Holy Bad Customer Service Batman! Stpats of Texas

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Aug 3, 2006
Reaction score
Whitehouse Station, NJ
I never let it slide when a business treats me like **** so I'm posting it here as it's a good a place as any.

I was placing an order for some stainless fittings a probe thermometers for my single tier setup. I went through the checkout and noticed they wanted an order submit before getting a shipping quote. Being reluctant I called them.

Me: Hi, I was just about to place an order but was relunctant without knowing the shipping cost.

B!tch: We don't give out shipping quotes on UPS. If you need that to fill this order, you should go somewhere else.

Me: Wow, hold on, you don't have to be so rude about it.

B!tch: I'm not being rude, I'm being realistic.

Me: yeah ok, so do you add handling fees on or is it actual cost.

B!tch: We only add a box fee depending on the size but I don't have time for this.

What I can't believe is that even after all this, I convince myself to hit send on the order. I added a statement in the "notes" section that said "whoever answers the phone needs to learn better customer handling skills. It's not good for business."

5 minutes later I get an email back saying ORDER CANCELLED!

ARE you Fing kidding me?????
just reading this makes me want the number so I can start flooding them with shipping cost calls.
some thing like, hello I just wondering what the shipping would be for 1 air lock going to east bum funk.
damn shizt like that realy burns my balls.
I just ordered two thermometers from there and I think she is the only one who answers the phone.

1st call was right after order when I realized that I ordered the wrong size probes, called right up and started to give her my info, she cuts me off. "I have the order right here, which ones do you want?"
Took my info and hung up.

2nd call. Order was on Thursday, says I will get seperate email confirming shipment from UPS, Haven't gotten it as of the next Tuesday, call get same girl, she takes my info "Oh I think those are going to ship tomorrow" no checking to make sure nothing.

3rd call 2 days later, now 1 week since order and nothing from UPS
after making her pull the order to check it I get " oh there was a problem with the credit card number you gave, someone tried to call you about it" (I cgave my cell phone number which is always on--no call)

I corrected the CC number(typo) and got shipping confirmation the next day.

If she had really checked the order the first time I called it would have saved me call # 3, also it takes a week to ship UPS to NY from TX, so I would have had them already. Now watch, I'll get them with the origional length probes and not the ones I changed them to.
Not surprised, the CS there has been horrible for as long as I can remember. Be glad you didn't get the order placed, the phone call was just the beginning of your troubles from what I've heard.

Honestly, after the treatment you got, I'd file a BBB complaint on them.
I'm going to. It's rare that I encounter someone so rude in ANY situation. What really chaps my ass is that you'd think they're trying to run a business. The way she acts is as if they're doing everything they can to run it into the ground. If I were within driving distance, they'd be getting a visit. My adrenaline is running like I almost got into a fist fight.
Google results.

Lynne O'Connor is the owner, who by all accounts is understanding and helpful.

Most of these comments are old because Homebrew supplies have been phased out over the last few years.

service by telephone was decent, although i had to talk to lynn, a manager or owner at one time because the person on the phone didn't know much.

The people that I talked to until I talked with the owner were not very helpful and kept giving me the run-a-round. I finally got fed up after about 5 different phone calls and no success that I asked to speak with the owner. she was very nice and threw in a bottle cap catcher to go along with the other parts I had ordered. If it weren't for the owner the place would get a much lower service rating, other than that the place is great with a huge selection and good products at great prices.
St Patricks Brewing Supply Tx
1828 Fleischer Dr
Austin, TX 78728-5700
Telephone: (512) 989-9727

The BBB reports on members and non-members. If a company is a member of the BBB, it is stated in this report
BBB Definition:

report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB membership information, and BBB complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues or other information that results from activity conducted by the BBB.


File Open Date: June 1999
TOB Classification: Internet Shopping Services
BBB Membership: This company is not a member.

Customer Experience

Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record
BBB Definition:

unsatisfactory record - A company has an "unsatisfactory business performance record" with the BBB is based on the experiences reflected in BBB files. This file condition results when the company has failed to resolve or respond to complaints, repeatedly failed to respond or resolve issues in a timely manner, failed to resolve the underlying issues for a pattern
BBB Definition:

pattern - More than 2 complaints involving the same allegations usually within 12 months that are significant in relation to the company's size and volume of business.

of complaints, failed to honor their commitment to mediate or arbitrate disputes or honor mediated agreements or arbitrated decisions, failed to substantiate, modify or discontinue false advertising claims that are challenged by the BBB, or failed to discontinue unauthorized use of the BBB name and logo, a Federally protected trademark.

with the BBB due to failure to respond to two or more complaints.

