So, you are at a non-craft beer place... What do you order?

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Beezy said:
That's cool I am not going to get into it with you but it doesn't take that much to run and the people that do the day to day are most likely volunteers. I appreciate most of the posters on here. I would never donate here though. The way it's handled here repulses me.

Im not trying or wanting to "get into it" with you either, but to touch back on the topic of this post (can I do that?) If the beer repulses you, why indeed bother to drink it.
bottlebomber said:
Im not trying or wanting to "get into it" with you either, but to touch back on the topic of this post (can I do that?) If the beer repulses you, why indeed bother to drink it.

That was referring to the way they handle the donations on here not referring to the beer. Now, back to the topic and I apologize for the hijack (=
Beezy said:
That was referring to the way they handle the donations on here not referring to the beer. Now, back to the topic and I apologize for the hijack (=

You missed the metaphor
I know, its really lame how they accept a contribution for this wonderful forum where you can learn about absolutely anything brew related and get any question answered by incredibly experienced brewers within minutes... I don't even know why I bother logging on.

You can contribute in other ways than money. I would rather donate to the other site I am on where they treat non donating people the same as donating people. In fact no one but the owner of the site knows the difference. Just saying.

Such as how? Sage advice? The point is, a site like this takes a lot to maintain. And its very well maintained. I have never experienced any kind of bug or glitch, and Im on here every day. I don't know who's responsible for keeping it that way, but likely it takes a lot of time and effort. And when I think about how just a little good advice at the right time can save hundreds of dollars not wasted on crappy homebrew, it feels just fine to spend the equivilent of a 5 gallon batch of hefeweizens worth of cash to keep this thing up and running. Im not sure where else you hang out, but whenever you type a brewing question into Google, its BHT, not Brewdudes, that comes up consistently
Want to know why this site gets the ad revenue it does? It's because members contribute so much information. Content is worth money. Every single person that contributes content of value has increased the value of this site. Premium membership is a nice bonus, but having the content to turn up at the top of every google search is worth a lot more. The reason HBT is at the top is because so many people take the time to answer the same questions over and over in the beginners beer brewing forum. It's SEO galore over there.
This guy had no idea what his post would do when he originally posted it I'm sure. There should be a disclaimer to new members on topics not to post on when they join.
bwomp313 said:
This guy had no idea what his post would do when he originally posted it I'm sure. There should be a disclaimer to new members on topics not to post on when they join.

That's a GREAT idea :) and also to warn them about Revvy :mug:
Is that just out of principal? Or have you actually tried all their offerings and really don't like them?
I'm not trying to be argumentative, just curious as to why someone would turn down good beer just because of the brewery.
Of course I've tried BMC beers.:D I just don't like them. I don't like the way they taste, I don't like the way they are brewed. I got to the point I tried so many I didn't like I just gave up.

Business-wise, they (Miller) ruined Leinie's for me. I'm a WI born and raised beer drinker. Leinie's was our craft beer and Miller bought them and industrialized their process. The beer changed. I no longer make an exception for Leinie's and do not drink it. Miller used to make a flavorful pilsner like their German ancestors (and my German ancestors) brewed, but as they grew it became more industrialized and IMO that ruined the beer. Brewing still is such an ancient process but filtering and pasteurizing just ruins the flavor on so many levels, not to mention no hop flavor or aroma, nor malt backbone. Hence my previous notation that BMC makes crappy beer style very well. The American Pilsner (Miller) and Light American Lager (AB, Coors, Pabst, et al) are to me, nothing more than water, alcohol, color, and carbonation. I don't blame them, they make what sells. I'm just not one of their customers.

Ok, just so we have this right, you don't drink these styles: American Lager, Amber, Wheat, Belgian, Bock, White, Abbey, English Pale Ale, Helles Lager, Pilsner, Oktoberfest, Brown Ale, Cider. OK, after going through the AB site I got tired. So I guess the question left is, which styles do you like?
No not the styles in general. Perhaps what I should have said was their versions of the style for the most part. There are some styles I simply find undrinkable. American Lager in all its forms, American Pilsner, all that yellow beer stuff with no flavor and aroma.

Lager beer in general is not to my taste. There isn't enough flavor to keep me interested in the beer. Lagers lack character. German Pilsner and Bock do not, however, but I haven't found one that satisfies me.

What I drink are hefeweizen, dunkelweizen, russ, dampfbier, gose, and porter for the most part. I keep each of those beers on tap, although the russ is in a Scotty keg and the gose is bottle conditioned. The top two beers I drink are hefeweizen and dunkelweizen. Sometimes when I'm bored I'll experiment with ice distilling the dunkelweizen as a dunkeleisweizen.
Weizenwerks said:
I have the opinion that beer is to be crafted, not industrialized.

