The "Dear" , "Sincerely" thread

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Dear body,

I know you are a night owl. I realise that you prefer to stay up late. But, I have to get up at 8:30 AM and I really need you to turn off the brain for a while.

Sincerely, Late-Night Lover
Dear neighbor that was working on his trailer till nearly 10,
bless you dude, I wish you'd gotten soaked by the massive rain.

Great way to introduce yourself. The guy that lived there before was a disrespectful dooshebal too.


Sleep? Who needs it?
Dear everyone,

It was F'ing hot in Pgh today too...although probably worse south of the Mason Dixon...

PA still gets hot and miserable too.

P.S. Summer humidity notwithstanding, I still miss NC alot...
Dear PA still gets hot,

Let's talk about humidity :p

They call Columbia "Famously Hot" for a reason

Dear Cheesy,

No one cares.

The rational part of Cheesy's brain.
Dear Giant Eagle Market District,

Thanks for having both child care *and* a bar. Having a black DIPA makes shopping on Saturday almost tolerable, and the boy loves getting a chance to play Minecraft on an XBox...

Wife and daughter are at a birthday party and guess who got stuck doing groceries?
Dear Netflix,

Please refrain from making more of these twelve hour long movies like Sense8 and pass along the word to AMC, HBO and all the rest. I need to brew. I also need sleep.


Mr. No Willpower Fanboi
Dear weather gods, We could use some rain; a nice, gentle, soaking rain; for a couple hours. No big winds, no lightning, we need rain, not fire.
Sincerely, all of western Montana.
Dear world,
I'm not angry at you why do you have to be such a +@&$.
It's not really you world its the sub par performances I'm surrounded by.
But holy hell I have never been surrounded by such gross incompetence vin my entire life.
I can't work because I have my kids. There should've been quotes there.
Then why don't you have your kid you miserable wanker.
And further more I'm pretty sure you don't have a court ordered psychologists appointment at 1030 am next Saturday. You lying @$$hole ¶u$$y. I'm pretty sure white collar workers nurse hangovers and play golf at 1030.
Signed shoulda been golfin.
PS radio edit
Dear TYSK,

So, hot-doggin' & free-ballin' leads to tree-froggin'?

Sincerely, Likes A Lot Of Little Alliteration
Dear Ohio:
We'd love to get some of that rain & we're happy to share it with CA. It's starting to look & smell like a bad fire season this year. We could really do with more rain & less fire.
Sincerely, just about everybody in MT.
Dear rain,
I hear others need you. You've left, for now, so please stay where ever you went. Or at least not here.

I'm ready for the flooded roads to open back up. Funneling dummies onto the main roads only makes a bad commute worse.
Dear Boil Kettle,

It's scary sometimes how often Google is dead on with what I'm going to search with only a couple of letters.

Time to tighten my tin foil hat again
Dear Big Bro:
"We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own."
Sincerely, the Borg.

Dear wife,

Next time we but a house the distance to the nearest hardware store will be an important factor.

No project is complete without two trips to the hardware store.

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