RIMS the concept?

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PID is not necessary to control a RIMS setup and it IS overkill.

I'm assuming that you are still inserting some sort of power modulation? In my experience, you can't operate a RIMS circuit with just manual on/off control. While a pulse-width modulator might be capable for RIMS control, that requires constant oversight. I don't think that a PID controller is overkill for RIMS.
I'm assuming that you are still inserting some sort of power modulation? In my experience, you can't operate a RIMS circuit with just manual on/off control. While a pulse-width modulator might be capable for RIMS control, that requires constant oversight. I don't think that a PID controller is overkill for RIMS.

I'll just quote myself to not have to type it again :)
With my RIMS, I just used used a simple power controller. Mash in and try to hit my temperature, and set low power and low flow. If I gain a degree or two over an hour, I don't care.

So yes, I do turn power down, but I also use a low power heater, which helps.
And you guys really don't get me here. I'm not saying that you shouldn't use a PID. What I am saying is, that from a process point of view PID regulation is not strictly required, and there are simpler and more appropriate algorithms that could be used.
BUT, PID's are easy to source and cheap to buy, and even if you'd normally need training to tune a PID to a process, autotuning is still acceptable here.

So yet again. PID IS overkill to control a RIMS setup. But no, there is nothing wrong in using a PID controller.
I agree pid a algorithm is overkill to control the temperature within a RIMS tube, but for something like controlling the temperature inside the MLT? well that's right up its alley. Unfortunately we can't/don't utilize the off the shelf units in that fashion.
So what isn't overkill then? Maintaining the temperature of a system that's a mix of fluids and solid mass doesn't seem like a simple problem to solve. Does BCS use a different algorithm that's better suited to the task?
And you guys really don't get me here.

I agree. It is difficult to get you when you keep contradicting yourself. Saying PID is "total overkill", then saying they are OK to use. Which is it?

Anyway, to each his own. I just don't see why anyone would do anything other than buy an off-the shelf PID and probe for ~$50, hit the Autotune button, and have it work nearly flawlessly from there without much if any adjustment.

Well, I think you guys have 60Hz mains, right? An SSR only switches on/off at 0 volts (which is a good thing). At 60Hz, there are 120 zero volt crossovers per second, each half period being 8.333...ms long.
So, to have a 100ms cycle, means you can set the power from off to full power in only 12 steps (not entirely true, but close). That is not much resolution.
1 second is a fairly good trade off. The element in it self takes time to warm up and cool off also, so at some point you won't notice the cycling action at the output (though it might still be at 1 sec, but it depends on the setup).
Using the Auber power controller in series does not sound like a good idea and SSVR's are always a bad idea.

It turns out that the power regulator groups the 16ms cycles in 100 cycle groups to be adjustable from 0-100% in increments of 1. So, when you set it to 50% power, every other cycle is blocked so it simulates a cycle time of 32ms. If you set it to 25% output, it's on 54ms and off for 16 for an effective cycle time of 70ms. Pretty slick.

This device alone is pretty powerful in non-oscillating power control but your statement that using it in concert with a PID is not a good idea is unsubstantiated. It will literally control the power of the element. The only downside is that the PID's tune will be affected. No bother though, you figure out what output wattage is most approprate for the flow rate you choose, then auto tune the PID at that power level.

It's a lot tighter control than just letting a PWM run without any temperature feedback especially since it has no protection for flow problem overheating.
So what isn't overkill then? Maintaining the temperature of a system that's a mix of fluids and solid mass doesn't seem like a simple problem to solve. Does BCS use a different algorithm that's better suited to the task?

The thing you have to realize is that in the way we are using this PIDs is that we aren't maintaining the temperature of the system, rather we are maintaining the temperature inside the RIMS tube. That is pretty simple. But your right in that maintaining the temp of the mash itself isn't so straight forward.

BUT the PID solution works well enough so... As brundog said, to each their own.
@BrunDog, @augiedoggy, @alphaomega, and anyone else,
Any interest in some actual test data of PID vs hysteresis controlled RIMS tube? I can run some experiments on my system, report back data/graphs.
I agree. It is difficult to get you when you keep contradicting yourself. Saying PID is "total overkill", then saying they are OK to use. Which is it?