Im sure your cheese drawer is full of english farmhouse cheddar too isn't it... god forbid some industrial cheese sneak in there :D and the meat you buy... farm raised? You get to meet and greet your bacon face to face? The fact is, if everyone decided overnight that they were only going to drink craft beer, we all better have our pipelines built up because that's an ASTOUNDING amount of beer that those BMCs brew. I work with a guy that drinks 10-15 beers EVERY night
bottlebomber said:
Im sure your cheese drawer is full of english farmhouse cheddar too isn't it... god forbid some industrial cheese sneak in there :D and the meat you buy... farm raised? You get to meet and greet your bacon face to face? The fact is, if everyone decided overnight that they were only going to drink craft beer, we all better have our pipelines built up because that's an ASTOUNDING amount of beer that those BMCs brew. I work with a guy that drinks 10-15 beers EVERY night

So you must think the guys at CAMRA are pricks because they have an opinion they are vocal about.
I would probably order a mixed drink or go drink free that night. When you order a beer at a restaurant, you're looking @ $4-5, and if it isn't a beer I really enjoy, I'll skip it and pick up a bomber on the way home of something I do like.

Im sure your cheese drawer is full of english farmhouse cheddar too isn't it... god forbid some industrial cheese sneak in there :D
I buy my cheese from a local cheese maker that's a 5th generation cheese maker. Still made by hand.

and the meat you buy... farm raised? You get to meet and greet your bacon face to face?
Yes, my beef and pork are farm raised on my farm. I raise, slaughter and butcher my own beef and pork. I also hunt so I add rabbit, squirrel, venison, grouse, duck, goose, quail, raccoon and woodcock to the list. Not only do I kill it, I butcher, and cook it as well. I grow my own corn, beans, carrots, squash, pumpkins, eggplant, beets, radishes, lettuce, cucumbers. I make my own pickles. I don't buy many foods, I raise it, kill it, or grow it myself.

I work with a guy that drinks 10-15 beers EVERY night
That's certainly not a guy I'd want to work with.
I know, its really lame how they accept a contribution for this wonderful forum where you can learn about absolutely anything brew related and get any question answered by incredibly experienced brewers within minutes... I don't even know why I bother logging on.

I don't think it's lame to accept paid memberships. I'm a paid member and I'm glad to be able to support the site. I think it's lame to tell non-paying members to search for the EAC thread when they will NEVER be able to find it.
What do you do?

Well, after I locate my top hat and monocle and pick myself up off the floor, I would have my assistant call my driver to bring the limo around front to take me to the heliport. Then I would meet Mortimer and Randolph by chopper in some West Coast microbrewery and try to forget the indignities suffered by drinking several DIPAs and RIPs.
Weizenwerks said:
I buy my cheese from a local cheese maker that's a 5th generation cheese maker. Still made by hand.

That's certainly not a guy I'd want to work with.
Well that certainly puts you in the minority my friend. I do most of what you said as well, except I choose to not eat meat unless it just came out of the ocean. I can choose who I work for, but not who I work with...
Im also thinking you might be lying to make me look like a fool :D
sudsmcgee said:
I don't think it's lame to accept paid memberships. I'm a paid member and I'm glad to be able to support the site. I think it's lame to tell non-paying members to search for the EAC thread when they will NEVER be able to find it.

Im a paid member and I still couldn't find the thread... ;) I was just being sarcastic
Well, after I locate my top hat and monocle and pick myself up off the floor, I would have my assistant call my driver to bring the limo around front to take me to the heliport. Then I would meet Mortimer and Randolph by chopper in some West Coast microbrewery and try to forget the indignities suffered by drinking several DIPAs and RIPs.

LOL...wait, are you serious??? :D
Weizenwerks said:
Nope. Just one of those guys that was raised off the land and continues in that self reliant way of life. My idea of fast food is dove hunting.

Do you live on a beet farm, Mr. Schrute? Just kidding... I really admire that way of life. I have about a half acre vegetable garden, can at least 100 quarts of tomato sauce, and luckily there is a lot of craft cheese locally made so I can get that too. I want to try getting into growing cereal crops, but that takes some equipment. I have never eaten a fast food burger in my life. Its funny that what once was considered the norm, is now considered food snobbery.
Flew out of Ft. Lauderdale airport last night. Was thirsty and had to take some pills. Water tasted like chlorine. Bar has Bud Light and Michelob on tap and some assortment of bottles including Blue Moon and Yuengling. I didn't want a mixed drink or wine chose Bud Light. Hit the spot at the time but was glad to get home for homebrewed pale ale.
Not the EAC again!

Personally, I'll drink water, iced tea or a soda, if there isn't anything on the beer menu that I like and will go with my meal. And that includes craft beers.
good lord, people whining about finding what EAC means is worse than the EAC!!

fwiw, i found out what it meant long before i was a member. search harder.
good lord, people whining about finding what EAC means is worse than the EAC!!

fwiw, i found out what it meant long before i was a member. search harder.

