how PTN hasn't actually denied any of the whole "gimp", "leather outfit", "ball-gag" jokes?

He gets back on this thread after his little "vacation" to a special "resort" down in Florida and like a 12 year old girl, he read all of the posts to catch up on all the gossip he missed while away and instead of denying any of those damning accusations, he puts up a disturbing picture of Yeager's dog.

Suspicious says I. Verrrrrrrrrry suspicious. Maybe I hit a little closer to home than I thought.
This is Massachusetts. I grew up watching the Kennedys and other assorted politico crooks and neer-do-wells. I can play THAT game, boy. Watch and learn, son. Watch and learn.

Lesson one; change the subject.

Lesson two; point the finger at someone else.

Lesson three; cop to a lesser charge.

Lesson four; remind The People how hard you work for them.

To that end...

I hope all of you Mass HBT'ers will be joining me on the 16th at the East Ave Cafe in Pawtucket, where we will gather together in fellowship to break bread, drink fine beer and make fun of Cape Brewing and Yeager. I know I've let you down lately while away in Florida by not responding to the thread, drinking demon rum and partying with the ladies. But the issue here is not whether I broke a few rules, or took a few liberties with some female party guests - I did. But you can't hold a whole HBT thread responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals, like Cape Brewing at his Scotch tasting. For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the whole HBT forum? And if the whole HBT forum is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of homebrewing in general? I put it to you, Cape Brewing - isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do whatever you want to me, but I along with the rest of the members of the EAC Drinking Club not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America. Gentleman!

And Christopher, my son,

We need to talk about your name, too. Yeager? You call yourself Yeager? As in Chuck Yeager? Chuck Yeager had brass balls the size of bowling balls. Chuck Yeager looked death in the eye a gazzillion times and chuckled. You put your tail between your legs and run at the mere thought of the LeeAnn Death Star Laser Look.

"Gee, I'd love to Paul but LeeAnn said I can't."
"Gee, I'd love to Paul but I'm taking LeeAnn out to the movies tonight, we're seeing 'Steel Magnolias' again."
"Gee, I'd love to Paul but I need to stop on the way home and buy LeeAnn tampons."
"Gee, I'd love to Paul but I need to pick McKenzie up at the doggie groomers, she had a spa treatment today."

Speaking of McKenzie, Chuck Yeager didn't dress his "dog" up like this.

Just so you know Paul the Original was over on Sunday brewing with me. I did 10 gallons all grain he did 2 5 gallon extract. Leanne was there and approved. Its just you, you are a dumb ignorant fat bastard that likes to eat children and dogs with 3 legs.
Sure Chris, validate yourself by telling us all how LeeAnn 'allowed' you to brew with PTO. Did she 'allow' you to take out the trash afterwards?

To borrow a phrase from CB, "So, so sad."


Once again you show you old ignorant side you piece of white trash. I even spelled her name out for you. Hold me in contempt you useless piece of unused expelled whale sperm, her name is Leanne.
Chris, Chris, Chris...

That is just SO cute, you getting your knickers all in an uproar cause I misspelled Her Most Royal SWMBOness's name.

"Her name is spelled Leanne! Leanne! L E A N N E !!!! Get it? Oh, PTN you make me so mad I want to just stomp my feet and pout! If Her SWMBOness ever finds out I let you misspell her name she'll make me sleep on the couch for another month! Oh, you dirty old piece of whale sperm!"

Ya know, you really are obsessed with spermatazoa. Could that have anything to do with your own pair getting lopped off 4 years ago? I have a pretty strong stomach and hardly anythign gets me queasy but it is VERY disquieting to see your pair hanging as decorations from LeeAnns ears.

Opps, Leanne! Sorry!
Notice how PTN hasn't actually denied any of the whole "gimp", "leather outfit", "ball-gag" jokes?

He gets back on this thread after his little "vacation" to a special "resort" down in Florida and like a 12 year old girl, he read all of the posts to catch up on all the gossip he missed while away and instead of denying any of those damning accusations, he puts up a disturbing picture of Yeager's dog.