That is not contradictory at all.
Let me make up an analogy for you. Say you need to move a piano. A van would be best suited, but you don't have access to one and no rental near where you live.
Now, you have a buddy that has a trucking company and he'll shift it for you. It is a bit difficult to get the truck up close to your drive way to load up the piano, but once setup loading the piano is no problem since the truck is 10 times bigger than necessary.
The truck works fine. It is overkill, but it is what was at hand.

The drawbacks of PID control here, does not justify investing a lot of time and/or money to overcome, so you might as well just use PID.
I'm not against using a PID here. I'm just saying you don't *have* to use PID control.

Look, I'm getting tired of debating this. And I don't think we really disagree either. And even if you don't agree then fine, let's agree to disagree.

I think hes trying to say a simple thermostat controller like an stc 1000 will work fine as well?

Actually no, I don't think thermostat control is a good solution either. You probably could use it, if you either have a low power element or use it in conjuction with a power controller. That is not an improvement over just using a PID.

Like I said before, if I were to 'roll my own' solution I'd go with fuzzy logic.
Simple and intuitive, and can work really well. You want to take advantage of what you know about the system and process, and try to mitigate the influence over control by change in flow rate and such.

This device alone is pretty powerful in non-oscillating power control but your statement that using it in concert with a PID is not a good idea is unsubstantiated. It will literally control the power of the element. The only downside is that the PID's tune will be affected. No bother though, you figure out what output wattage is most approprate for the flow rate you choose, then auto tune the PID at that power level.

It's a lot tighter control than just letting a PWM run without any temperature feedback especially since it has no protection for flow problem overheating.

Yeah, I know about the Auber power controller, and I agree it is very slick :)
Yes, the tuning will be affected, but probably it will push it further in the stable region and just make the PID slower to react.
But the thing is, you go to all that trouble and still don't have good control.
You say you want a high powered element to be able to ramp quickly. But you can't allow the PID to just run it, you must choke it when not ramping and you don't trust because it might overheat if flow stops.

Well, I'm sure you're fine with it as is. Personally in this case, I'd definitely build my own controller instead, to really make it do what I wanted. Adding a tempprobe or two to the RIMS tube itself, to prevent overheating. Arduinos are cheap. But of course this is not for everyone.

Seems to me, that you now have two controllers instead, to some degree working 'against' each other rather than in unison. And it seems fiddly. You need to change setpoint and tweak the power output, while also keeping flow rate in check.
There is no way you can tune the PID more restrictively (maybe more P and less I) and skip the power controller?

This is the problem. RIMS is not really good for step mashing. Yeah, before @brundog and everybody else jumps at me again, that is not to say it can't be done, it's just harder get right (as shown here).
Personally, I avoid step mashing, if I have to, I do infusions or dection.
What would you consider a good speed for step mashing? I can raise my mash temps 2 degrees per minute consistently with my small 1800w rims tube. No worries of overheating the mash if a flow issue were to develop either due to the flow switch.

I did check my documentation and my cheap mypin pid does in fact use "Fuzzy logic". Using a $30 pid may be more than needed to make good beer but then again so is the rims system entirely... I could have just stuck with my cooler right?

That said, I do understand what your saying Alphaomega.
@BrunDog, @augiedoggy, @alphaomega, and anyone else,
Any interest in some actual test data of PID vs hysteresis controlled RIMS tube? I can run some experiments on my system, report back data/graphs.

I am pretty sure I have a good idea of what you would find...
AO, I appreciate the analogy, but where I see it is the moving truck is less like a tractor/trailer and more like a 10' panel truck. Getting it up the driveway is no problem at all.

Anyway this argument is silly. Use what you like. For me, and if I were to build another system or make a recommendation to anyone asking, I would use an off the shelf PID. My system, despite not being tuned as BCS does not have autotuning, works flawlessly. It holds temp rock solid without me watching it like a hawk and making adjustments. It also step mashes fantastically well, and switching to high power allows me to mash out very quickly.

