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Couple of Guinnesses at the townie golf course down the street. Burger night. Beyond burger grilled not bad

From the can!
Something about a quality Bavarian Pilsner gets me going every time! Today we bring hither one of the World’s finest Pilsners from Weihenstephaner, one of the finest brewers. I love the quality of their brews and check out the clarity! George would have been impressed!

Weihenstephaner Pilsner is (of course!) brewed under the Reinheitsgebot, the Beer Purity Law of 1516. That’s really limiting – Water, Barley and Hops. Later Yeast added once they figured it out! At 5.1% ABV, this Pilsner is right in the middle of the prime Lager ABV zone (notice I didn’t say “sweet zone” not to confuse the pedestrians out there!)

One thing that’s not pedestrian is the flavor of these 100% malt brews. No rice, corn, potatoes, stale breadcrusts, cornflakes, pumpkin, oysters, molasses or syrup in this brew, nosiree! Nothing but 100% Continental Barley and Hops. “Them 16th Century folks” knew where it’s at! Love it!

Trinken Sie Ihr Pils, bevor es jemand anderes tut! Prost!

I picked up a few things at Total Wine today, including one I haven't had in a long time. I was inspired by one of @Beermeister32's recent posts and got a sixer of Sapporo Premium. I remembered that I even have the appropriate glass tucked away in my cabinet.

Very rich maltiness, quite delicious.

HB West Coast DIPA. It's been on tap for a bit over a week, no efforts made to clarify it. I should really have fined it but meh.


85% MO
8% Golden Syrup
7% Imperial Malt

75 IBU, mostly from 30m additions of Columbus and 10m additions of Cryo Citra, Cryo Amarillo and Strata.

4.5g/L whirlpool and 8.5g/L dry hop of those three. WHC High Voltage yeast at 32°C
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When I was in Austin a couple of weeks ago, multiple people said I needed to try that, but none of the places I was ending up at were friggin serve it.

"Biggie" size of Pinthouse Electric Jellyfish while munching down some Torchy's Tacos with the wife.

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Another superb brew from Warsteiner! Digging deep into the Warsteiner sample pack, lookeee here, lookeee here! Warsteiner Pilsener! Another crystal clear Pilsner, I am impressed!

Warsteiner brews a 4.8% Pilsner masterpiece! This brew has everything you would expect in a Pilsner, except they call it “Pilsener!” Big diff! Just the right amount of hoppiness to earn the Pilsner stripes, this delicious beer also has a decent and malty backbone, good but disappearing head, nice lacing. I’m really impressed with the clarity, great job Warsteiner brew crew!

I’m still trying to get past the “Girly Cans.” C’mon, I have a big glass to fill, what is this, shrinkflation? 11.2 ounce? Chasers? What’s next, 10 ounce? Geez, how about 16.9 ounce minimum. Woof.

Great beer! Prost!

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A little congested and I can tell my taste buds are off, but day 3 means this thing has to have its carb levels checked. Over carbing would be a disaster!!

Been awhile since I’ve been able to use this glass too, so been looking forward to that! Still sad they closed down, but oh well. They had a great run.

Used the same hazy pale ale recipe I’ve been using a couple times, identified some hops that needed to be used and…this what I ended up with.

I’ve made better, I’ve made worse, and I have definitely had worse in a professional setting. So I’d measure this one as a success. As long as I remember that I made a Pale Ale, not an IPA…even better! (I think I need to make an IPA soon vs another Pale Ale)

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Obviously, I’ve failed as a father.

So let’s rewind to some seemingly inconsiderate and tone-deaf comments I made about wimpish and pathetic 11.2 ounce cans being called “Girly Cans”. I was reminded by Beer-Loving Daughter #2 of the political incorrectness of Beermeister32’s comments. In defense, I made it known that it was really just a play on Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “Girlie Men” zinger regarding his political opposition in the California Assembly. Girlie Men – Girly Cans, get it? Best said in a solid Austrian accent! Beer-Loving Daughter #2 met my thin explanation with a pale emotionless face. You don’t get it Dad…!

Well, then to add insult to injury, Beer-Loving Daughter #1 and Beer-Loving Daughter #3 also climbed onto the pile, Beermeister32 on the bottom, naturally, half-drank Maßkrug in hand. I’m not supposed to use terms like that. So I guess I’m out of touch with the current Beer-Loving Generation. Boomer!

This critique of Beermeister32 was made as Beer-Loving Daughter #2 is glugging down her Glühwein at the Vancouver, British Columbia Christmas Market. This after all the solid beer education I’ve given them worth Thousands, I am depressed….. Glühwein? Not some kind of Wintery heavy Ale or Lager of some type? Where did I go wrong? !!!

Oh, today’s brew is a tasty Weihenstephaner Helles. I’ve heaped plenty of accolades on this one already…. Prost!
