crisp clear taste

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Feb 6, 2012
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I've never drank home brew. I would say it would have to taste better than beer made and in the heat and cold and a month old. I hate to drink beer and have that after taste like Budweiser. I like a crisp taste with no after taste. I know draft beer taste better. I am going to start brewing beer and I guess the thing to do is just experiment. Has anyone added lemon juice or experimented and got a good tasting beer? I quit drinking beer and the last 12 years have drank wine and vodka, but they have sugar and I want to get away from that.

I'm not sure exactly what you're experiencing as "after taste", but most people start brewing their own beer because they want something more flavorful and more diverse than Bud. But, I should warn you: like wine and vodka, beer is made from sugars.

Certain beers are gonna have some awesome aftertastes and some very bad one (like bud in your taste) however as you discover new styles you'll know what you like.

I recommend going back and trying different styles of beer before you start brewing
I was pretty sure vodka didn't really have anything except ethanol and water (plus some trace stuff) so I googled it, and while you can't believe everything you see on the internet (Abe Lincoln) there were plenty of sites saying vodka had no sugar in it. So, not sure what you are going for here.
1g carb is 4calories, 1 gram protein is 4 calories, 1 gram of fat is 9 calories, 1 gram of alcohol is 7 calories.

A standard drink is 10 grams, so 70 calories. (ex vodka)

While it isn't technically a sugar, proof being alcohol won't knock you out of Ketosis if you are on a low carb diet, it is worse than that because your body focuses on filtering that alcohol gram over anything else.

Your best option is 5 ounces of wine per night. Second would be 12 ounces of dark beer.

The most fun is 5 ounces of Vodka though.
If you ask me Budweiser in those cans is nasty. Of course, you can drink beer after it's been in the floor board for six months and any would taste bad.
I find the best way is to drink as much water as you can after you finish and then when you get up. I also find when I put ice in my beer it makes things better. I get some flack when I put ice in my beer
If you're planning getting hammered, then drink a tall glass of water after each beer/glass of wine/shot of liquor.
The water really helps; a big part of a hangover seems to be dehydration. I also read somewhere that drinking depletes a specific vitamin (b maybe?) So sometimes I will take a multivitamin before bed too
+1 -- consuming water while drinking is a good idea and another good idea is moderation.
Moderation will be different for each person, for me moderation is limiting it to 4 or less and spreading them out ...
If you're planning getting hammered, then drink a tall glass of water after each beer/glass of wine/shot of liquor.

If you ever done some heavy drinking, you know this is near impossible. You'd be peeing nonstop. b
I found your solution:ban: I think I'll just stick to drinking good beer and deal with the discomfort.:D

If you drink enough, at a certain point you won't be able to feel pain :D
I very rarely get headaches from alcohol. It helps that I drink almost exclusively homebrew (relatively little depletion of B vitamins and such), take B12 and a multi before I go to bed, and drink plenty of water throughout the night.

For those mornings I actually do get a hangover, a big greasy burger and lots of Gatorade helps a ton.

All that putting ice in beer does is dilute it down, so you're drinking more water than you would compared to just drinking straight beer.
best solution? Drink all you want. Before you head to bed (or pass out) pound a 20oz gatorade/powerade. Grab another gator/powerade and keep it by your bed. Whenever you wake up, take a good sized swig. You should feel much better in the morning. The whole beer, water, beer, water, etc thing.. thats A TON of liquid for one night.. Not that 12 beers isnt.. :)
best solution? Drink all you want. Before you head to bed (or pass out) pound a 20oz gatorade/powerade. Grab another gator/powerade and keep it by your bed. Whenever you wake up, take a good sized swig. You should feel much better in the morning. The whole beer, water, beer, water, etc thing.. thats A TON of liquid for one night.. Not that 12 beers isnt.. :)

+1 on nights that I know I'll be drinking a lot I will buy two 32oz gatorades. I chug one before I go to sleep and one when I wake up if I have a hangover. The only disadvantage of chugging 32oz before you go to sleep (in addition to the massive quantities of beer that I chug in the hour before I go to sleep) I usually have to wake up in the middle of the night once or twice and piss like a freaking racehorse. The only advantage to waking up in the middle of the night to piss is that when I get back I'll drink half of my second gatorade. The system never fails.
Proposed Solutions:

Don't stop drinking.

THe others I was writing just didn't make sense.

On a serious note, as long as I am moderate with my intake, I have no problem with hangovers, though to be honest, even when I get hammered, I have very little problems with hangovers or headaches...My friends keep telling me it's coming as I get older, but in general, I'm Ok. Tequila is not ok. Vodka is not ok. Whiskey/Bourbon/Scotch/Beer for me ends up no hangover ok, but that's just me, kind of hard all physiological makeups are different. Which brings me back to my first sure point

Don't stop drinking.