I feel I have a responsibility to help others who read my posts in an attempt to learn, as I have done reading so many quality posts here. That's why I recommended this. Recommending vapor concepts like "fuzzy logic" algorithms doesn't achieve that goal, IMO.
Don't forget that your enzyme activity is driven by the hottest temperature which the enzymes see. It's less important to heat the entire grain bed up to 152F or whatever temperature than it is to ensure that the liquor is being thoroughly recirculated.

This is the first I've heard this. I'm interested to learn more, do you have a source?

Lets say that a mlt is at 148F (64.4C), and the RIMS tube is at 156F (68.9C), for arguments sake let's say that the MLT itself never gets much hotter. You're saying that the finished profile of the wort will be that of a 156F (68.9C) mash, regardless of the MLT temperature?
Using a $30 pid may be more than needed to make good beer but then again so is the rims system entirely... I could have just stuck with my cooler right?

That is so true.
Sounds like you got a good thing going.

AO, I appreciate the analogy, but where I see it is the moving truck is less like a tractor/trailer and more like a 10' panel truck. Getting it up the driveway is no problem at all.

Anyway this argument is silly. Use what you like. For me, and if I were to build another system or make a recommendation to anyone asking, I would use an off the shelf PID. My system, despite not being tuned as BCS does not have autotuning, works flawlessly. It holds temp rock solid without me watching it like a hawk and making adjustments. It also step mashes fantastically well, and switching to high power allows me to mash out very quickly.

I feel I have a responsibility to help others who read my posts in an attempt to learn, as I have done reading so many quality posts here. That's why I recommended this. Recommending vapor concepts like "fuzzy logic" algorithms doesn't achieve that goal, IMO.

You're just hellbent on continuing this thing aren't you?
Fine it is a 10' panel truck. With a driver named Dave, that just got his drivers license. And he just ran over your mailbox, but he swears that he'll replace it. So there.
Yes it is silly (and you've blown it out of proportion, because you wanted to, by selective reading).
Your systems sounds swell, no fantastic, as you said.
Jeezes effing christ and the horse he rode in on. Yeah... I think I need to take a breath here and try to put this in a nice way.
It is good that you try to help people (so do I).
Keep recomending PID, I have no beef with that, nor have I ever. But you know, it is not a bad thing to at least know that PID is not the only alternative. My point has always been, that if you design your own control, fuzzy logic is way easier.
Fuzzy logic being a vapor concept? Just no. What do you base that on?
I agree with "use what you like", you as in the potential user that is, not you as in brundog. But to choose you kinda need to know what your options are and their pros/cons. There is not one 'true' answer here, that is what I've been saying all along, but you just won't see that.

Can we please stop this now?
I guess I like a good, healthy debate. But you won't see me flip-flop like you have done.

How about this: Post a solution that someone can actually use instead of rhetoric. To the person reading this wanting to know how to implement a solution, how would they use fuzzy logic? You have an off-the-shelf FL controller to recommend? Or maybe you are proposing a DIY, using for example, an Arduino and its code? If so, post up. With costs, parts list, build instructions, etc. That would be helpful and appreciated by the community, I am certain.

Seriously, I am not trying to be a dick though I will understand that you feel otherwise. I am trying to help people here, and I don't personally feel think that academic concepts without practical implementations do that.
Like I said before, if I were to 'roll my own' solution I'd go with fuzzy logic.
Simple and intuitive, and can work really well. You want to take advantage of what you know about the system and process, and try to mitigate the influence over control by change in flow rate and such.

How about this: Post a solution that someone can actually use instead of rhetoric. To the person reading this wanting to know how to implement a solution, how would they use fuzzy logic? You have an off-the-shelf FL controller to recommend? Or maybe you are proposing a DIY, using for example, an Arduino and its code? If so, post up. With costs, parts list, build instructions, etc. That would be helpful and appreciated by the community, I am certain.

A proportional only control (tuning kI and kD to zero) would essentially get you a fuzzy logic controller right?
All said-and-done and regardless: No one can debate that the classic black square face with shinny red numerals compact-sized PID controller mounted in-a-panel looks more impressive than a Johnson controller on-a-rope. ;)
All said-and-done and regardless: No one can debate that the classic black square face with shinny red numerals, compact-sized PID controller mounted in a panel looks more impressive than a Johnson controller on-a-rope. ;)

Hmm, that depends entirely on the rope. :D
I guess I like a good, healthy debate. But you won't see me flip-flop like you have done.