When considering complaint information, please take into account the company's size and volume of transactions, and understand that the nature of complaints and a firm's responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints.

The BBB processed a total of 4 complaints about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period.Of the total of 4 complaints closed in 36 months, 0 were closed in the last year.

Delivery Issues
BBB Definition:

Delivery Issues - Claims alleging delayed delivery of ordered merchandise.

No Response
BBB Definition:

No Response - The company failed to respond to the complaint.

1 - Company failed to respond to the BBB to resolve or address the complaint issues.

Customer Service Issues
BBB Definition:

Service Issues - Claims of alleged delay in completing service, failure to provide promised service, inferior quality of provided service, or damaged merchandise as a result of delivery service.

BBB Definition:

Customer Service Issues - Claims alleging unsatisfactory customer service, including personnel's failure to provide assistance in a timely manner, failure to address or respond to customer dissatisfaction, unavailability for customer support, and/or inappropriate behavior or attitude exhibited by company staff.

No Response
BBB Definition:

No Response - The company failed to respond to the complaint.

3 - Company failed to respond to the BBB to resolve or address the complaint issues.
Web Demographics. They're pissing off the wrong people.
Older Educated Males with no kids and 60-100k income.

I used to buy from St. Pat's a lot. The quality of the equipment and ingredients was good to excellent and the prices are competitive. However, I found the service to be so appalling inconsistent (sometimes good, often terrible) that I stopped using them. I've heard from local people who won't go there because the people are downright rude when you walk in. If you're willing to risk order delays, incomplete orders, lack of communication, and other problems, go ahead and give them a try.

I have used them about 5 times. My experiences have been consistent with most of what was said here. Twice went well, no problem, the other three, backorders, no communication, poor customer service when I would call them for updates, very much a hassle those later times.

I have stopped using them, except as a source of ideas. Once I find what I want on their site [it is extensive and has good product photos] I start searching the other on-line brewshops that have been mentioned. Normally, one or two of the others will carry what I want.
Wow. Thanks for posting this. Adding to the list of companies to avoid ...
If you have any problems getting fittings elsewhere, let me know. I have a LOT of ss swagelok laying around.
I wonder if they chose to get out of homebrew or if they were forced out by companies that know what service is (AHS for example). I submitted a BBB compaint but it's not going to get anywhere. They're not a member and have no interest in being in good standing anyway.

Perhaps they just don't like small order volumes. That's fine... change your $20 minumum then.

I was getting 3 thermometers and three 1/4" stainless Tees to build a thermosite bulkhead. I'll just have to pay a little more somewhere else, that's all.
Bobby_M said:
I wonder if they chose to get out of homebrew or if they were forced out by companies that know what service is (AHS for example).

[Run on sentence]
They did so to keep an unemployable cousin or daughter in a job who is bitter that she is still answering phones after 5+ years and not running the show.​
[/Run on sentence]
WOW, this is the second thread in a month re: bad service at Texas HBS. What going on down there?
This is a situation where I would have called right back and demanded to speak to the owner. I would then tell her my experience and what it honestly makes me think of her business. It's always best to be very calm when doing this; because then it validates your observations. If you call and act like a raving mad man, then someone is going to think you're just complaining because you have anger issues. On top of it, they'll become naturally defensive. Most reasonable business people will do something to compensate you for your bad experience. If the owner in turn is just as poor in her customer service skills, then you pull out you ace card. That's when you tell her about the various forums you belong to...the various forums many of her potential customers belong to. The internet is a powerful thing these days. I've looked at St. Pat's website many times before and even considered a purchase or two myself; but based on your experience and other things I'm reading in this thread, I won't do business with them. It took you one post about your experience and in no time, St. Pat's has already lost a number of potential customers. Thanks for the warning.
You can get the type of customer service anywhere. I had a similar experience from Hombrewers Depot in Tempe, AZ. Tried Brewers Connection down the street and got FANTASTIC customer service. I was a Mr. Beer man trying to move up and in one visit Steve had me up to partial mash brewing with all the right equipment. Didn't mock me about getting the Mr. Beer and told me how I could use it to make cider for myself or root beer for the kids. My daughter, who's 13, and I brew together. She brews root beer and I brew ale. Web site looks crowded and a little cheesy but customer service is wonderful. They have all my business. I think their address is www.brewersconnection.com. You can google it if I have it wrong. Check them out and give them a call if you're looking for a new shop.
Erbium:YAG said:
This is a situation where I would have called right back and demanded to speak to the owner.

