The question you may not want to answer :D

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That's MicroBrew Belly to you! About 15 pounds and it's smaller than it was when I started homebrewing.
Denny's Brew said:
So.. How big is your beer gut and did you notice a signifigant increase in belly size once you started home brewing beer vs purchasing beer? :eek: :D
Mine's big enough that I had SWMBO get me some new shirts, in XXL, and I've never been anything bigger than an L in my life. :eek: I never bought much beer before I started brewing, so my expansion is all due to homebrew and storebought stuff for research purposes. :D
Mine is a little bigger, but not just due to drinking homebrew. I have been eating too much lately, but have been back on the healthy eating wagon the past 2 weeks. I wonder how many calories your average homebrew has compared to, say, a Miller Lite?
mmditter said:
Mine is a little bigger, but not just due to drinking homebrew. I have been eating too much lately, but have been back on the healthy eating wagon the past 2 weeks. I wonder how many calories your average homebrew has compared to, say, a Miller Lite?

weel, figure a Doppelbock has about 380 calories a bottle, then about 220 probably?

i used to way 265 lbs, ( i'm a little over 6'3") worked it down to 185 (way too skinny!) then leveled off at 210. rather be about 195-200, but i eat right, exercise 5-7 times week, and try, TRY, to only drink on the weekends. the holidays are always tuff, so i gained a few due to too much rich food + heavy winter brews. got to get fit for spring! :D

and i had stopped brewing and drinking all together when i went down to 185. no booze for almost 6 months.
I don't blame beer for my belly, I blame marriage!

I used to be a "racing snake" before I got married, 6ft 3ins and 147 lbs (way under-weight) but as soon as I got married, I slowly increased in weight to 182 lbs. I reckon the "I do" turned the gain down on my metabolism.
I'll take a fifth too...

I havent gained any lately, But I was already 1/6 of a ton before I started HB'ing last year. Maybe I ought to find a diet beer recipe...or smaller bottles? Anybody got 100 7 oz'ers for sale?
No problem here. 5'9 and 170 lbs with a 29" waist. Actually, have to shop for pants in college shops, at age 62. Keep the carbs down and not much of a weight problem. It's all the things you eat with the beer. I walk and swim often. Quit weight lifting about 10 years ago.
BlightyBrewer said:
I don't blame beer for my belly, I blame marriage!

I used to be a "racing snake" before I got married, 6ft 3ins and 147 lbs (way under-weight) but as soon as I got married, I slowly increased in weight to 182 lbs. I reckon the "I do" turned the gain down on my metabolism.

damn Blighty! did u have to wear cement shoes to keep from blowing
away? :D
Genghis77 said:
No problem here. 5'9 and 170 lbs with a 29" waist. Actually, have to shop for pants in college shops, at age 62. Keep the carbs down and not much of a weight problem. It's all the things you eat with the beer. I walk and swim often. Quit weight lifting about 10 years ago.

I am with you. I am 5'6" and wiegh 125lb. I have been this wieght since College. I started weight lifting and went up to 150lb. Got tired of that and dropped back to 125. I pretty much eat anything and drink anything without consequence. It won't last too much longer though.
anthrobe said:
I am with you. I am 5'6" and wiegh 125lb. I have been this wieght since College. I started weight lifting and went up to 150lb. Got tired of that and dropped back to 125. I pretty much eat anything and drink anything without consequence. It won't last too much longer though.

Im 6'1" and 184 lbs -- I have found that running at least 15 miles a week consistently allows me to drink or eat pretty much whatever and as much as I want. It's a hassle sometimes but once it became a habit it just became part of my life. Honestly there's no way I could drink as much beer as I do if I didn't run.
6'3" tall, 250+ pounds, but that's been in place since pre-brewing days. I'm 100 lbs heavier than I was 10 years ago, and that sucks.

I'm on a diet now, but I need to get my butt to do some exercise. I want to live more than 10 more years.

XXL shirts (17-36 fitted), 40w32L pants. And everything is uncomfortable.
5'7" hovering around 168-172... i drink way too much according to any sorta medical journal you read, or my wife ;) ... i only drink beer though, no hard stuff since college.

i have to start eating somewhat better, but i don't eat alot and am still fairly active, with a hyperactive five year old to chase around.
t1master said:
i have to start eating somewhat better, but i don't eat alot and am still fairly active, with a hyperactive five year old to chase around.

dude! that's better than Dancing to the Oldies w/ Richard Simmons!:drunk:
Personally, for me - it's food!:(

Sure, beer adds into the equation, but I'm always heaviest at this time of year. During the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I don't work out regularly and I'm just too busy - then all the holiday crap to eat! If I were to cut down on the food, but maintain the beer intake and workouts, I'm sure I'd be fine!

