The Walking dead

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OK, there are a lot of shooting styles out there from the classic to the ridiculous........But the best way to shoot a zombie?

I say point blank, two handed, while uttering "So long Motherf**ker" After which, you wipe off the sword, pull out the bolt and you all go home for a nice hot cup of tea.
Now.....You are a part of the zombie apocalypse. It is a year now, so you understand the nature of the virus. Yo know that the situation in non-reversible, and you have to kill a loved one.
How easy/difficult is it for you?
Personally, If i were the Gov. I would have killed my own zombie daughter months ago. I know this. The person is gone, there is nothing to save. I would even consider it my duty as a loved one. You?
Now.....You are a part of the zombie apocalypse. It is a year now, so you understand the nature of the virus. Yo know that the situation in non-reversible, and you have to kill a loved one.
How easy/difficult is it for you?
Personally, If i were the Gov. I would have killed my own zombie daughter months ago. I know this. The person is gone, there is nothing to save. I would even consider it my duty as a loved one. You?

As much as this is the part I least enjoy thinking about, I think I would make a pact with whomever else has lost someone... this way I wouldnt have to pull the trigger on mine and they wouldnt have to on theirs.
Hmmm, now we are getting into the nitty-gritty emotional/ethical stuff huh? First off they need to go if they turn. That's the bottom line. Now, do I do it or does someone else do it? That's an interesting question. I don't know.

Another moral question to toss in there: do you kill said love person before they turn if you have the opportunity? Or, even worse, if they are getting attacked and you can "save" them do you do it or just let them get eaten? They will turn either way and this voids you of responsibility in a sick sort of way.
Easy as hell for me. They're dead, and/or suffering a horrible disease that makes them a major threat to me. There's no way the ensuing body rot would be reversible, so bye bye loved one.
As much as this is the part I least enjoy thinking about, I think I would make a pact with whomever else has lost someone... this way I wouldnt have to pull the trigger on mine and they wouldnt have to on theirs.

A la Strangers on a Train or Throw Mama From the Train.

I'm not sure I could do it. I'd like to think I'd be able to, but I'm not sure.
As much as this is the part I least enjoy thinking about, I think I would make a pact with whomever else has lost someone... this way I wouldnt have to pull the trigger on mine and they wouldnt have to on theirs.

Maybe this makes me weird, I dunno....But I imagine (Keyword is imagine) That this is something I would need to do for myself..... I have no idea why!

After further consideration, it would be an act of love and responsibility. If it were real life though, it would probably be different, but a moot point as I would have pussied out and been one of the first zombies. :)
Easy as hell for me. They're dead, and/or suffering a horrible disease that makes them a major threat to me. There's no way the ensuing body rot would be reversible, so bye bye loved one.

Well, of course that is the correct answer......But Jebus! Try and pull some heart strings at least! LOL
Look at me making 3 posts in a row! (4 now)

A word of warning. I have done my work for the week. This can only mean I will be getting drunk and posting often......Sorry
GrogNerd said:
any NORMAL person would, but I'm thinking the Gov is a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

At the risk of being "that guy" if you read the novel "rise of the governor" you'll have a better understanding in why he does some of the things he does.
I'm thinking the Gov was forced to kill his mom and bang her brain hole.

I should probably get help for the fact that my brain made that thought.
Hmmm, now we are getting into the nitty-gritty emotional/ethical stuff huh?

that's just it; zombie movies (& TV shows) aren't really about the zombies. If they were, they would be told from the zombies' point of view (except there is a movie coming out next year, called Warm Bodies, that is told from the zombie POV)

sure the zombies are cool and why we watch, but it's all about the examination of Rick vs Shane, Dale vs Shane kind of interactions set against a world where there are no real consequences from your actions. and having to deal with the possibility of having to kill or be killed by something that 2 minutes ago was your daughter

eff that, I'm full of sh*t; it's all about zombies getting their head cut in half by some chick with a katana
Personally having to finish somebody off with a mercy kill or shortly after turning is one of those things that can make your skin crawl, like others have said it's not so much the zombie but the affect they've had on society. I think a nice ending to a movie was The Mist. I never ready the book but I stayed up late watching it, overall a so so movie but I thought the ending was pretty rough.

When they're sitting in the car and they only have so many bullets left in the gun and Thomas Jane has to choose between shooting his son to prevent him from dying at the hands of The Mist. The mist is surrounding the car as everyone starts shooting themselves, dad snuffs the son and then gets out of the car to let the mist take care of him, only to find out it was the army coming through to save the day, or something along those lines.
If they were, they would be told from the zombies' point of view (except there is a movie coming out next year, called Warm Bodies, that is told from the zombie POV)

Ever watched "Aaah! Zombies!!"? Its a cheesy, comedic zombie film from the perspective of the zombies. Great if you like B movies.

Its a cop out, but I have no idea how I would handle things. I'd like to think I can handle the situation, survive, and all that. Even take out loved ones if necessary. However, psychologically, no one knows how they will react in these types of situations. The big talkers will be the ones crying in the closet and the quiet unassuming person will rise to the occasion. Its fun to speculate though.