She cancelled my order in seconds flat and she answers the phones. What makes you think she'll forward my call to anyone that would have her ass for being a total b!tch to their customers. She could just hang up on me all day.
I also had bad experience and won't buy from a TX store. I'm not mentioning names because they have not been mentioned. Also, they were in the middle of a move or something, and I can relate.

Had bad phone with them twice.

I think service is part of any business. If the service is bad enough, sales will suffer. If they can't figure it out, maybe they should learn how to say: "Welcome to Wal-Mart, here's your fukcign basket"

I don't know anything about the place, but knowing a little something about women, it IS possible that this IS the afore mentioned owner, Lynne, and she has gone into that ...phase...or maybe this is just the shipping lady...either way, have you seen the bumper sticker about being in menopause AND having a GUN...?

Perhaps, if someone were to try to ascertain the name of the phone person, this may help us to understand...
I have never been there, but I heard that they got out of the homebrew business. I guess with customer service like that I can see why, plus the fact of trying to compete with Austin Home Brew.
Bobby_M said:
What I can't believe is that even after all this, I convince myself to hit send on the order. I added a statement in the "notes" section that said "whoever answers the phone needs to learn better customer handling skills. It's not good for business."

5 minutes later I get an email back saying ORDER CANCELLED!

ARE you Fing kidding me?????

Sounds like they did you a favor from all accounts...

I think this all goes to show you how low our expectations are when it comes to customer service anymore. Course they behave like this and it gets posted online for potential customers to read and now avoid giving them business, in the end screwing themselves.
Perhaps I'll call and place a special order on **** I know is hard to get, be a real pain in the ass about it, speak to the manager/owner, then cancel it later.
I wonder how many people are interested in one of those Niko presses they have on the front page. If they were interested, they'd probably call. Maybe they'd even call if they have no idea what the press is for because they want to ask what it's for. Just sayin.
If they have a 'contact us' link on their webpage, send them a link to this thread. If it gets to management, they'll have fits.
Erbium:YAG said:
This is a situation where I would have called right back and demanded to speak to the owner. I would then tell her my experience and what it honestly makes me think of her business. It's always best to be very calm when doing this; because then it validates your observations. If you call and act like a raving mad man, then someone is going to think you're just complaining because you have anger issues. On top of it, they'll become naturally defensive. Most reasonable business people will do something to compensate you for your bad experience. If the owner in turn is just as poor in her customer service skills, then you pull out you ace card. That's when you tell her about the various forums you belong to...the various forums many of her potential customers belong to. The internet is a powerful thing these days. I've looked at St. Pat's website many times before and even considered a purchase or two myself; but based on your experience and other things I'm reading in this thread, I won't do business with them. It took you one post about your experience and in no time, St. Pat's has already lost a number of potential customers. Thanks for the warning.

This will only make the problem worse. The person that answers the phone is the owner. She has acted this way all the time. They do not want to deal with homebrewers so they no longer cater to homebrewers. If you go to other forums and seach for st. Pats you will learn the history. It is best just to walk away and not do business with a store that doesn't want your business. In all this time no one has figured out the safeword and I don't think anyone will.
I emailed this link to them because they need to know they are treating customers like "A" holes and it is a hot discussion. I know if it were me (which I can say I would never treat a customer this way) I would listen to this feedback. Maybee they were bought out by AT&T or Direct TV. Sounds like they have the same playbook.
Wow, if that's the case, Dude, I wonder how and why they're in business. My management training says that you either target and serve a market, or you don't target it. To be annoyed by your customer base is.... well.... stupid.
olllllo said:
On notice!

LMFAO... Every time I run into a business like these, it really makes me want to open a business after college. I mean hell if they can make a living of being ********, I could do really good.
There's a saying in Austin. Keep Austin Weird. That lady at St. Pats is just doing her part and she does it very well I might add. :D
I never heard of this place, so I went to the website to check it out...I am surprised!! This is no 'mom and pop' shop...this place stands to lose a lot by bad customer service. If they think that treating homebrewer's bad will not affect their target customers buying decisions, then they are sadly mistaken...bad service is bad service.