The Walking dead

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I think the point was that when the redhead was describing her life and all the people she killed and how she stopped caring about it, Carol started to see parallels with her own life. She already seems to be reconnecting with her own morality vs just being a cold-blooded sociopath.

I didn't really get that during the episode but when they broke it down on Talking Dead it did kind of make sense. Especially when Carol was talking about losing her daughter then Paula talked about losing 4 daughters. But still, I don't want the show to lose Killer Carol!
I think the point was that when the redhead was describing her life and all the people she killed and how she stopped caring about it, Carol started to see parallels with her own life. She already seems to be reconnecting with her own morality vs just being a cold-blooded sociopath.

I think that hits the nail on the head. Carol was symbolically killing off a dark part of her own self when she killed Red. She realized that despite appearances, she didn't really want to do it, but was forced. She'd been living at an extreme limit of her persona, and has now begun to return closer to her center, and realized the need to do so.

It was a similar story with Maggie. She'd been beginning to feel more and more invincible, but quickly realized how precious her own life really is and how she needed to take better care of herself if humanity were ever to somehow come out of the apocolypse intact.

Every single one of the characters has been exploring their limits of character this season, and most if not all of them have realized that they needed to make some manner of change, to become more centered, in order for them all to survive.

I think we're going to see more interesting things out of Morgan in the next episode or two. And hopefully Daryl as well, he's been quiet lately, 'cept maybe for that explosion thing at mid-season opening.
I think that hits the nail on the head. Carol was symbolically killing off a dark part of her own self when she killed Red. She realized that despite appearances, she didn't really want to do it, but was forced. She'd been living at an extreme limit of her persona, and has now begun to return closer to her center, and realized the need to do so.

It was a similar story with Maggie. She'd been beginning to feel more and more invincible, but quickly realized how precious her own life really is and how she needed to take better care of herself if humanity were ever to somehow come out of the apocolypse intact.

Every single one of the characters has been exploring their limits of character this season, and most if not all of them have realized that they needed to make some manner of change, to become more centered, in order for them all to survive.

I think we're going to see more interesting things out of Morgan in the next episode or two. And hopefully Daryl as well, he's been quiet lately, 'cept maybe for that explosion thing at mid-season opening.

Well, Daryl did have that not so excellent adventure before the midseason finale, it seems like that has made him a bit well "grumpy". Oddly enough, as Carol seems to be trying to move towards a more compassionate side Daryl seems to be moving back towards becoming an angry loner again.
Well, Daryl did have that not so excellent adventure before the midseason finale, it seems like that has made him a bit well "grumpy". Oddly enough, as Carol seems to be trying to move towards a more compassionate side Daryl seems to be moving back towards becoming an angry loner again.

Maybe the two of them will hook up. It seems couples are all the rage these days. Rick & Michone, the two lesbians, even Carl and Enid.
Daryl doesn't need a woman, just his crossbow. He coulda totally scored with Beth but he didn't seem to care.
Whatever happened with the wolves? That group had to be larger than what hit Alexandria, right? Remember last season, they had that remote controlled truck trap with the stereo system? I thought that was going to be a pretty creative enemy for them to face. They should be well equipped because they seemed to just savagely kill and raid, but the people that attacked only had knives. Maybe they have more of a rank system like the saviors? Maybe they are a branch of the saviors?

Then what about the group Daryl saw in the forest? The guy that they only showed his boots. With the negan group is there three threats nearby Alexandria?
Whatever happened with the wolves? That group had to be larger than what hit Alexandria, right? Remember last season, they had that remote controlled truck trap with the stereo system? I thought that was going to be a pretty creative enemy for them to face. They should be well equipped because they seemed to just savagely kill and raid, but the people that attacked only had knives. Maybe they have more of a rank system like the saviors? Maybe they are a branch of the saviors?

Then what about the group Daryl saw in the forest? The guy that they only showed his boots. With the negan group is there three threats nearby Alexandria?

Good question. They must be saving the Wolves for the season finale when all hell breaks loose and a couple main characters get killed off. I don't believe there are three threats, though, just two. But you never know.
Whatever happened with the wolves? That group had to be larger than what hit Alexandria, right? Remember last season, they had that remote controlled truck trap with the stereo system? I thought that was going to be a pretty creative enemy for them to face. They should be well equipped because they seemed to just savagely kill and raid, but the people that attacked only had knives. Maybe they have more of a rank system like the saviors? Maybe they are a branch of the saviors?

Then what about the group Daryl saw in the forest? The guy that they only showed his boots. With the negan group is there three threats nearby Alexandria?

