The "Dear" , "Sincerely" thread

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Dear Beernik,
Is Island Hoppin' Brewing still using a giant insulated plastic box for a mash tun?
Homebrewers turned pro brewers crack me up

Dear Homebrewers Crack Me Up,

I don't get to Orcas very often yet. However when one of my projects goes into construction, I'll be in Eastsound weekly.

I'm trying to get to Lopez Island Brewing in the next couple weeks. They have a 1 barrel system. My wife asked me if that was bad. I said, "I can do a 1/3rd barrel. I bet their's is cute. It probably fits in a garage."


Still getting used to island life
Dear reviewer of my project proposal,

I have no idea what you think I'm doing. But let me quickly summarize my response to your comments, "I didn't include that in my proposal because that's not what I'm doing. Try reading it again. Understand what it is, not what you want it to be."


I'm sick of this ****
Dear reviewer of my project proposal,

I have no idea what you think I'm doing. But let me quickly summarize my response to your comments, "I didn't include that in my proposal because that's not what I'm doing. Try reading it again. Understand what it is, not what you want it to be."


I'm sick of this ****

Dear stars,

I'd be happy to write you a change order request. Would you like me to do that?

Customers are stupid. Architects are worse.
Dear NWI/Chicago truck buyers,

You do not all plow or intend to plow. Our streets are clear by 7 AM. Why, oh why, do none of you buy RWD 3/4 ton trucks in this day and age of traction control and stability control.


Guy trying to a buy used (or even NEW) tow pig without travelling to Texas or dealing with added BS of 4WD.
Dear guy driving in front of me,

The only reason I am suddenly up your ass is because you not only slowed down suddenly to go around the merest of curves, but you didn't even bother to tap your brakes to let me know you were slowing down. For that reason, you don't get to give me ugly faces in your side-mirror and make some indecipherable hand-gesture at me.

Sincerely, Go Pound Sand
Dear parents of elementary school bus riders,

Please have all your children ready to board the bus, when it arrives, at the same time, every morning. Sending your children out one at a time, several minutes apart, while holding the traffic behind the bus is just plain rude!

The guy that can't seem to beat that bus to the corner no matter what he does.
Dear That Guy,

Remember when kids walked to the bus stop, and waited for the bus? Now the parents have to drive them to the bus stop & wait with their kids. These same parents were the ones that walked to & waited at the bus stop!

What the HELL happened to them to make them so over-protective? They survived just fine!

Sincerely, Weirded The Hell Out By Helicopter Parents
Dear That Guy,

Remember when kids walked to the bus stop, and waited for the bus? Now the parents have to drive them to the bus stop & wait with their kids. These same parents were the ones that walked to & waited at the bus stop!

What the HELL happened to them to make them so over-protective? They survived just fine!

Sincerely, Weirded The Hell Out By Helicopter Parents



Guy I know that has a teenage old son that can't be home by himself and needs to be picked him up from school everyday instead of riding the bus, the kid is 14, he'll survive.


"It WILL be different if I have kids"
Dear @jmcquesten,

While I agree with your post wholeheartedly, please stick to the form as described in the title, as well as by example of every other post in this thread.

;) :p :D

Sincerely, "That Guy"

Dear "That Guy",

Don't be "That Guy".

"That Other Guy" xP
Dear That Other Guy,

Have you seen my "custom title" under my username?


Sincerely, Totally "That Guy"
Dear guy driving behind me while posting on is phone,

The accelerator also works as a decelerator. And also, downshifting.

Hang up and drive
Dear HUD,

I actually don't own a cell phone. I was relating an incident that happened early in the day, as I use this thread as pseudo-therapy.

Also, tapping the brake to make the lights flash is considered more than just proper etiquette while driving. Even deceleration from just letting off the gas or downshifting.

Sincerely, Knows A Lot More About Cars Than You Are Giving Him Credit For
Dear @jmcquesten,

While I agree with your post wholeheartedly, please stick to the form as described in the title, as well as by example of every other post in this thread.

;) :p :D

Sincerely, "That Guy"

Dear "that guy",

Fixed it.


