Quit chasing the dragon today.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2009
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I counted up my played time on my account, 100 days 8 hours. I deleted all of my characters and I'm on the road to WOW sobriety.

For those not in the know, WOW is World of Warcraft.
Good luck with that. I am just about to quit Kingdoms of Camelot on Facebook. I would hate to add up the time spent on that!
It seems that they really have gotten the addiction levels right or wrong in this game.

My brother has come to live with us while he gets set up with a job.

He is acting like a junkie due to this game.

He doesn't wash.
He doesn't clean his clothes.
He doesn't sleep correctly.
He calls in sick to work because he's not able to get out of bed after playing into the early hours.
He is completely antisocial and spends all his time on WoW rather than taking part in real life.
He was late for work this morning after me telling him last night on my way to bed not to be too late.
He is in denial about how much of the game he plays.

Now I can't blame the game for all of this, but certainly before he brought his PC up to the house he was showering now and again at least.
My mother asked recently if he needed professional help.
I've seen junkies in the past and he's ticking so many of the addiction boxes that it is scary. If he needed money for this game I am convinced he would steal it....crazy game, I hate it for what it is doing to him.
I used to spend way too much time on WoW. I am glad I quit when I did, although I still pop in for a couple of play sessions a year, just to see what has changed.

LOTRO is my MMORPG of choice now, but I usually only play for a couple of hours a month, since I am busy with other things.
It isn't that tough to quit. I used to play CONSTANTLY. If I was not in dire need of doing coursework, I'd be playing WoW. I just stopped. Once you accept that your online buddies will get along in the next instance just fine with someone else and you've decided you've gone too far, you just stop and it is done.

Yeah, some people definitely take this game too far. The same can be said about many things in life... incidentally, this is a BEER forum.
It isn't that tough to quit. I used to play CONSTANTLY. If I was not in dire need of doing coursework, I'd be playing WoW. I just stopped. Once you accept that your online buddies will get along in the next instance just fine with someone else and you've decided you've gone too far, you just stop and it is done.

Yeah, some people definitely take this game too far. The same can be said about many things in life... incidentally, this is a BEER forum.

But you had to go too far to know how far that was......correct?
I stopped a few years ago after two pretty solid years of playing a LOT, like any day off was a 10 hour WoW session. It never bled over into work but it did impact the social life (Which I didn't have at the time anyways). Eventually I just got bored. I didn't want to have a set time commitment to "raid" or anything and the grind up to the max level was too long and I hated the player vs. player stuff because I'm not competitive enough to want to get better at that.

I never deleted my characters. I still have a lvl 70 Warlock with epic shadowweave set, a ok lvl 70 Shaman, a lvl 68 Hunter, and then like 5-6 other lower level guys. And about 800 gold in the bank with lots of various other valuables.
All my friends/family wonder why I don't have any video games whatsoever. Because I know myself and I'd get addicted to it...so I just say no.
I never got addicted to it. I have friends who were. I don't see them on that much anymore. They got a bit bored and life caught up with them. Still like to get together once a week or two.

Another friend was not addicted, but rushed through a few characters and got bored. He is looking for that next great game to play and looked into Rift. He's dropped WoW twice and sent everyone his gold both times. Lame. He could have kept the money in his account! You don't lose your character if you stop paying or playing.

Got owned yesterday at lunch. I went home and made a burger and sat down to farm some Embersilk Cloth. Got up to nab a small glass of drink and when I came back I was attacked by a friggin ALLIANCE! I had no idea that the guys I was attacking had flagged me PVP. Pi55ed me off because I need the Embersilk to make an Elementium Dragonling that can fight for me for 1 minute! Luckily he wasn't camping my respawn.
I was expecting to hear how you kicked a Opium addiction.
I counted up my played time on my account, 100 days 8 hours. I deleted all of my characters and I'm on the road to WOW sobriety.

For those not in the know, WOW is World of Warcraft.

Welcome back. I'm a former WoW user myself. My wife joined up with WoWoW (Widows of World of Warcraft), and it was starting to affect our relationship (we weren't married at the time). I would only be able to play when she wasn't home because, when I did, we would get into an argument or a fight because I would be playing WoW.

I miss it from time to time. It gets better. Your withdrawal symptoms will get better.

incidentally, this is a BEER forum.

F' the alliance! Bunch of 10 year old snot nosed mammas boys! I loved it when some smart assed kid would harass one of my lower level guys. I would just log out, come back with my lvl 70 warlock and camp them until they give up or come back with 1/2 their guild to camp me back.
Welcome back. I'm a former WoW user myself. My wife joined up with WoWoW (Widows of World of Warcraft), and it was starting to affect our relationship (we weren't married at the time). I would only be able to play when she wasn't home because, when I did, we would get into an argument or a fight because I would be playing WoW.

