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I hope you reach a resolution with this internal conflict of yours before too much time has passed because like you pointed out, I don't have a lot left. Wouldn't you feel bad, brewing a PTN Memorial Brew on my rig without putting your anger behind and finding a fathers love?
See? This is total BULL****... I can say "Bull****" right??

This is total Bull****... now you're going to milk this lame freakin' I'm your daddy thing when I obviously can't do the same. I try that angle and it's fluckin' NASTY....

"Oooo I slept with Paul's mom"... that's a freakin' MUCH bigger dig on ME then it is on YOU.
Ya know what I want before I die? I want the three of us; me , you and Yeager to go out together some night. A night out with my boys. What do ya think? We can hit the town, drink a little, eat a little, smoke a few stoggies, slap a few waitresses arses! It'll be GREAT!
I wish I could have been there. I'm not going to blame your mother for leaving, she was young and scared and a long way from home. And I wasn't ready to be a Daddy then, either

But oh, Cape Brewing, you have no idea how proud your Daddy was when you made your first batch of homebrew. (We won't talk about the brew rig thing today, we can get to that some other day.)
Now you've blown it... you had it going and then you had to go just a hair overboard. No one on this thread beleives for a second that you've been laid three times.
Hey Cape Brewing,

What a great weekend I had! The sun was shining and it was nice and warm out. Perfect weekend of spring skiing. Just enough wind to keep you honest and the conditions were perfect. Spent the day shredding the glades on my tele's. My old man muscles are groaning but I've already had 16 ounces of my IPA to help cure my aches and pains and once I finish checking in with you I'm going to go grab another.

So, how did your weekend go? Get that brew rig finished yet?

Ahhh what the hell, it doesn't really matter. In the end you still know your Daddy loves you.

Hey, not for nuttin' but I thougth you might want to know. My birthday is coming up. I'm turning 50 on March 2'nd. Your Mom sent me a birthday card once with your painted handprint on it. I still have it. Not that I'm looking for a present or anything.

Paulthenurse, aka Daddy.
yeah... if by "shredding" you mean going down more than two steps with your walker.

And I'm really really hoping you're joking with all of these "I'm your daddy" jokes... if by some sick chance that turned out to actually be the case, I'm pretty sure I would end up in jail....

Since I would have been bangin' my sisters whenever I've had way too much over the last few years. I have to put bags over their heads to begin with but now to find out they're my sisters on top of all of that... I would be really be sick to my stomach. Although that would explain your retarded grandkids.

... and yeah focko... the plumbing on the rig is DONE!! Finished this morning. I'm redoing a few wires later tonight and running a test run of water through the whole thing.

... so my rig WILL actually be done... and you'll still be a weeble wobble.
Hey Daddy,
Can you have my two sisters both drop their drawers and jump up and down on a bed for a few minutes... a buddy of mine is missing his watch.

Your Loving Son
CB, He's gonna know the friend is me... Thanks for the cover... Geez no working brain cells in that head of yours.... Kinda like your stupid "working" brew rig.
I'm standing here watching my f'in boil kettle whirlpool like a muthafcker!!!!!!!

I just ran it through every cycle and it IS working!!!!!!!!!


I need some f'in grain!!
ok... maybe ten minutes

I've got one solenoid that's dripping a little bit and then other than that, no leaks. All of the solenoids are firing perfectly and water's moving around perfectly. I can't beleive I don't have any leaks. There must be 6.9 million brazed joints in this thing

Oooh very nice. PTN will be so proud. So when is its maiden voyage?

f'in SOON... I signed up for two different yeasts for the yeast experiment and I need to get that going right-quick. Maybe next weekend. Don't see me having time tomorrow since I don't have any ingredients at all. I still have to clean the whole thing up... I have little tweaks here and there to keep be busy on it for a week.

But... It's beer-makin'-ready. I could brew on it as it is right now.
But... It's beer-makin'-ready. I could brew on it as it is right now.

Of course, first you would need to learn HOW to brew a beer. But don't worry, Daddy will show you how. Since I missed out on teaching you how to throw a baseball and all...

Hey I decided what I want for my birthday! How about you and I spend the day together? It'll be great. We can go to the zoo in the morning, maybe candlepin bowling afterwards. Then I'll take you to Chucky Cheese's for pizza and I can get some pic's of you flailing away in the gigantic box of plastic balls. Please. Grant an old man a last wish.

Consider that wish granted... just leave my half-sisters at home. I don't want them ruining my Chucky Cheese time by double-teaming the manager, the pizza chef, the janitor and a few random dads in front of all of the kids. That would get awkward
Awfully quiet... should someone go to Paul's house and make sure he's not laying on the floor with a freakin' broken hip?

"hellllllllp... I've fallen... and I can't get up"

Can we get a HBT collection going so we can get the poor guy a LifeAlert?? C. Everett Coop says that all elderly people should have one.
Boy this thread has died. Come on CB, PTN is an idiotic old man start making fun of him again!!!! Stop with the stupid daddy crap. That is boring and un-original..... PTN is a fat lponely old man. Focus on what is important.
Hey CB

We're heading up to Sunday River next weekend. I expect to spend my 50th birthday tearin up Oz and Aurora. Think I'll bring the tele's. What will you be doing, sitting at home staring forelornly at your subatomic non-functional brew rig?


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