My impression was that was it for the Wolves. Judging by the previous season's evidence at Noah's place, plus the attack on Alexandria they weren't particularly sophisticated outside of the truck trap, just ram a truck through the walls and then stabby stabby stab. The Wolves that escaped ran into rick in the RV, who promptly gunned them down. I think basement guy was the leader too, he mentions he just got too impatient and selfish and that they should have watched more and waited. That said, I could be wrong.

Given that Daryl's bike was in the possession of Primo, i suspect that either the forest dicks were Saviors too, the Saviors wiped them out or they paid tribute to the Saviors.
Vaguely spoilery fan theory ahead! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Supposedly the end song of the season finale has been uncovered by rumor mongers and it's "This Ain't the End" which will be performed allegedly by Emiley Kinney AKA Beth Greene. This led to a flurry of speculation that this points to either Darryl or Maggie getting a taste of barbed wire wrapped hickory, based on the lyrics and who will supposedly sing the song. You can see the details here:

Song Theory

What do you guys think?

EDIT: Fixed a sentence that had "Maggie" in place of "Beth".
I liked the episode. I didn't mind Carol's charade/introspection, they built up to it previously when she counted her kills, and left a cookie on the kid's grave. Remember that she threatened him (Sam?) that he would be torn apart alive, then it happened. When Red said "what were you afraid of?" and Carol replied "this", I expected it, but it was still strong. Then she burned up those other guys, so we can hardly say she's gone soft. I'm glad that Maggie (or anyone) finally realized that it is stupid to send a pregnant woman out on raids. You don't have any of those to spare.
Once there is a permanent settlement every woman who is capable of having children should be pregnant right? The planet will need to be repopulated or the human race dies off completely in a few short decades.
I was rather surprised when they went the route of making Carol into a bad ass a ways down the road. We've just had season after season now of Carol kicking ass and taking names. I just hope they don't have her completely lose her edge.

Also, they better not kill off Daryl, they'll have a lot of pissed off fans on their hands. I read somewhere that the person who plays Glenn is going to start filming a movie shortly so my money is on him exiting the show.
Also, they better not kill off Daryl, they'll have a lot of pissed off fans on their hands.

I'm sorry, but if one character is the only thing keeping you watching the show...

(Not you specifically, just anyone who pisses and moans about "well if they kill off so and so, I'm just not watching anymore.)
My impression was that was it for the Wolves. Judging by the previous season's evidence at Noah's place, plus the attack on Alexandria they weren't particularly sophisticated outside of the truck trap, just ram a truck through the walls and then stabby stabby stab. The Wolves that escaped ran into rick in the RV, who promptly gunned them down. I think basement guy was the leader too, he mentions he just got too impatient and selfish and that they should have watched more and waited. That said, I could be wrong.

Given that Daryl's bike was in the possession of Primo, i suspect that either the forest dicks were Saviors too, the Saviors wiped them out or they paid tribute to the Saviors.

I'm pretty sure that the guy with the goatee and the two girls (one with insulin) from earlier this season will become a featured Savior from the comics named Dwight.
I was talking to a buddy of mine about who gets the bat and he pointed out something I had totally forgotten about, the actor that played Merle was supposedly on set and filmed some scenes. Michael Rooker aka Merle was spotted on set and was even allegedly dressed in character Michael Rooker on set. At the time, most folks wrote it off as being a flashback or hallucination involving the burnt forest we saw or the flashback episode that showrunner Scott Gimple had hinted at. But the flashback episode and the burnt forest episode have long since passed...if the rumor is true well...that could very well mean that Daryl is getting the bat. At this point, it's still possible Rooker was just on the set to visit friends but I'm leaning towards Daryl being the Negan's victim.
Only thing keeping me watching the show is that it's an awesome show. I'm just saying that a lot of people love Daryl. I'm a Rick fan myself.

I edited my original post. I see people saying that about a lot of characters...

"If Daryl/Glenn/Carol gets killed off, I'm not watching anymore."

Ok fine, take your ball and go home. If too many characters are "safe" on a show like this, I think it takes away from the unpredictability and suspense of the plot.

Of course, they could take the opposite tact and go the GoT route where characters (even main ones) get killed off right and left, and it gets difficult to gain any connection to individual characters.
Of course, they could take the opposite tact and go the GoT route where characters (even main ones) get killed off right and left, and it gets difficult to gain any connection to individual characters.

Man, I was such a fan of Ned Stark then they went and killed him off. Pissed me off but made me want to watch the show even more to eventually watch that little prick die.