As for weapons...World War Z stepped through various weapon choices. My first move will be for a good, not too heavy crowbar for hand to hand. It will NEVER break (like a bat), dull (like a sword), and it doubles as a way to break chains, open doors, etc. Heavy...but also heavy duty. A .22 rifle would make a good, fairly quiet rifle, with a .22 pistol for backup to go with the most available, lightest ammo. Plus its good for picking off squirrels and such. Remember we have to carry all this stuff in addition to other supplies. A shotgun could be useful, but last thing I want to do is rely on a firearm for close combat and run out of ammo.

I had never thought of it before, but a prison might make a good place to hole up given the space for crops and such. However, I wonder about the integrity of the fences if a large mob such as they had at the farm comes through. Would they be able to push it down or break the jury rigged wire entrance over time? They should really make that opening they found much better. As well as all the other gates leading in. Goes back to my comment of slowly killing the ones around the edge with their pokey sticks to save ammo and prevent larger infestations.

Sorry for the little novel, but I also still have issues with a zombpocolypse even occurring unless it was more along the lines of 28 days later. Those zombies scare the bejeebus outta me.
Sorry for the little novel, but I also still have issues with a zombpocolypse even occurring unless it was more along the lines of 28 days later. Those zombies scare the bejeebus outta me.

28 Days Later was more of an outbreak movie than a zombie movie
Sorry for the little novel, but I also still have issues with a zombpocolypse even occurring unless it was more along the lines of 28 days later. Those zombies scare the bejeebus outta me.

I actually was talking this over after doing an early Christmas dinner with my wife's family. Her brother and I watch TWD and we got to discussing zombies and the brother in law was poking fun and laughing it all off because "that could never happen". So there we were celebrating the birth of God's human son, born to a virgin mother, later to be resurrected as the Messiah, talking about how a zombie could never happen. (Not an anti-religious rant at all, just pointing out what some might see as irony in his criticism).
Totally off subject here, well kind of but not really. It is about zombies. Are there any other runners reading this section? I ask because as I was getting obsessed with this show I downloaded the Zombie Run app to my phone. The premise is that you are a anonymous person who arrived at a city (kind of like the one run by the Gov) in a post-zombie apocalyptic world and your job is to run outside of the complex and grab items like batteries, medical supplies, food, clothing, ect. A bit like Glen I guess.

So, you run out and set your phone to GPS tracking and there are little bits of story line that come through your headphones telling you what you're doing, what you're looking for or just random conversation with the operator who is controlling your headset and directing you. When those brief bits of story are over the app shuffles through any music uploaded to your phone before coming back to the story. Missions are about a half hour long give or take and you need to collect supplies to build up your fortress.

There is even a zombie chase mode which random tells you during a song that zombies are coming: 100 meters, 66 meters, 22 meters..... You need to speed up significantly to outrun them. Unfortunately if you get caught you don't you don't die and have to try again because you can drop some items to distract them or something. It's kinda cool. Kinda lame. But I like it. Has been keeping me running lately.
It's kinda cool. Kinda lame. But I like it. Has been keeping me running lately.

keeps your mind off the tedium of just running and the fact that you're not brewing or thinking about brewing or reading about brewing or thinking about reading about brewing

or the fact that we have what? another 2 months before the mid-season premiere of TWD
Totally off subject here, well kind of but not really. It is about zombies. Are there any other runners reading this section? I ask because as I was getting obsessed with this show I downloaded the Zombie Run app to my phone.

Which developer made this app? And what phone do you use? I searched it on the Google Play store and found a few similar names. One seemed like the same app as you mentioned but reviews say the audio doesn't work on their android phones.
So since the walking dead is off the air until February, figured I'd ask if any of you watch Grimm?

Hell yeah! Actually I'm staying in Portland for work and I was exploring the area and turned onto Monroe St. I geeked out a little bit :D
the BigHair and I watch Grimm

Monroe steals the show and we laugh at how Sgt Wu walks like he's got no bones in his arms
Which developer made this app? And what phone do you use? I searched it on the Google Play store and found a few similar names. One seemed like the same app as you mentioned but reviews say the audio doesn't work on their android phones.

I have the Samsung Galaxy S Blaze and it works well for me. I think I got it through Google Play but here's a link to the website

I should probably go out on a mission later today. Been pounding back beers and winter food.
Juliette is funny looking and annoying. I hope the wolves kill her, or the zombies get her in a cross over show?

A crossover could be cool.
Nick has a crossbow and various skull crushing weapons.
Monroe is pretty mild manured but can kick ass.
I think they would do well.
Besides, Portland zombies would be yuppies and hang out at Starbucks and improv theaters. Easy targets in their Birkenstocks.
For you shooters out there... I realize I am more frail than Rick is... but something is off. Last time I fired a 44 (10 years ago) I had to fire it two handed to get any sort of accuracy. In fact, one handed it almost dropped out of my hand. Rick has been firing that Crowd Pleaser one handed, walking, and hitting kill shots the whole time.

Perhaps he is just a better shot than I...

Ricks gun is a colt python, its a 357 magnum. Its considerably lighter and has less recoil. It can also be loaded with 38 specails, and in a big gun like that 38's have next to no recoil and imo or ime 38 ammo is more common than the magnum ammo to find even my tiny local gas station sells 38 ammo.
The anaconda is colts 44 that looks like ricks gun, but subtle differences tell me its not an anaconda [and twd prop guy called it a python]

Is anyone else stoked that WWZ is being made into a movie? I read the book forever ago, youtube even has the audiobook on there for the non readers.

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