Why did I become such a puss after marriage and children?

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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2011
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El Paso
My balls shrunk...weren't they supposed to get bigger as I aged, like the flavor of a good homebrew?
I feel ya, I know that I have become way to soft over the years, tenderized by years of predominantly being around my woman. I love her with all my heart, but hanging out with some of my old chaps from the past it really became noticeable...

That's why I decided to drop some money in my savings to buy a magnaflow catback exhaust for my acura and pursue reckless endangerment :cross:
Shrinkage is caused by being in a purse for too long.

Remove, stretch and rehang. You should be good to go.:mug:
this thread will inevitably be filled with snide comments from single men or those who post in the comfort of knowing their wife will never stumble across it.
I guess I'm lucky. My woman is stronger, meaner, belches louder and has bigger balls than most of the guys I hang out with... not that they are sissies, but more because she's quite the bad-ass. The fact she used to power lift doesn't hurt either... and I am forever teasing her that she walks like a linebacker... she used to give me crap about that until we were watcing a football game on TV and I pointed out a linebacker and she said "huh.. guess you're right!"

I love my woman, heart and soul... love like ours will never grow old.

Hell.. she's even gonna play hookie from work next Wednesday so we can crank out a couple batches of brew.


PS. She might be available to give lessons to other wives/girlfriends on how to be less dependent on their man's balls and grow some of their own... :ban:
You've became a "puss" because your actions now affect not only yourself, but the lives of your wife and kid(s) and you are a responsible adult and a good man to give a **** :mug:
Hell mine have gotten bigger. I got lucky and married a woman that lets me use them.

She would yell out me if I didn't go hunting. She even hunts too. Football is her favorite TV show. And I would have a fight on my hands if I tried to keep out of the brewery. I just found out that for Father's Day she bought me Gillie suit for bow season. Hmmm... now what beer goes good with venison?
I felt the same way but the reason is you are now responsible for more than just yourself. Not sure about you but mine are still there when needed just dont need to throw them in everyones face all the time to remember them.
You've became a "puss" because your actions now affect not only yourself, but the lives of your wife and kid(s) and you are a responsible adult and a good man to give a **** :mug:

+1 here, you gotta watch out for your family, you didn't experience ball shrinkage, you experienced a redirection of priorities.
Acoma said:
I felt the same way but the reason is you are now responsible for more than just yourself. Not sure about you but mine are still there when needed just dont need to throw them in everyones face all the time to remember them.

There ya go, Acoma! That's what it's all about.
Hell mine have gotten bigger. I got lucky and married a woman that lets me use them.

She would yell out me if I didn't go hunting. She even hunts too. Football is her favorite TV show. And I would have a fight on my hands if I tried to keep out of the brewery. I just found out that for Father's Day she bought me Gillie suit for bow season. Hmmm... now what beer goes good with venison?

Ghillie suits rock. :mug:

I was going to get one for spring gobblers, but the season came and went and I kinda forgot to go hunting... oops.

And pretty much any good beer works with deer... or moose. :)
OP, what exaclty do you mean by "becoming a *****"? Do you cry during commercials? Watch Oprah? I'm curious to know. And I'm not raggin' on ya, I know my balls have shrunk since I got married and had 3 daughters. I guess having women/girls around all the time made me more sensitive. Either way, there are more important things in the world than me. I didn't know that before I got married and had kids!
I know a guy that can help you out aerial medical, not very sanitary but has loads of experience. I just can’t sit here and watch this happen to a fellow El Pasoan.

PM sent. ;)
my balls are fine but I think I developed a weird case of tinnitus . . . I dont hear ringing in my ears per sey, usually it's more of a "blah blah blah"
WildGingerBrewing said:
OP, what exaclty do you mean by "becoming a *****"? Do you cry during commercials? Watch Oprah? I'm curious to know. And I'm not raggin' on ya, I know my balls have shrunk since I got married and had 3 daughters. I guess having women/girls around all the time made me more sensitive. Either way, there are more important things in the world than me. I didn't know that before I got married and had kids!

Well ya know, that Eat Pray Love was just such a tearjerker...so beautiful and heart-touching...heh.
By "becoming a puss", I mean the world around me has become too

....become too creepy. It's a result of becoming a softy from being a family man. In no way is it a bad thing. Hell, I love my wife and kids and wouldn't have it any other way. I was just raggin' on myself for never wanting to get out and kick it at the local bar with my buddies and sh*t like that...bein' too much of a homebody. I guess my movie has been downgraded from R to PG-13. As
Hah...this damn phone...not letting me finish...it's like the heckling a*shole at the comedy club. Anyways...just like some of you have input, it's just the natural process of being domesticated by your wife and children. It keeps us grounded. Thank goodness for that.
So I started brewing beer to be more gangsta....I feel like 50 Cent sometimes.
Good for all of us I'm sure. I know my earlier, unmarried days, were not the healthies days of my life! I'm paying for some of it now, too, I think!

