Use 120L Crystal in Beer Inspired by St. Bernardus Christmas Ale?

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Clint Yeastwood

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Dec 19, 2022
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I'm putting together a recipe for a dark ale inspired by St. Bernardus Christmas Ale. Not a clone. I want it to taste like a fruitcake. Sweet. Sabro hops. Caramel. Hopefully some heat, for cool weather. Minimal bananas. Cloves are fine.

I have a fake Belgian I love. I think I can get what I want by changing it. I use 60L crystal in it. I want a pretty dark ale, perhaps about like Taddy Porter. Not black. Does substituting 120L sound like a good idea?
The only time I ever use American crystal is in American beers ... and even then, I'm usually happier with English. Skip the 120L, and go for Simpsons Crystal Dark, or DRC, or the like.
Depending on the maltster C120 can give you the dark fruit and color. In my Dupples and Quads I like to use Special B and D-180 Candi syrup. My latest iteration coupled DRC with Proximity C150 and is awaiting the yeast cake.
Special B is common in Belgian-style ales, gives it a raisin-y note.