I miss it from time to time. It gets better. Your withdrawal symptoms will get better.


I never played while we were dating or married, but I know if I had this would have been exactly what would have happened. I don't really play any video games unless my wife is gone or napping or something like that. Its just too easy to get into a fight when I'm playing video games. Video games are fun but not worth arguing about. I'd rather live in peace than play video games.

The withdrawal has mostly gone but at a certain point it stopped getting better and just stays the same. Maybe one day I'll totally forget about it. Or maybe it will be like the memory of a cigarette for a ex-smoker.
I counted up my played time on my account, 100 days 8 hours. I deleted all of my characters and I'm on the road to WOW sobriety.

Congrats man, too many people take it too far and don't know when/cant stop. Just think about how much more homebrew you will be able to make now with all the extra time.
... Got up to nab a small glass of drink and when I came back I was attacked by a friggin ALLIANCE! I had no idea that the guys I was attacking had flagged me PVP. Pi55ed me off because I need the Embersilk to make an Elementium Dragonling that can fight for me for 1 minute! Luckily he wasn't camping my respawn.

Sorry about that Homer, didn't realize it was you. My gnome just can't resist ganking noobs...
It seems that they really have gotten the addiction levels right or wrong in this game.

My brother has come to live with us while he gets set up with a job.

He is acting like a junkie due to this game.

He doesn't wash.
He doesn't clean his clothes.
He doesn't sleep correctly.
He calls in sick to work because he's not able to get out of bed after playing into the early hours.
He is completely antisocial and spends all his time on WoW rather than taking part in real life.
He was late for work this morning after me telling him last night on my way to bed not to be too late.
He is in denial about how much of the game he plays.

Now I can't blame the game for all of this, but certainly before he brought his PC up to the house he was showering now and again at least.
My mother asked recently if he needed professional help.
I've seen junkies in the past and he's ticking so many of the addiction boxes that it is scary. If he needed money for this game I am convinced he would steal it....crazy game, I hate it for what it is doing to him.

Shut off your router at 1030.
turn it back on after working hours or on weekends.

set a timer to it so it automatically turns off and on so you don't have to do anything.
Sorry about that Homer, didn't realize it was you. My gnome just can't resist ganking noobs...

HA! Not a gnome. Human Paladin IIRC, although it was over almost before I could sit back down.

I think the Cataclysm was an interesting expansion. The Goblin race is completely AWESOME though! I loved the humourous stuff that happens with them, and of course who doesn't like being able to conjure a banker at will??

I even got my wife to play for a bit, but now that the kids are back to school and work has gotten busy, she hasn't played for a long time.
Cataclysm almost got me to risk the peace of my marriage to try and play again. i was really interested to see the places I "grew up in" in flames and being destroyed. Also flying in Azeroth...
Shut off your router at 1030.
turn it back on after working hours or on weekends.

set a timer to it so it automatically turns off and on so you don't have to do anything.

Yeah I get that, I can do that if I wish, should a games player really require an intervention?

I have considered it, but I spoke to him first. He's moving out soon and he can live in his own stink and games all he wants to be honest. I said I will help him with the job, I also spoke to him and said that part of that help did not entail watching him drive the job against a wall while he played WoW on my fiber connection, he appeared to understand at the time, a week later he's forgetting.
I have to speak to him again, it appears that RL gets forgotten when the games are on.

I kinda understand this too as I'm a tech who got good at pc's by playing games and building games systems and tweaking networking etc under 56k so I could play UT or Quake, but I got over it eventually and always paid my own way and didn't srew up any jobs over it.

I also used to actually chase the dragon, but that's another story and one of the reasons I understand addiction and its signs.

Tough love might be the next stop, I'll have to see.
I quit right after WOTLK came out. Sold an 80 druid in mediocre gear, and a 70 priest that was Duelist back in TBC for $400. You shouldn't have deleted your toons, but sold 'em!
I am lucky that I never got into RAIDING and it's commitments. I have enjoyed reaching for that next engineering item, or attack. Most of the people I see who play too much are chasing that next piece of tier armour to support their raid group, which means raiding to get that next piece of armour...
Yes, i've given up other addictions too, cigs after 15 years, and drugs about 7 years ago. Wow just showed up at an awkward spot in my life and suddenly became another way to "escape". Live and learn, just glad it did not become a major issue.
A friend of mine kicked it, then he asked for my copy of 3 since I don't play it anymore.