Anyway, one of the main characters is going to die off then Rick is going to flip out and slaughter everyone then they will be back on the road to face their new adversary next season.
Man, I'm pretty sure an honest to goodness fight for your life crotch bite would've killed or completely incapacitated someone...
I liked this episode quite a bit, even though it's just setting us up for the season finale. The geeky

Goodbye, Denise
Denise decides to instigate a medicine run and demands that she go with Daryl and Rosita, who grudgingly oblige. After seeing the horrors of being "out there" she more or less decides she's had enough...until she decides to get a cooler full of soda, of course and stabs a walker in the head. Mid argument/speech she gets a crossbow bolt to the head from D or Dwight if you prefer, the man that took Daryl's crossbow earlier in the season; I have to say that I felt that was well-done an unexpected, and the fact that she kept talking for a while was really great (in a macabre sort of way). With their lone medical expert dead, I'm more convinced than ever that Hilltop is going to merge with Alexandria, as they still have a doctor.

Eugene Has Great Ideas, Bad People Skills
Eugene has gotten some sort of hair up his ass about being viewed as a helpful member of the group (he's maybe also angry at Abraham about the way he broke up with Rosita), and when Eugene makes fun of his zombie killing skills, Eugene tells him off. Unfortunately for poor Eugene, he gets captured by Dwight and his crew who hold him hostage. Eugene's quick thinking saves the day, as he uses Abraham as a distraction and then bites Dwight's dick (OUCH!) while the rest of the group rearms and drives off the saviors, but he gets a bullet to the stomach for his trouble. Eugene sudden backbone is interesting, but his arrogance could very well get him killed; nonetheless he once again showed the group he has a talent for tactical appraisal.

Daryl Has His Crossbow Again!
Daryl, who's been in a bit of a grumpy mood for the past few episodes, is extra angry when he finds out Dwight killed Denise with his crossbow. Dwight has a big bunch of burn scarring on the side of his face now (a punishment from Negan perhaps?) and he seems pretty pissed at Daryl about it. For his part, Daryl is really pissed at Dwight and looks like he's about to give chase to a group he is clearly outnumbered by before Rosita stops him. The most poignant moment comes at the end of the episode though, where Carol tells Daryl she knew he was right when he told her that he should have killed Dwight earlier. Carol leaves after leaving a note behind, but it looks like Daryl rides off after her, I suspect this will cause someone to get captured and/or killed by the Saviors.

Only two episodes left to the season finale, I'm excited to see how this plays out but apprehensive for the long wait until next season.
Really does seem like they're setting up either Carol or Daryl or both to die in the season finale. Really pisses me off that Carol runs off like that when she knows the group are going to come after her and also that the bad guys are basically at Alexandria's gates.
Well, to be clear it seems like Daryl goes off to try and find Carol, and it's not like she hasn't left before (though last time it was because Rick told her to leave).

I think Daryl is going after the Dwight guy, not carol. I think he is blaming himself for not killing Dwight. He said it in the beginning of the episode, and now Denise died by the hand of Dwight.

I have a feeling carol is going on a silent killing spree.
I hope they're just setting us up for a Carol rampage. She's off the deep end just like before when she started killing her own. She's killed individuals, in her own group, a number of times when it was expedient for the entire group as a whole. She's going to do it again.

So she doesn't like herself when she's forced to do it. She wants to punish herself. Her relationship with Rick is going to evolve again. :p Daryl already knows it. Look at the previous episode at the "Safe House". What did she say to who?

They won't kill Carol or Rick. Daryl might be a martyr this season. They've got to do something to keep us coming back, remember the Red Wedding, John Snow, etc.

Now they're spending more time developing the psychology of the characters at the expense of the action. Not a good combination.

I can only hope.
I still think it's gonna be

Warning, Spoiler:

that gets it in the finale, when we finally get to meet Negan, but I have another thought as well, and some things bear out both of my thoughts.

Warning, Spoiler:
Maybe, MAYBE it's gonna be Maggie. Think about it - how shocking was it when not only Lori but the baby got gunned down in the comics? Now I don't think AMC would even show something like that, but a pregnant Maggie getting to "meet Lucille" would be probably the most shocking thing they could do on this show. What do I think bears out either of these scenarios? Has anyone else noticed, between taped interviews with Lauren Cohan & her appearance on The Talking Dead, that she has her hair cut? I am pretty sure Maggie got a new haircut after Glenn was killed. Either that, or it's for a different role altogether, and she's leaving the show. So, that goes along with either her or Glenn dying.

Just a thought.

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