I work it off as the year goes on. I just got back to my regular workouts this weekend - man, it was rough! Right now, I'm 5'10" & 221 lbs., which isn't bad. This time last year I was at 230 lbs.! I'm normally around 200 lbs. the majority of the year.

I'm trying to get down to ~185 lbs., but it's going to be harder than in the past. I had knee surgery a couple of years ago, so running is out and a lot of the things I used to like to do - like heavy squats - are out, too!

When I was first building my model train layout back in the Fall of 2000, I stayed home every Friday night, got up early to work on the layout Saturday morning and only had beer and junk food Saturday nights! I got down to 178 lbs. back then! Thinnest I'd been in 20 years!
5'10" and about 170. I've hovered between 150-175 forever. However the last time I was 175 it was because I was weight lifting. I'm pretty sure the homebrew has added about 15 lbs to my gut. Either that or age is doing its thing. I choose the latter ;).
6'0" tall, 220lbs. I've packed on about 20-30lbs since I started brewing and discovered big beers. Plus, my job keeps my on my butt too much. Even at 180lbs, I'm a pretty big boy, so I can carry it pretty well. I still need to get on top of it, though.
anthrobe said:
I am with you. I am 5'6" and wiegh 125lb. I have been this wieght since College. I started weight lifting and went up to 150lb. Got tired of that and dropped back to 125. I pretty much eat anything and drink anything without consequence. It won't last too much longer though.

Just wait 18 months when you turn 30. Bwahahaha!:eek:
At my HBS there is a bumper sticker on the counter that says:

"It's not a beer gut, it's a liquid grain storage facility!"

That says it all, IMHO!!!

I'm 5"11 205, about 15-20 lbs. overweight IMHO. I put on all my recent weight on my last assignment when I was in Korea. Too much beer and too much eating junk. I'm a lazy turd when it comes to working out--and it is gonna get my butt kicked out of the AF if I don't do something about it. :(

I say that as I'm sitting here typing and eating an Arby's roast beef. :rolleyes:
t1master said:
i have to start eating somewhat better, but i don't eat alot and am still fairly active, with a hyperactive five year old to chase around.

For anyone who feels they need more exercise, I here by offer to loan you my 6 year old twins and 4 year old, all boys...:D They'll keep you running.

I'm 5'9" 155-160 lbs. @ 32 yrs old. I'll be happy to drop another 10-15 lbs, and lop another minute and a half off of my mile and a half time. I need to quit smoking more than anything though.:(
5"10 @190lbs. My good natural weight is 165lbs.
I reckon half of the over is due to loving good beer and I can brew. The other half is due to loving good food and I can cook.

I've told my friends I need to get into shape. (Barrel shape)
Seriously I haven't rationed the beer and have drank most of the 200 pints or so I've brewed over the last few months. I've cut right back now I've educated my self I can relax.
Being a giant and all, I'm not too worried about such trivial things as weight and girth. :D

I am 6'2" and weigh around 250 (not really a giant by any means). I carry it pretty well. Several years back, when I was cycling every day, I got down to 215 and was pretty dang lean. People were starting to wonder if I was sick or something. I guess my bones are made of lead?! Hell, the "optimum" weight for someone of my size is supposed to be 185-195 or something like that. If I was that skinny, I'd look very unhealthy, not that I don't need to lose about 25 lbs....

Anyhow, I haven't noticed any weight gain since rediscovering homebrewing. Part of that may be that we got a couple dogs about the same time, and they demand to be walked a couple times a day.

For me, beer's not the problem, portion control is. My parents taught me to "clean the plate" which I took to heart. Nowadays, when resturants are serving 1500-2000 calorie meals, I have to practice some serious self control to "waste" food.
andre the giant said:
Anyhow, I haven't noticed any weight gain since rediscovering homebrewing. Part of that may be that we got a couple dogs about the same time, and they demand to be walked a couple times a day.