And Eat Pray Love doesn't hold a candle to The NotebooK! hahahaha

to be continued...again :drunk: you sure know how to build up the anticipation :) haha!!

I can see how being responsible for more than yourself can really re-arrange your priorities. Certainly not a bad thing!

Edit: and of course, you finished your continuation before I was able to slip my post in and give you trouble :)
WildGingerBrewing said:
Good for all of us I'm sure. I know my earlier, unmarried days, were not the healthies days of my life! I'm paying for some of it now, too, I think!

And Eat Pray Love doesn't hold a candle to The NotebooK! hahahaha

Don't even mention The Notebook...my eyes will turn to waterfalls. Haha.
I was fine when I got married, but when my beautiful daughter came along I defintely softened up alot. She does more girly activities with me than she does with the wife. We paint, garden( including my awesome hops), and even helps me with the brewing sometimes. I still need my occasional day fishing/brewing/drinking with the guys, but most of the time I'd rather be with my girls. My girls are the best!
I'm in the same boat I got 2 little girls in the house and a crazy wife so everything in my house is pink. The brewing helps me feel manly and now that I'm out of the military my beard helps too. But I have realized married people are just not cool. We all think things are cool that we never would have when single like getting a new knife set or redoing the bath room but we are better people now I think
hoppymonkey said:
I still need my occasional day fishing/brewing/drinking with the guys, but most of the time I'd rather be with my girls. My girls are the best!

Amen, brotha!
Definitely just a change in priorities. Not pussification. Of course I am not surrounded by pink crap since I have 2 boys and a wife that hates pink. I would say the family life has made me lame. No time to hang out with friends anymore and the idea of getting trashed and waking up in strange places no longer seems appealing.

I still can't deal with romantic comedies so I know my nuggets are still intact.
GodsStepBrother said:
I know a guy that can help you out aerial medical, not very sanitary but has loads of experience. I just can’t sit here and watch this happen to a fellow El Pasoan.

PM sent. ;)

Dat der be some big balls....is dat a milking cow??
Definitely just a change in priorities. Not pussification. Of course I am not surrounded by pink crap since I have 2 boys and a wife that hates pink. I would say the family life has made me lame. No time to hang out with friends anymore and the idea of getting trashed and waking up in strange places no longer seems appealing.

I still can't deal with romantic comedies so I know my nuggets are still intact.

I'm with ya on the those romantic comedies.
I'm in the same boat I got 2 little girls in the house and a crazy wife so everything in my house is pink. The brewing helps me feel manly and now that I'm out of the military my beard helps too. But I have realized married people are just not cool. We all think things are cool that we never would have when single like getting a new knife set or redoing the bath room but we are better people now I think

I hear what you're saying there. I'm raising a boy and a girl (mom left the scene). I have a huge desire to maintain a "normal" upbringing for them so I often have to act as both dad and mom for them. I've always known how to cook, but even more so now. I'm getting pretty good at baking. My kids think my biscuits and gravy are the best there is in the world. I've actually done a decent job of choosing colors for painting the house. And I hate to say it, but I actually did get a little excited when I bought my Wusthof knife set. Never thought I'd see the day...

But as other people have said, I feel justified in my manliness with my homebrew. That and my motorcycle. With loud pipes. In my garage full of tools.

But I still have to say that I have NEVER seen "You've got mail" and "Sleepless in Seattle". I refuse. And I've even left a friends house when his wife tried to get me to watch Sleepless. That's where I draw the line - "chick flicks".
I think your man card just got stamped for extra manliness! Nothing more manly than taking care of your kids and doing it on your own.
Why did I become such a puss after marriage and children? My balls shrunk...weren't they supposed to get bigger as I aged, like the flavor of a good homebrew?

Because your name is not really aerialmedical, its really Yeager and you opened up a ghost account so we wouldn't know it's you.

Sorry Chris, I saw right through your game.

paulthenurse said:
Because your name is not really aerialmedical, its really Yeager and you opened up a ghost account so we wouldn't know it's you.

Sorry Chris, I saw right through your game.


Sorry, Paul...your prophecies are as straight-on as Family RadioHarold Camping....it 'tis i ....the one they call aerialmedical.
jmendez29 said:
...I've always known how to cook, but even more so now. I'm getting pretty good at baking. My kids think my biscuits and gravy are the best there is in the world. I've actually done a decent job of choosing colors for painting the house. And I hate to say it, but I actually did get a little excited when I bought my Wusthof knife set. Never thought I'd see the day...


Has anyone else here been excited to see your swmbo's new issue of Rachael Ray Magazine arrive in the mail each month?.....