How about this: Post a solution that someone can actually use instead of rhetoric. To the person reading this wanting to know how to implement a solution, how would they use fuzzy logic? You have an off-the-shelf FL controller to recommend? Or maybe you are proposing a DIY, using for example, an Arduino and its code? If so, post up. With costs, parts list, build instructions, etc. That would be helpful and appreciated by the community, I am certain.

Seriously, I am not trying to be a dick though I will understand that you feel otherwise. I am trying to help people here, and I don't personally feel think that academic concepts without practical implementations do that.

When have I flip-flopped? I've said all along that PID controllers are cheap and accessible and that they DO work. But that you don't *have* to use PID, especially if rolling your own controller.
Am I really required to post a completed controller to make that claim? Ain't part of DIY'ing doing it *yourself*? I am sure there are fuzzy logic controllers out there, but you'd be missing a key thing. When you write your own controller, you can make it solve *your* problem. Not a generic problem, as the available controllers do.
And I've already posted pseudo code for how the controller logic might work. But, that is just as an example. To control *your* system, you should implement it in *your* way. Set your constraints. This is easier to do that solve a generic problem.
For example, say you don't want it going above X watts when maintaining temperature. Then do that. You want it to automatically do steps. Then do that.
Arduino is an easy platform, even for beginners, and they also are accessible and cheap. All you really need is an Arduino, a tempprobe or two, a solid state relay and willingness to have some fun :)

But no, I can't give you an out of the box plug and play solution (not that PID controllers are really that either, but yes, *you* will need to do more 'work' going the Arduino route).
Now, there are serveral arduino projects for controlling mashing. But I really think *you* should explore this yourself. Does any of them solve *your* problem, any that you could 'steal' from or just learn from?

I don't think this is academic. The Arduino is a very real product. And it is cheaper and helluva more versatile than a PID controller.

I already said this is not for everyone. Not that I don't think everyone *could* if they wanted to, some people rather just spend their time brewing instead. But, there are a lot of people who just don't realize how easy getting started with Arduino is. And I don't think it would take you long to build a better controller (for your system) than anything store bought.
Or maybe you are proposing a DIY, using for example, an Arduino and its code? If so, post up. With costs, parts list, build instructions, etc. That would be helpful and appreciated by the community, I am certain.

Here ya go: https://www.homebrewtalk.com/showthread.php?t=540002

It uses PID or PWM. I took a quick look at the code and modifying it to use a custom temperature control algorithm would be *super* easy. It uses the standard arduino PID library, all one would have to do is rig up a drop in replacement for the pid library. (The word 'library' makes it sound like it would might be complicated, but having played with it a lot myself I can tell you this is a simple one)
I've been brewing for some time and I'm about to ask some thing real dumb :(

As a background, Ive built and used a number of electric systems, my temperature probe has either been mounted in the bottom of the urn/kettle or in the wort return line of a recirculating BIAB.

In both these configurations the PID setup (auto tune) is dependent on the volume of wort and in the case of the recirculating BIAB the flow rate as well as the volume.

In the case with a RIMS were the temp probe is on the outlet of the heater assembly.

Its obvious that the PID setup is dependent on flow rate through the heater assembly but is it also dependent on the volume of wort and the effects of grain additions?

Or to put it another way, if I had a RIMS setup on the side of my BIAB would it matter how much wort I had in the URN.?

I take it I'd need a powerful ULD heating element to make this work?

Atb. Aamcle.


Hey, great questions.

1. Its obvious that the PID setup is dependent on flow rate through the heater assembly but is it also dependent on the volume of wort and the effects of grain additions?

Only the volume through the RIMs tube. The RIMs has no concept of what's outside itself.

2. I take it I'd need a powerful ULD heating element to make this work?

Not really. The heating element wattage will control how long it takes to heat up the mass in the mash tun. For a fixed wattage it will take longer to heat up a larger mass than a smaller one, where mass is equal to the mass of the liquor plus the mass of the grain assuming no heat loss of the system, and initial starting temp and end temperature (setpoint)


EDIT: There is an optimum flow rate that enters into the equation for how long it will take to heat up the mass tun.

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