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Man, are you cranky today? Wanna a hug it out?

HB SMaSH IPA with mosaic. Not nearly as good as the fresh squeezed that I've been drinking.
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Nah. Just buzzed. For the last 5 hours. I love you all. And wish you could have tried the same beers I had today.
Single pour seven fifty


I got a pair of these Waterford brandy snifters as my gift on my fifth anniversary at work.

Oh, my bad!

I get random requests from time to time that leave me wondering how these people find me...

There are a lot of people on Untappd who friend everyone in sight. I think it boosts their ego to get 200 toasts on a check-in.
Thanks to @Hello for sending me this. It's a tad thin bodied, but overall it's a very good beer.

Want. Really.

I'm trying to save the rest for special occasions. I split the case 3 ways so I only got 4 bottles, down to three after today. It really is heaven in a glass. I even think that people who don't like pumpkin beers would enjoy it because it's so complex that the pumpkin and pumpkin spice gets mellowed out a bit
Gandhi Bot came out on top. Out of 7 people. Get some, marthafloccer.
Send some. Next batch of Ghost in the Machine is due next month. I'll trade $4$.
What are some good Irish reds? I just had two Killians and they were good but I'm new to Irish reds
I don't know that such a thing as a good Irish Red exists, but Smithwick's and Kilkenny pretty much define the style.
There are a lot of people on Untappd who friend everyone in sight. I think it boosts their ego to get 200 toasts on a check-in.
I've never gotten 200 toasts on any checkins. My only 'brags' on Untappd are that Augie and Dr. Bill both sent me requests and not vice versa.

2nd pour
Have you ever had any of these beers? If so, you'd learn that some of these are just hype. Like I learned today.

The idea (not spurred by me) was to compare the best DIPAs in New England against each other. I couldn't not participate. My buddy's wife set it all up for us. It was ****ing awesome. Come get some.

Gandhi Bot came out on top. Out of 7 people. Get some, marthafloccer.

I got the idea bro I was just messing with ya
Have you ever had any of these beers? If so, you'd learn that some of these are just hype. Like I learned today.

Out of that group I've only had Sip Of Sunshine thanks to nukebrewer and I would rank it among the best IPAs I've ever had. A few of those are on my beer bucket list
I'm trying to save the rest for special occasions. I split the case 3 ways so I only got 4 bottles, down to three after today. It really is heaven in a glass. I even think that people who don't like pumpkin beers would enjoy it because it's so complex that the pumpkin and pumpkin spice gets mellowed out a bit

Don't toy with a girl.

Seriously? I probably could have hooked that up as well. Takes a couple calls/texts but I probably could have got it.

(It is nice to have a couple buddies that fly...)

Very serious.
The only New Glarus I think I'll ever get my hands on.
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Beer is sleeping. **** is cleaned. Great brew day.

Nonsense- I like a good mission! ;)

Seriously? I probably could have hooked that up as well. Takes a couple calls/texts but I probably could have got it.

(It is nice to have a couple buddies that fly...)

Or making friends all over the country who are happy to trade. (Although I realize you have limited options there.)

This game sucks (and no, not a Pats hater - just wanted a good game.)

As @PatrickGoss warned, this isn't a great example of the style, but I love any excuse to break out my thistle glass. :mug:
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Giving up on the game and going to bed. In all truth, swmbo just woke me up and told me to go to bed. I hate the patriots. Goodnight hbt.
I actually had a couple people unfriend me on FB for saying that last year's Super Bowl sucked because of how one-sided it was. I always want to see a good game.

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess they weren't close friends? I think I need one more before bed. I am off tomorrow after all. :)
Another pour of zombie dust.

Cleaned out the beer line from a keg of my DIPA that kicked earlier and threw cherry wheat in its place. Zombie dust will likely kick in a pour or two.

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