whats up with Texas???

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Walker said:
Roundhouse Kick To The Head
Begone little man...your kung fu has no effect on me. :D

El P - Stop gloating!! when you gonna give walker his bike back?;)
Pumbaa said:
Brett Farve is the quaterback for the Greenbay Packers.

  • He is greater then the second comming of Jesus.
  • . . . .
  • yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda . . .
  • . . . .
  • Charles Darwin based his "survival of the fittest" theory on Brett Farve.

All above is true as long as long as there is a decent line in Green Bay to protect Jesus . . . I mean Brett Favre . . . and a healthy running back to keep the opposing defense honest. Otherwise he's posting good enough scores for soccer matches but not quite enough for the NFL. Maybe he better retire to steak house exhibitions while he's still good at it . . . :p
El Pistolero said:
When he gives me my wig back. :D
Children children, play nicely..... HANG ON! that lycra cycle suit AND an Afro???
Walker - let him keep the bike, post the wig and DUCK.

Does anyone have Chuck AND Brett's Cellphone numbers? If so tell em to aim for Texas!!!!:D
I think I have Chuck's number on my caller ID. sonofa-B keeps calling me at all hours and whining about his problems.

Pumbaa, I thought all of those facts were true of Chuck Norris, not Favre.

um . . . .

ahhhh . . . .

Brett allowed Chuck to borrow them . . . .

yeah thats it :rolleyes:

All above is true as long as long as there is a decent line in Green Bay to protect Jesus . . . I mean Brett Favre . . . and a healthy running back to keep the opposing defense honest. Otherwise he's posting good enough scores for soccer matches but not quite enough for the NFL. Maybe he better retire to steak house exhibitions while he's still good at it . . .

He took mercy on the collection of crap that tried to claim to be the Packers this season and . . . and . . . and . . .

Ok they did suck monkeynutz this year:( but it wasnt Bretts fault. He probably woulda played better if it was 11 on 1 instaed of what looked like to be 21 on 1
Pumbaa said:
Ok they did suck monkeynutz this year:( but it wasnt Bretts fault. He probably woulda played better if it was 11 on 1 instaed of what looked like to be 21 on 1

Oh yeah, I can just see him drilling himself with a 60 yard pass . . . it would be entertaining play-by-play wouldn't it?

"Favre hikes it to Favre out of the shotgun. Favre drops back, going through his progression like every good quarterback does . . . he's looking off the defenders. It's a deep throw across his body to the left side of the field! FAVRE IS WIDE OPEN! TOUCHDOWN FAVRE! THE PACKERS WIN THE SUPERBOWL! THE PACKERS WIN THE SUPERBOWL!! Brett Favre will likely be the MVP of this game."
Sudster said:
Didn't ya know that all grandmas are great if their from Texas.Sorry to hear your in Houston.... you need to take a road trip to Austin, San Antonio and Dallas to get the real flavors.

Houston has a lot to offer, it's just soo damn big and not easy on the eyes.....

easy goin', good people, good food.....
Absolutely..DB. But she's in Houston. I was just saying to not judge Texas by
one city alone. But, I have to say that it didn't smell to good there the last
time I was down there.:D
Sudster said:
Absolutely..DB. But she's in Houston. I was just saying to not judge Texas by
one city alone. But, I have to say that it didn't smell to good there the last
time I was down there.:D

i gotcha bro! i think the Texas Hill Country is God's country myself...
see, my sense of smell is shot from being raised here!:D cancer capital of the world.....what a trait hu?
I think I would have gone certifiable while living in Dallas if it hadn't been for sneaking out to Austin once a month or so.

My only trip to Houston was actually for a catamaran regatta at Texas City. The water was...interesting.
I hear ya Man! I lived in Dallas for 32 years. Had to move somewhere with
less density. I first moved to New Hampshire for 2 years but got claustrophobic.
Had to move back to Texas with the big sky. We decided we would move to Austin considering the size
and also my wife has family here.

I'm glad I did it.
BeeGee said:
I think I would have gone certifiable while living in Dallas if it hadn't been for sneaking out to Austin once a month or so.

My only trip to Houston was actually for a catamaran regatta at Texas City. The water was...interesting.

the water is muddy brown, like gumbo roux. hell, we call the soil here gumbo mud. it's almost black.
DeRoux's Broux said:
the water is muddy brown, like gumbo roux. hell, we call the soil here gumbo mud. it's almost black.
That's what was interesting! That and the refineries that looked like huge blue torches at night.

Sudster, I said they'd never get me back in TX alive, but actually Austin wouldn't be too bad if I were to survive the summers somehow. The mountain biking was incredible, not to mention the beer, food and music. Once I started having dreams in Dallas almost every night about waterfalls and green mountains I called a friend back in NC, got a job at his company in about 6 weeks, and hit the highway leaving a pretty good woman and the big D behind.
BeeGee said:
That's what was interesting! That and the refineries that looked like huge blue torches at night.

Sudster, I said they'd never get me back in TX alive, but actually Austin wouldn't be too bad if I were to survive the summers somehow. The mountain biking was incredible, not to mention the beer, food and music. Once I started having dreams in Dallas almost every night about waterfalls and green mountains I called a friend back in NC, got a job at his company in about 6 weeks, and hit the highway leaving a pretty good woman and the big D behind.

My wife actually wanted to move to NC. I actually did some phone interviews with companies there. She wanted to be close to the Smokies. She almost got her way.
BeeGee said:
That's what was interesting! That and the refineries that looked like huge blue torches at night.

the hi-pro glo. it's an orange hue in the night sky all the time. from the flares burning and the lights from all the towers, reactors, and support strucutres. we have two decent sized bridges (large enough for ocean going oil tankers to go under) and when you go over at night, it's an interesting site. looks like mini New York City's clumped up together.
Caplan said:
Permisson to speak Sir! (just caught your ref in an earlier post Blighty tonight!)
I'll bite on cgravier's 'football = kick' quip.
Read the words.....FOOT - BALL. Do those two words imply THROWING/CARRYING a NON SPHERICAL object as the main part of the game?
NO. The US created a totally new game that NO ONE ELSE in World want's to get involved in as it's so dull.;)
Soccer (as it's called) has a WORLD CUP. That means a sport that's played WORLDWIDE!!! (The US held it in 1994 when Jackie Charlton's boys almost made me want to big up my distant Irish bloodlines - any US memories anyone???? I guess not...)
Hell, Rugby is bad enough but at least it flows as a game and it's played by a few more countries!:D

Yeah, whatever, you guys all want to be like we are in the US. Heck, you even speak OUR language. ;)
billybrew said:
Yeah, whatever, you guys all want to be like we are in the US. Heck, you even speak OUR language. ;)
My Bad. We sure do! Now shall i have a glass of Bud, Miller OR Coors? So many choices....;):D
'Texas, can survive without the United States. However, the United States cannot survive without Texas!'........Sam Houston

That about sums it all up.
Well, fellas ( and ladies) If it weren't for Tejas and the Brits, we wouldn't have much of a membership here. Sure, there are several more of us strewn across the country, and the world, but don't the Limeys and the ( Insert derogatory term for Texans) make up the bulk of our membership ? Don't they deserve credit for being bulkey ? Thank God for them, I say !
Without them, this forum would be a lonely place. That and we wouldn't seem as cool without them to compare ourselves to. ( Small joke):D

You guys are great?:confused:
sudsmonkey said:
( Insert derogatory term for Texans)

No no no, "Texans" will do just fine. It's kinda like the phrase "Nascar fans" - literal, but sufficently derogatory in its own right. :D


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