Suspicious says I. Verrrrrrrrrry suspicious. Maybe I hit a little closer to home than I thought.

How could I possibly deny rubber suits and ball gags?


... and if by "Post Appocalyptic Modern Art" you mean "so freakin' super awesome that hot chics will throw their panties at me like they were at a Tom Jones concert every time I walk down the street"....

... then yes... you are correct, it looks like Post Appocalyptic Modern Art.
A riot?

A riot is what is going to happen when Cape Brewing gets sent to jail for tax evasion. The IRS is going to show up at his door some day (Don't ask me how I know this, just take it as a matter of (1-800 NARC-OUT) faith the the Government of the United States of America is on the job, and when they go pounding on Cape Brewings door and walk around in the house and ask him exactly what he is doing at home on a Tuesday afternoon drinking beer and watching Leeds and Chivas on a TV screen you can see from space and then when they walk down into the basement to his speakeasy and happen to open up the door to the walk in cooler and happen to open the door to the garage with it's 8 pot wanna be meth lab... Well, let's just say that he better hope that the Aryan Brotherhood decides that they don't want to share his tender arse with the Crips and the Bloods. Otherwise his unplowed fields are going to get all weeded up and knarley real fast. Sheet, they'll be selling his arse for a half a pack of Luckys and a pair of clean socks and still feel like they overpaid.

nice... now he's going after my 18 month old son..

Any more cancer jokes you want to share with everyone??

Hey Paul, my grandmother died a couple years ago and while she was alive she had a masechtomy... got any good breast cancer digs??
Tom Jones is 827 years old. The only panties getting thrown at Tom Jones these days could double as tank parachutes for the 82nd Airborne. You EAC wannabe! You're using 800 year old yeast infected Granny panties to get that funky flavor in your Belgian beer. Oh crap! That explains the constant fever and painful urination I've had ever since that day you gave me one of your Belgians.
"No Alice, honest! Cape Brewing gave me one of his Tom Jones Belgians and before I developed symptoms I must have passed it on to you. SHEET! Hey Honey, do you think your titties are going to sag down to your knees? Hey, ya know what... Someone around here is baking bread and it smells like San Francisco."

You are SO dead, MOFO!!
I've had one glass of Clos Badon Thenevin 2004 Bordeaux. Ok ya, it was the Ridell Bomber glass but technically it was still just one glass of wine. (Really freakin' good wine, and I got it at a steal at $30.)

Don't think I don't recognise a Kennedy end around.

Lesson 5 : Claim the other guy is drunk, it make explainations of your Grandmother Roses syphalitic brazier and sourdough panties un-neccesary.
Hey Commie Cape Brewing,

What coincidental medical disaster are you going to claim next? Mom's got piles? Dad has flat feet? Wife's boob job is leaking? You have erectile dysfunction?

Listen, it's ok. We like you for who you are. You don't need to make us feel sorry for you for us to let you hang out with us. Honest! We have Yeager for that.

"Uh... Waiter, this man is disturbing us. Could you pleas ask security to escort him outside? Thank you."
You really need to stop drinking at 9am you fat drunk bastard....

One... 9:45 PM in my world

Two...Fat... Ok you got me there.

Three... Drunk. Only one glass of wine today. In Vino Verits.

Four... Bastard. Nope, I look just like my Dad and my folks were married for two years before I came along.
And you are a FINE one to talk, young Mr Christopher. I turned you onto EdWorts Apflewien and I feel like I gave my dear sainted Mother heroin. How many pints of EWAW did you polish off this weekend?
Only two. I have learned. Start each night with one, and then no more. Switch to beer after that otherwise I make posts like you, but with more spelling mistakes.
At least it's good to see that PTN's "shaving" again.

I mean c'mon... you can't be sportin' the leather thong with too much azzhair kickin'.

That would just be wrong.
PTN's Signature:You're using 800 year old yeast infected Granny panties to get that funky flavor in your Belgian beer. Oh crap! That explains the constant fever and painful urination I've had ever since that day you gave me one of your Belgians.

So, Paul and CP: is giving someone a Belgian some sort of weird sex play that you need that safety word for?