Wyeast didn't work.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2013
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First time using a smackpack. Thought I broke the inner pouch, the pack swelled some. When I added to my wort the inner pouch was still intact (it actually looked as if there were 2 inner pouches attached to each other and one was empty, but may have been so from the start). I added the yeast, cut the nutrient pack and added it too. Now, 4 days later there is no activity in my airlock. I opened once on day two and saw no signs of yeast growth.

This is a simple yeast beer for a fruit addition in secondary, low hops, fairly low OG (1.048). Yeast was Wyeast German Wheat.

I do not want to open again and risk infection even more if the yeast isn't taking. At the house I have a pack of Nottingham. When I get back from work tonight I am going to try to salvage this baby. Should I use the nottingham or go back to LHBS and get something more appropriate for this beer?

Hopefully when I go to pitch this time I wont see any infection.

Any pointers or ideas appreciated.
Check the gravity. It may have started fermenting with no airlock activity. If there's no change in gravity, I'd pitch the Nottingham.
Your wort wasn't hot, was it?

Fermentation temperature?

Expiration date of smack pack?
2 Things.

1. One smackpack is really not enough for a 5 gallon batch, even at that lowish gravity and the yeast being super fresh. You should have made a starter.

2. Have you taken a gravity sample? Let that be your guide. Airlock activity is not an indicator of fermentation.

You're using a bucket right? Here's how I sample.
Sanitize the airlock/grommet area well and pull out the airlock. Sneak a skinny sanitized 1/4" OD hose down the grommet hole, and suck and siphon some beer out into a jar. Pull the hose out when you got enough, so it doesn't flow back.

While at it, you can also peak down that hole and check for krausen. Replace the airlock.
Popped the top today. Added more yeast, same variety, started this time. Some white circles could not tell if mold or yeast rafts. No krausen. I think this one may be a done deal :/
I did. It was within .01 whcih is within my margin of reading/correction error. Still smelledmlike wort too no yeast or alcohol smell at all.

I opened again tonight. Looks like new yeast is starting to take off. Spots are definitely white mold, but only 6 to 12 small rafts. Should I fish them out and pray?
Okay, the second pitch has taken. There is a nice healthy looking krausen now. I did not get the few unknown rafts out, but they cannot be seen for the krausen now. Hopefully this one will turn out goo. It is for an event, and I was worried. I do not have primary space for 2 at once so if I wanted a backup batch I would have to dump this one, as there is not much time left before the event.

Thanks for everyone's input.

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