For me, beer's not the problem, portion control is. My parents taught me to "clean the plate" which I took to heart. Nowadays, when resturants are serving 1500-2000 calorie meals, I have to practice some serious self control to "waste" food.

i feel your pain Andre! my boxer freaks when he hear's "walk". we have to spell it around him or he'll drive us nut's to go walk. so, he gets a good 2.5 mile walk every day.

my parents did the same. it's a sin to waste good food :(
andre the giant said:
I am 6'2" and weigh around 250 (not really a giant by any means). I carry it pretty well. Several years back, when I was cycling every day, I got down to 215 and was pretty dang lean. People were starting to wonder if I was sick or something. I guess my bones are made of lead?! Hell, the "optimum" weight for someone of my size is supposed to be 185-195 or something like that. If I was that skinny, I'd look very unhealthy, not that I don't need to lose about 25 lbs....

I'm 6'2" 175-180 lbs. and I don't look unhealthy. The fat women at my work say I'm too skinny but they just say that to justify their propensity for shoving crap into their pieholes ALL DAY LONG! Ha ha! I was up to 195 lbs. in college when I lifted weights everyday and took creatine. Now I only go to the gym once or twice a week. But all males in my family are skinny bastards until their 30's then the gut comes on. Part of the reason I even still go to the gym is that I'm trying to avoid the gut as long as I can.

A couple months ago my dentist told me I exhibited signs of male pattern baldness. :( (Thanks dude, I hadn't noticed!) So keeping off the gut for as long as possible is a priority. Fat and balding would be a bad combo.

AllHoppedUp said:
A couple months ago my dentist told me I exhibited signs of male pattern baldness. :( (Thanks dude, I hadn't noticed!) So keeping off the gut for as long as possible is a priority. Fat and balding would be a bad combo.


just don't go for the trifecta! (limp town :D )
AllHoppedUp said:
A couple months ago my dentist told me I exhibited signs of male pattern baldness. :( (Thanks dude, I hadn't noticed!) So keeping off the gut for as long as possible is a priority. Fat and balding would be a bad combo.


Why was your dentist checking out your hair?
5'11". 200 lbs. Been this tall since I was 15 or so.

At the end of highschool, I was 185 lbs and pretty solid from 6 years of football and wrestling. Best shape I was ever in.

Then I went to college and started drinking LOTS of crappy beer. Finished my freshman year at a bloated, blubbery 215 lbs. I decided I better lay off the beer a bit (I was drinking a 12-pack on a single night of partying, and I did this three times a week or so.)

The first summer of college, I got very ill (never figured out what it was) but I dropped from 215 to 175 over the course of 3 months (not much drinking, and I had a manual labor job outdoors for the summer.. the main thing was I had absolutely no appetite.)

Then back to college where I maintained 175-185 weight for a few years.

Then I went and lived in Germany for 6 months in 1997. Walked EVERYWHERE I went and dropped down to 160 lbs (drinking LOTS of beer, naturally.)

Back to my final year of school, and met the girl that would eventially become my wife. Hre cooking brought me up to 190 from 160 over the course of a few years. Homebrewing started at this same time, I so I can't say for certain which it was, but I certainly ate a lot more in those years than ever before, and my drinking stayed the same.

Then... PREGNANCY for my wife. I ate right along with my her; 3am trips for tacos, milkshakes two or three times a week, ice-cream brunches, etc.

Now, two kids later... I'm sitting at 200-205 (depending on whose scale I stand on.)

I need to shed a few because I refuse to buy all new clothes.

I was on vacation in rural northwest Ohio from 12/24 through the 1/8. No internet access there. (Well... there is internet access, but between the 40 people in my immediate family back there, there are only 2 computers.)

Returned to work yesterday and spent the day going through the backlog of about 750 emails. Finally got a chance to breath this afternoon.

I hope y'all had good holidays.

BeeGee said:
CTRL-A CTRL-D works for me. ;)

I use that, but on subsets of mail. I have everthing color coded in my inbox to indicate how much attention (if any) I need to pay to the mail.

Black = I got this because some large mail alias was used that included me
Blue = I got this because I was included on the "CC" line.
Dark Red = I got this because I was one of the people on the "TO" line.
Red = I got this because I was the ONLY person on the "TO" line.

I CTRL-D'ed all the black ones and the majority of the blue ones. That left me with only 300 that I actually had to read.

Goo! Don't get me started... thank god I got a girlfriend before I took up a passion for beer! Otherwise I would have to look at my forming beer belly as less of a prideful achievement, and more of a hurdle in meeting the ladies...

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