I just laughed and gave it to him.
I've played MMORPG's for years! My favorite all time was Dark Age of Camelot. I used to run in those "elite" 8 man teams that looked for other 8 man teams. Now that game was addictive. Playing Warhammer Online now, but only an hour or two every other night. Thankfully this MMO isn't as time consuming as a game like WoW. The game is very buggy, but the PvP is really fun!
It seems that they really have gotten the addiction levels right or wrong in this game.

My brother has come to live with us while he gets set up with a job.

He is acting like a junkie due to this game.

He doesn't wash.
He doesn't clean his clothes.
He doesn't sleep correctly.
He calls in sick to work because he's not able to get out of bed after playing into the early hours.
He is completely antisocial and spends all his time on WoW rather than taking part in real life.
He was late for work this morning after me telling him last night on my way to bed not to be too late.
He is in denial about how much of the game he plays.

Now I can't blame the game for all of this, but certainly before he brought his PC up to the house he was showering now and again at least.
My mother asked recently if he needed professional help.
I've seen junkies in the past and he's ticking so many of the addiction boxes that it is scary. If he needed money for this game I am convinced he would steal it....crazy game, I hate it for what it is doing to him.

Sounds like my brother, except he plays FPS on Xbox. I still play Diablo 2 when I get bored though. Now thats a game.
100 days? that's it?
I have 131days + on a single character in Final Fantasy 11, and I've only been back on that crack for...jeez I guess 3 years now.
Yeah, 100 days is nothing compared to some of the hardcore players. I just could not justify that amount of time when it could have been spent with my son.
WTF people!? 12 hours over the computer!

I spent like an hour and a half on HBT last night and thought I was over-doing it when I went to bed at 11:30.

You people are nuts
Honestly, working on the house, building a garage, and BREWING is what gets me off the computer. I enjoy playing, but it's not nearly as fun as some of the other stuff.

I had a dream one time with a mate of mine when we used to play UT and smoke lots of da ganga, we had an idea to design and market a specialist PC called a "Pr0nmeister" it would come installed with lots of pr0n links and have some interesting USB attachments that would err attach and make a virtual sex toy type thing.

We imagined it would make us millions for the sad dudes who never leave the PC, that was some good ganga :)
Hours of UT!! Even got into making some of our own custom levels. I designed one which had a "trash compactor" and you could knock people off a catwalk into the trash compactor. Then walk up and smash them. Never built it though. Takes many many hours to make a decent level.
Possibly the best game ever was UT, I played hours and hours of Instagib, it was the only one I bothered with on 56k, at least it gave you some chance against the LPB's. It was just a case of judging the lag right once.....
Im down to about 10 hours a week tops on the xbox now. Too many other things that are more important
Possibly the best game ever was UT, I played hours and hours of Instagib, it was the only one I bothered with on 56k, at least it gave you some chance against the LPB's. It was just a case of judging the lag right once.....

One of my friends (One with a former WoW addiction) used to play FPS games way too much. He was big into Quake III and could really "Twitch Kill". I was lucky to come in second to him when we LAN gamed.

The worst was when my other friend's kid came over and cleaned all our clocks on his POS computer with horrible lag. Bunny Hopping all over... When he went to get a snack we all agreed to gang up on him. His dad still brags about it.
WTF people!? 12 hours over the computer!

I spent like an hour and a half on HBT last night and thought I was over-doing it when I went to bed at 11:30.

You people are nuts

My wife went outta town for the weekend on April 1st. So I got off work at 6pm Friday, and played until 10:30pm Saturday. No sleep (well, micro naps), and just a few breaks here and there.

woke up sunday and got another 8 hours in before she got home.

I got a lot accomplished!
My wife went outta town for the weekend on April 1st. So I got off work at 6pm Friday, and played until 10:30pm Saturday. No sleep (well, micro naps), and just a few breaks here and there.

woke up sunday and got another 8 hours in before she got home.

I got a lot accomplished!

Wow. (no pun intended)

I really dont know what to say to that.
My wife went outta town for the weekend on April 1st. So I got off work at 6pm Friday, and played until 10:30pm Saturday. No sleep (well, micro naps), and just a few breaks here and there.

woke up sunday and got another 8 hours in before she got home.

I got a lot accomplished!

Haha right before WOTLK came out my GF went to Germany for a week. I leveled a Druid from 1-68 in that time.

Now I get bored of whatever game Im playing in an hour or two :(