Wort Refuses to Leave Bag

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Clint Yeastwood

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Dec 19, 2022
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Today I am using a bag to mash 16.5 pounds of stout grain, including a whole lot of oats.

This stuff really does not want to leave the bag. I think I'll be squeezing all day.

The last beer had 5 pounds of wheat in it, and it worked okay. I got 70% efficiency. This one is stubborn.

Am I supposed to get a different bag for beer with oats? This is whatever standard bag Wilser sells.
S'pose you get one at like 100 - 150 micron to help drain. I squeeze mine like it owes me money and can get most the wort out in a few minutes.
I finally put the bag on top of a cooler and poured about 2.5 quarts of hot water over it. Now I have what appears to be over 5 gallons of wort at 1.085, so slightly over my target gravity.

It was a pain, but it proves I can do this with my existing 10-gallon kettle.
I have a Wilser bag. It drains very well with oats or wheat. A free hanging bag will drain faster and more thoroughly than one sitting on a grate. I don't squeeze and got 70+% lauter efficiency on a 1090 wheatwine.
Maybe you scared it. Did you try offering a treat?

More seriously, I've never used a bag, but I saw Bobby say something about cleaning the bag to keep the holes from constricting after multiple uses. Possibly relevant?

edit: here's the thread Cleaning your Bag
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I feel your pain. I did a Roggenbier once a few years ago, over half the grain bill was malted rye. Sticky af. I knew it would be messy so I had added a pound of rice hulls which helped some. Still, the bag got so slick it turned into a giant balloon. Luckily I had it hanging from a hoist, so it was just a matter of squeezing it for 20 minutes.
For what it's worth, years ago, I accidentally learned that acids rip starch off things. Boiling a little vinegar in a pan will remove starch haze in a few seconds, and citric acid does the same thing. Some guy in an earlier post said he got better results with citric acid than PBW.
When using those grains in quantity I always dough in at 104* for a beta glucan rest. With my system I mash in at 1:1 ratio and add boiling liquor to get to sacrification temp. I soak my bag in PBW every 3-4 brews.
Nah, the oats are the problem. Never had difficulty with squeezing the bag, first time using oats and I had a hard time. Also it killed the head... Probably never going to brew with it again.
Today I am using a bag to mash 16.5 pounds of stout grain, including a whole lot of oats.

This stuff really does not want to leave the bag. I think I'll be squeezing all day.

The last beer had 5 pounds of wheat in it, and it worked okay. I got 70% efficiency. This one is stubborn.

Am I supposed to get a different bag for beer with oats? This is whatever standard bag Wilser sells.
Rice hulls might help, especially with a lot of oats.
I think oats make sticky oatmeal in the mash.

I now add the oats separately. I'll dump all my grain in, mix well and let is settle in the bag. then add the oats on top and let it all mash and recirc.

I have a wilser bag inside of a basket. It all drains out the bottom when I lift up the basket.