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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
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I have a CRPS (Conic Regional Pain Syndrome) in my right foot from years worth of damage and several surgeries to repair it. The foot is in good shape now but the nerves are damaged. The docs have tried all of the neurological pain meds and I have been on narcotic/narcotic type meds for the last 5 years or so. They suck for long term use and of course they can and do cause distinct personality changes.
For the last few years I have been moving forward with trials to see if I would be a candidate for a peripheral nerve simulator. I got the approval a month ago to have a trial implanted to see if it would work. It worked like a charm then they took it out so there would not be a direct link for bacteria to get into my spine.(usually a bad thing) 10 days ago I got a call and was informed that my procedure was going to happen on the 16th. Last Friday I got a call and was told I had to come in for a physical and paperwork. I drove 2.5 hours to the Seattle VA for this physical it consisted of 15 questions and one signature then got to drive home for the day and then drive back today stay the night, then I have the nerve stem implanted at 0800 in the morning. I will stay the night at the hotel get checked out on Thursday then get to head home. Oh and no I will not be driving my wife is going down with me. Wish us luck.
This is awesome news! Sorry that it's been a tough time up until now, but hopefully you're over the crest and things get better. We'll be drinking to you tonight!

Good luck man. I was diagnosed with CRPS (RSD) whatever they want to call it now after I had my right leg opened up to have my anterior and lateral compartments released to relieve compartment syndrome. About 2 to 4 weeks after surgery it was pure hell dealing with the symptoms. I've been all over the place trying to deal with it and they mentioned this was an option. I hope the best for ya. Keep us informed.
Plans got changed. What happened do you ask? 14 hours before we are suppose to show up. We are half way to the hotel so I can have the procedure done in the morning and my wife gets a call (mind you they called her not me) come to find out the doctor's sorry support staff never submitted the paperwork to grant him O.R. privileges. So the procedure cannot go forward until the paperwork is done. Possibly next week. So we wasted or gas and wasted the money putting the dogs in the kennel. I even wasted class time Monday to drive down to the VA for the preoperative evaluation. People wonder why Vets refuse to deal with the VA and the supposed health care services. I guess we are now on hold until the VA can get their paperwork in order and I can get reschedule. I am getting a letter on VA letterhead from the Chief of the Pain Clinic sent to all of my instructors, the Department Chairs, the Disability Coordinator, and the Dean of Education clearly stating that the VA is the one who dropped the ball and is making me miss classes to receive the appropriate medical treatment.
Plans got changed. What happened do you ask? 14 hours before we are suppose to show up. We are half way to the hotel so I can have the procedure done in the morning and my wife gets a call (mind you they called her not me) come to find out the doctor's sorry support staff never submitted the paperwork to grant him O.R. privileges. So the procedure cannot go forward until the paperwork is done. Possibly next week. So we wasted or gas and wasted the money putting the dogs in the kennel. I even wasted class time Monday to drive down to the VA for the preoperative evaluation. People wonder why Vets refuse to deal with the VA and the supposed health care services. I guess we are now on hold until the VA can get their paperwork in order and I can get reschedule. I am getting a letter on VA letterhead from the Chief of the Pain Clinic sent to all of my instructors, the Department Chairs, the Disability Coordinator, and the Dean of Education clearly stating that the VA is the one who dropped the ball and is making me miss classes to receive the appropriate medical treatment.

That's unfortunate. Hopefully you get things worked out. People suck.
Sucks that they're jerking you around, but I hope everything goes well. I had spinal surgery a couple months ago that I'm still healing up from, So I feel for ya. Good luck!
Regards, GF.
Sorry to hear man. I know the feeling on dealing with the VA. I'm dealing with them right now. Almost $1G a month in medication and hoping for some type of decision on getting some help. Small world to find someone on this same board going through the same type of issues with the same people. Keep positive man. Being able to go through a day without the burning and glass dragging sensations would be a great blessing.
Semper Fi.

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