So who's brewing this weekend?

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Brewed up a red ale on holloween. Think im going to call it "Evil Dead Red". It was my first time using liquid yeast, or doing a starter. I wasnt sure I did everything right, but it was allready bubbling away 8 hours after pitching.
Brewing for the first time in a couple of months. I gotta step it up to fill the pipeline for winter. I tightened the gap on my mill on the last brewday and I'm getting more doughballs now so I have to stir a bit more, but the efficiency is through the roof. Mashing Jamil's mild from BCS right now.
Aiming for a double brewday this weekend. Hopefully a MO/Centennial IPA thing and a Vienna/NB SMaSH.

Might try to get an extract batch in tomorrow too? Need to fill up the pipeline!
After spending a bit of time playing with ingredients & tweaking kits here and there, I'm finally going to be brewing my very first "personal creation" a bit later on today. Dubbing it a Polish ale.

Hoping it ends up tasting as good as the my recipe reads.
Death's Vienna/Northern Brewer SMaSH. Not sure whether it's gonna be a 5 or 10 yet. Either way I'm already out of kegs. :(
Brewing up a Green Flash West Coast IPA this weekend, pretty excited. I took a bit of a hiatus from brewing regular IPAs for a while because that's all I was brewing, but it will be nice to go back to my first love.
I think I'm going to try to brew my first IPA this weekend. Likely a DFH 60 min clone. I have to empty my primary fermenter first though, I'll probably be bottling it soon, but I am going to let it sit in a secondary for a week first.
Should be a good weekend for brewing:)
just finished up 5 gallons of "Late Addition APA" using Amarillo & Cascade all in the last 20 minutes.
Amarillo hops (I was out) arrived yesterday & I'm in. Bottling tomorrow to free a fermenter, Sunday: Amarillo/Simcoe/Cascade IPA

Brewing an American Amber tomorrow at the local bike shop for AHA Learn to Homebrew Day. All centennial hops, excited as I have never used them before!
Brewing two this weekend... an American Amber (Waldo Lake Amber) and an American Pale Ale (Lady Liberty Ale).

I really need to get caught up and get the keezer filled so I can do a seasonal or cider or something.
I got a recipe for North Coast Brewery "Old Stock Ale". I am excited as it is one of my favorite beers.
Me and several hundred other people are going to brew at cap n cork homebrew shop in honor of Natl Learn to Homebrew day. I'm brewing my pseudo Lion's Dragon's stout hybrid.

It's going to look like this today, except with warmer clothes since it is going to be cold today.





I brewed 10 gallons of an all grain American Amber last night and am going to brew a kit today.:D

Got to stock up for the long winter!

It's snowing right now.:(

I was planning on doing a barleywine this weekend, but two things might be preventing it. First, I might need to leave my last batch in the primary a bit longer - and second, I wrenched my back the other night and the prospect of moving five-plus gallons around is not sounding too attractive at the moment.
starter going for a Maibock; six months into this hobby and the two most important things I have learned are planning and patience. It is all about timing . .. .
Converting my 48qt cooler into a MLT today, and hope to brew my first AG brew tomorrow. I have two AG kits coming from NB, a Cream Ale, and an Irish Red.
Just mashed in 10gal of Mild. First brew in about 6 months. gonna be a great day!

You guys are making me mighty jealous. I'm trying to get my RIMS system wired up to I can brew next weekend (hopefully).

Anyone got a recommendation for an AG porter?
I am brewing vicariously through all of you.... I can't brew since I am in "an undisclosed location in South West Asia" You all keep brewing so I have something to look forward to in 3 months.

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