Pappy`s Pub Cider - Award Winner!

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Finally, read this whole thread again and even my earlier "test" batches of this. lol Such a good read and thanks to Pap for throwing this together. Was really shocked/surprised to see that he is no longer out here. what a loss of great information.

As we move on with this great recipe that I can't wait to dive in to fully as it was meant to be, I have a couple questions for those that might still be here:

Did anyone experiment in toning the ABV down a bit? I don't care about carbing as I'm a mead drinker and still is just perfect for me. would like to maybe look at a semi-sweet lower ABV version. Maybe the 10-12% range.

For those that have jacked it, how much did you yield from say a gallon of the cider?
Ferment stalled at 1.030. Yikes! Using EC1118. What do I need to do to get this guy back on track?

So I pulled the airlock and used my mixing wand to stir things up and introduce more O2 into it. Wow, that made a mess. lol. Things have settled back down and I have it covered with a towel currenlty.
So after aerating the must yesterday, the SG is still reading at 1.030. Temp is 74.

I'm going to repitch another packet of EC1118. Quick question, do I let it drop to below 1.000 before racking or will it just die out due to alcohol level? I don't want it to get overly high due to more sugar for the yeasties to eat and leave some of that residual sugar that it is supposed to have.

Ferment still sitting at 1.03 after repitching and adding more yeast energizer. Think I will just abandon this batch and start over. =(
So after going through this thread again, it appears that this should not ferment dry (under 1.000). My 1.030 seems to be in the ball park so I'll work with it and see what happens from the secondary. My goal is to have (3) gallons w/ cinnamon, (1) regular and (1) apple jack.

I'm still a couple months out from bottling but when that time comes, since ferment is done this can be either corked or capped without too much concern or should one still go through the pasteurization process?

Second batch in the primary now. I've cut back a little on the sugar using eight cups this time. I'm shooting for something in the semi sweet range with this one.

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