This guy
Dear Wal-Mart manager,

Water softener salt bags may not be glamorous enough for the front end of the store and I do appreciate the exercise you give my by locating them the maximum distance from the checkout. However, since the average shopper in your stores has about as much self awareness as a door knob you might consider moving the bags to a safer location. Navigating a 200#+ payload through your store among patrons unaware of Newton's second law has honed my reflexes and for that too I thank you. Countless people emerge from side aisles or simply step in front of a my cart with reckless abandon. Only through hyper vigilance have I yet to run anyone over, despite the best efforts of my fellow shoppers. Alas I fear their luck will run out one of these days. I don't know if death by salt cart counts as vehicular homicide and I'd rather not find out.


My Brother's Keeper
Dear Brain,

Why are you continually making recipes and grain/hops/yeast wish lists? You've got 2 kits, 18lbs of grain, and 7 ounces of hops that you need to use before you buy anything else.


Dear Brain,

Why are you continually making recipes and grain/hops/yeast wish lists? You've got 2 kits, 18lbs of grain, and 7 ounces of hops that you need to use before you buy anything else.



Dear me,

If you feel like off loading some of that, feel free to send it my way xP I'll be happy to free up some room for you.

Just a good Samaritan.
Dear HBT,

Can you either go back to the old system, or make Wordpress look & work exactly like the old system?


Sincerely, This Blows Now
Dear people who call it Daylight Savings Time,
I agree with you, its an archaic institution that really is unnecessary. Unfortunately the grammar retentive person in me hates it when you pluralize saving in Daylight Saving Time. You can only save the daylight once.
I am Saving Daylight
. You can only save the daylight once.
I am Saving Daylight

Dear saving daylight.
Tell that to me next year when we are in the time for daylight saving. Wait saving daylight yearly at the same general time of year. Wouldn't that make it Daylight Saving's time?
Always seem confused by grammar rules and regulations.
Dear Confused By Grammar,

Let's just get rid if this abomination of time altogether.

Sincerely, An Hour Behind
Dear saving daylight.
Tell that to me next year when we are in the time for daylight saving. Wait saving daylight yearly at the same general time of year. Wouldn't that make it Daylight Saving's time?
Always seem confused by grammar rules and regulations.

Dear Always seem confused,
The reasoning for it is because daylight is singular. As such the verb saving should also be singular to match. I am for getting rid of it though. Why dont we just split the difference. We arent saving anything. Plus wouldnt you want to save the daylight in the winter rather than the summer?
A pedant
Dear bike

Why did you have to low-side in a mud puddle today? We were getting along so nicely all day, with no slip ups. Now my leg is sore as hell from where you decided to take a nap on my leg with your pannier.


Your rider (who is definitely thinking of ditching your finicky a$$ for a proper dual sport)

Dear Rider,

Oh, no! Say it ain't so, Joe!

Sincerely, Damn Man.

(Hope you are alright!)
Dear Saving Daylight,

It is saving nothing...just shifting time around to screw with your body clock.


Guy drinking himself to sleep an hour early


Couldn't agree more - it's like cutting the bottom off a blanket and sewing it to the top to make the blanket longer. DUMB!

Leave the Damn Blanket Alone!
Dear Damn Man,

It wasn't the first time I've been down on my bike, won't be the last. The trick is doing it in the mud where it's much harder to hurt yourself!


Bruised, but not broken (this time)
Dear Bruised,

As I was my brother's "mechanic" during his road-racing years (FZR400), I have seen some spills & crashes. Of course, on the track, you are wearing full leathers with the helmet. As can be predicted, he has also crashed his bike on the street and learned the hard way the even though it's warm, a leather jacket & long pants go a long way towards preventing/reducing road-rash. Looking at your av, I can see you've already accrued that wisdom.

Sincerely, Glad To Hear You're OK
Dear Glad

I'm an all the gear all the time type rider. About four years ago I crashed on the highway going about 70mph. I was fully geared up. I was bruised and sore, but walked away from the crash essentially unscathed. Nobody will ever convince me not to wear gear.

This little spill above happened going probably 15-20 in the soft mud... Not too bad.


All this talk about motorcycles is making me want to pour myself a beer