I seriously doubt someone whining about not knowing what EAC means is as annoying a people constantly using the acronym like they're in some sort of secret club, then challenging everyone else to hone their Internet searching skills enough to be initiated.

If I did spend enough time searching to find the answer, the first thing I'd do is start a thread giving the answer to everyone else.
I seriously doubt someone whining about not knowing what EAC means is as annoying a people constantly using the acronym like they're in some sort of secret club, then challenging everyone else to hone their Internet searching skills enough to be initiated.

If I did spend enough time searching to find the answer, the first thing I'd do is start a thread giving the answer to everyone else.

do it, then. and stop whining about it.
If I can't satisfy my pallete, I'll go with my wallet and order whatever is on special. If nothing is on special, go with a Labbatt Blue. In upstate NY everybody has it and "Blue" is easy to order in a loud, crowded bar.
If Guinness is on tap I will get that, I still love it. Even if people yell at me that its not craft or not real draft Guinness or its chaned, blah, blah. It tastes great to me.

If its only bottles, then I'll either get a Newcastle or a Yuengling.
If Guinness is on tap I will get that, I still love it. Even if people yell at me that its not craft or not real draft Guinness or its chaned, blah, blah. It tastes great to me.

If its only bottles, then I'll either get a Newcastle or a Yuengling.

I used to be one of those people that made fun of those who drank guiness to just be hip and show they are above light beers. I used to think it just tasted like creamy water haha. But once I learned the trick of cupping my hands around it to warm it up past sub zero serving temps, I really enjoy it.

Although I will still argue with people when they say it is heavy...less alcohol than Budweiser and 6 more calories haha.

To keep the thread on topic, I will usually order a PBR if availible. That is the one light lager I LOOOOOOOVE. I am definitely not above drinking BMC (and I would really enjoy it), and I don't look down on others for either extreme of drinking it (ONLY drinking it, or REFUSING to drink it), as long as they don't press their opinions on me.
sorry people, i had to post this original thread. it was just too funny. it's long, but pour yourself a pint, or a glass of wine if no one other boys are watching, and read the whole damn thing.


EAC is a right of passage for HBT and now you've ruined it.

But alas, our good friend olllllo usually has tricks up his sleeve. ;)
Although I will still argue with people when they say it is heavy...less alcohol than Budweiser and 6 more calories haha.

I love when people say, I can't drink Guinness its so dark and thick. Then I ask if they've tried it and they can't answer. Its not thick or heavy at all. It really is just a light ale with some roast, which is great to me!

It is funny to give people who drink Guinness to be hip because its dark (like you said) a RIS or something along those lines and watch them struggle.
I love when people say, I can't drink Guinness its so dark and thick. Then I ask if they've tried it and they can't answer. Its not thick or heavy at all. It really is just a light ale with some roast, which is great to me!

It is funny to give people who drink Guinness to be hip because its dark (like you said) a RIS or something along those lines and watch them struggle.

Funny hipster story coming to you in a PM to avoid more off topic
Wow, Someone has a bit of sand in their...well you know

I fight over some pretty reivial things (as witnessed earlier in this thread), but this baffles me

Not really. I thought it was stupid. Nothing to do with sand in anything. But I'm sure you're just intentionally trying to ruffle my feathers so you can get this thread closed.
Germelli1 said:
Funny hipster story coming to you in a PM to avoid more off topic

Start a new thread on it i want to read stupid hipster stories!

On-topic I am an anti-beer snob too. I will drink whatever is special or wait for it whatever everyone else is drinking to make it easier on the bartender cuz I'm a easy date like that.
Not really. I thought it was stupid. Nothing to do with sand in anything. But I'm sure you're just intentionally trying to ruffle my feathers so you can get this thread closed.

Nah, not this time. At least I have contributed on topic things to this thread in at least ONE of my posts...

Start a new thread on it i want to read stupid hipster stories!

On-topic I am an anti-beer snob too. I will drink whatever is special or wait for it whatever everyone else is drinking to make it easier on the bartender cuz I'm a easy date like that.

PM coming your way. I am anti snob, but I don't want another thread like THIS one haha
I'll drink a Coors only when both mountains are blue. If they're not blue then it taste like carbonated cat piss.

On a side note, there's quite a few Devious Intelligent Conscientious Kind Scholars in this thread.

On a serious note, its threads like this that will drive people to other sites.

EAC is a right of passage for HBT and now you've ruined it.

But alas, our good friend olllllo usually has tricks up his sleeve. ;)

so, not to be a penis, but i'm not sure if you know what "right of passage" means.
this one obscure thread where a guy asks some simple (and strange) questions and is then kind of ripped on, then he takes it waaaaaay to far commenting back to everyone, is not a right of passage. neither is trying to find out what EAC means, since a bunch of people on here couldn't possibly find it.
it kind of elevates the generally happy place of homebrewtalk to something different, dare i say...slightly elitist.

i posted that link because i thought it was simply a hilarious thread,