(oh except for one hangover I do remember was a waking one after 20-30 hours of drinking, but hell I'd get the same headache probably from running a bunch of miles and not hydrating, for the record, there is no chance of me running a bunch of miles)

Addendum: Unless zombies are chasing me

Then I'd use a vehicle anyways..bah..forget it I'm never running.
The trick is water. And better yet, drink a full 20 oz of "Revive Vitamin Water" before you go to sleep but after you've pissed all the beer out, it's full of the vitamins your body is depleted off plus 20 oz of water.

I guess it depends on the person,been drinkin` beer for 35+ years and
I don`t get headaches-except from SWMBO :)

+1 on the vitamin water,I drink 2 everynite throughout the night
The best solution to hangovers is to prevent them, and I have found the perfect method for it. Ive only had 3 or 4 hangovers in my life, 2 during college and 2 during pilot training.

Here is my system:
Drink a **** ton of water everyday all day. Simple and healthy, I also take multivitamins but thats because my diet is bad. People drink too much soda, coffee, energy drinks etc. and most of those dont hydrate you, they actually help dehydrate you like alcohol. Most the time people start off dehydrated. So my advice is to change your drinking habits and start drinking more water, not just when you drink
don't drink mass produced beers, the other day I drank about 7 or 8 miller genuine drafts, woke up 8 hours later with an awful hangover, when im not out of homebrew or craft beer, I can drink 10+ with higher abv and feel fine
No way to completely avoid them when drinking, but I can definitely minimize the damage on big nights out by the following:

1) Take a multi B vitamin before drinking. Bonus - your pee will glow
2) Try to at least have a couple glasses of water while you're drinking.
3) Take an antacid and a few Alleves with a glass of water (or as many as you can drink) before bed
I see this guy at the bar who gets a full glass of ice and pours coors light into it. To each his own I guess
Jayhem said:
The trick is water. And better yet, drink a full 20 oz of "Revive Vitamin Water" before you go to sleep but after you've pissed all the beer out, it's full of the vitamins your body is depleted off plus 20 oz of water.

That's is it! Works like a charm, and if you can't find that blue poweraid works too. Only thing is I drink it in the morning over ice. Maybe with some greasy cheeseburger. Fixed!
Make sure you hit the head and not the closet. That's a challenge for some I know who overload on water before bed after a long night.
OK, so I know that no one is going to believe me since it's page 3 of this thread and no one else has mentioned it yet... but...

People always say to eat pasta and breads and stuff before a night of drinking. That's totally wrong. Eat only protein. If you eat a big hunk of meat before going out to drink, the protein will absorb some/a lot of the alcohol. Being slower to digest, it will carry the alcohol into your system at a more manageable rate. There have been some studies that have shown that with protein you can drink more and you won't super drunk, as well as you won't get a super hangover the next day. I'd drink water too though.
OK, so I know that no one is going to believe me since it's page 3 of this thread and no one else has mentioned it yet... but...

People always say to eat pasta and breads and stuff before a night of drinking. That's totally wrong. Eat only protein. If you eat a big hunk of meat before going out to drink, the protein will absorb some/a lot of the alcohol. Being slower to digest, it will carry the alcohol into your system at a more manageable rate. There have been some studies that have shown that with protein you can drink more and you won't super drunk, as well as you won't get a super hangover the next day. I'd drink water too though.

it makes total sense as you get a HUGE insulin response from eating a carb heavy meal as well as Drinking.
I have found the best foods to rid you of a sick stomach hangover is Chinese! big bowl of Wonton soup followed by a plate of fried rice with beef and mixed veggies...instant cure!
When I'm drinking at home, I drink water with my libations. If I'm having hard liquor, I tend towards those that I prefer on the rocks.

I also will make sure I'm properly caffeinated to my own tolerance (which is fairly high)- if you end up with a caffeine headache the next morning, it makes the hangover headache that much worse.
Greasy sausage or burgers late at night after drinking or the following morning, if you can keep them down in the first place, will help quite a bit.

Generally, the only time I still get hangovers is when I'm drinking away from home for very long periods. In January I was partying with friends several hours from home and planning to get a hotel that evening (which I did), and drank fifteen 22oz mugs of Yuengling lager in a 11 hour marathon (plus a couple of shots, I believe)
I'm a big guy, and I've got the lineage for holding my drink, so I never blacked out or lost control. I swayed, but was still coherent enough to know when I needed to go sleep it off at the hotel (and to make those arrangements, since I'm not enough of a selfish moron to drive drunk.)

The next morning however, the water debt caught up, and the massive dehydration had set in. This is why I'd already stashed a liter of Dasani and a 20oz bottle of mountain dew (salts and caffeine), and gave myself an hour to drink both.
Right as rain :)
Lots of water.
Or drink really expensive booze. I got stupid-fall-down-drunk on Crown Royal once and felt perfectly fine the next morning.
A buddy of mine used to make "Hangover Soup". It was retarded spicy but it would get rid of a hangover almost instantly...i'll have to get with him and get the recipie.
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