Yuri's Brew Yurt (Hut)

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She's nearly as excited as I am that all of the brew gear will have a home that isn't the laundry room.

lol ya i bet !:mug: so glad my new house had a large shop building 20x20 now if i could only get all the non brewing **** out of there it would gloryious
I built the roof trusses today. Most of them are now hanging upside down across the top of the hut. With any luck, I'll have a roof tomorrow!

More pictures as soon as there's more to see.
Lunch break.

It has a roof! I actually installed eight of the ten trusses (16" OC) all by myself. I just hoisted them up and over the front wall upside down, then rotated them into place using a ladder inside the building. A friend came over and helped with the last two trusses and the sheathing. I think I got the roof pitch pretty close to the same as the house, so the brew hut shouldn't be an eyesore at all.

I'll give you 2 years for that to transform from a brew house to a fort/playhouse... ;)

Although my 2 year old is my brewing assistant...
In three years it will likely be billed as a "workshop" on a real estate listing. I don't plan on staying here much longer than that, but I plan on making the best of it!
Looks good Yuri. This freaking forum is making giant projects we most only dream about seem like normal projects everyone is doing. Here's hopin' to keep up with the Jones', or at least the Yuri's and Edworts, in the future.
You plan on leaving an opening up top by the trusses for some natural light? just wondering.... Looks great! Cedar siding?
BTW what do your neighbors think?
keep the pics coming! Great job so far man super:rockin:
It looks very much like a shed I'd built this summer. I made a critical error I'm going to have to fix. I made my trusses just like you did but I sheathed the roof and put the shingles on before I sheathed the outside. (Afraid of rain) Turns out I didn't allow for the wall sheathing and overhang. Now my shingles come short of the exterior OSB and allow rain to penetrate the edge of the board. I'll have to overbuild the roof to cover that. What's your plan here?
Looks good! Now hurry up so we can get to the inside:mug: keep up the good work and I'm glad it's coming together for you!

(I'm still jealous)
I'm confident I can get the siding done today. I may even be able to paint it today, but it's pretty windy (again...dammit).

A good friend and neighbor just had a 220 welding outlet installed in her garage by a local contractor. The guy is a very skilled, licensed electrician, and he completed the job in two hours. It only cost her $156 (total...including 100' of heavy gauge cable plus labor!). Apparently copper prices are WAY down. The same guy should be calling tomorrow with an estimate for putting 220 in my garage and running service out to the brew hut.
Yuri....Copper is way down. I just picked up a 250' roll of 12/2 for $36 and change @ lowes.
My project isn't as grand, I'm just installing another circuit for my spark fridge but now is a good time to be buying wire.
The overhang will be very minimal in the front. I'm just going to build a standoff for the trim so that there's a bit of a drip edge. The backyard deck is only 15' away, so it's not like I need a porch.

I'm going with 60A service from a subpanel that will be installed on the house. Any more than that would require a major rework of the existing electrical service to the house.
We finished the siding today. I enclosed the eaves and installed four vents under them (two per side). There's a 12" attic wall vent in the back, and the entire ridge will be vented. It's been WAY too windy to get anything done on the roof (the one piece of tar paper I managed to tack down nearly wound up in the neighbor's yard), so it looks like the roof will be completely bare for another week. I hope to have it painted by the end of the week, then spend the weekend roofing. We've chosen a medium/light gray that complements the house.

Since some of you are likely wondering, I'll post the cost of the project. So far, I've spent about $1,500 at Home Depot (including the framing gun), and there is very little scrap. I wish there were a better place to shop than Home Depot, but this small town has little to offer, so I'll take what I can get.


Here's the view from the brew hut toward the house. Eventually we'll put some pavers or some sort of landscaped path from the deck to the hut.


Yes, I know...my lawn is severely sick and in desperate need of attention...
Because I need to think about resale, the inside will be pretty vanilla. There'll be a few outlets (including a 30A 220VAC outlet), and plenty of light. I'll insulate, drywall, paint, and tile it. There will likely be a few built-in shelves. It'll be one hell of a workshop for the next owner.
I'm interested in hearing how much it costs to run electrical service out there. My garage (basically an overgrown shed; unless you drive a Mini, your car ain't fitting in there) has no power. I have no idea if that's a $300 job or a $3,000 job.