Odd Batch Sizes Pros and Cons

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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2007
Reaction score
Amarillo, Texas
Are any of you doing odd batch sizes. Just wondering what the pros and cons might be. I am thinking of going to 8 gallon batches and fermenting in Corny kegs. I have 8 corny kegs with red tops and I am thinking rather than let them sit there I should convert them into fermenters and split 8 gallon batches into 2. I know we have done the Corny Fermentation topic to death, just wondering about batch sizes.
I have done all kinds of different size batches. Anywhere from 3/4 gallon up to 11 gallons and most things in between. I had some fermenters that I got for free that were fine except for being "odd" sizes, so I mix and match depending upon how much of a batch I want to make.

With 8 gallons you could also use a couple 5 gallon buckets, which are super cheap. Although if you have cornies laying around, no sense in letting them go to wast.
I gerneally do 13 gallon batches, or 12 or 11 for bigger beers. Mainly because The Keggle I can boil that much and I have 2 1/4 bbl kegs that I use to ferment. And Mash-ton size for bigger beers.

Decent brewing software will scales recipes for you. I use ProMash. Never had an issue.
Yeah software does scale recipes for you, but there's nothing more annoying that having all your quantities look like:

8.837 lbs 2-row
3.429 lbs Munich

I typically scale my recipes by hand.
I currently do anywhere from 11-14.5 gal batches and ferment in Sankes. No sense in letting all that head space go to waste now is there?
Thanks for the input guys. I guess I should have clarified the red top corny statement. I have 17 total of which 8 or 9 are red tops. That would make it easy to know which are dispensing kegs and which are fermenters. I tried selling some locally and online but nobody really wants pin locks. I got them free so I figure I should use them somehow. 1 will become my dedicated Starsan container. and the others fermenters. Also I am lucky because my sister-in-law owns a business that sells C02 to bars and I get my refills free, so moving with C02 just got cheap!
I am thinking of going to 8 gallon batches and fermenting in Corny kegs.
Been in 8 gallon mode myself for a while now. Using 2 five gallon carboys, but same thing as you're proposing. For me, it's the perfect batch size.
I just finished my first 8 gallon batch today. I have to say I think it is a perfect batch size. I used a better bottle for half of it and put the other half is a corny keg. I had a few small problems but they were not related to the batch size. Normal brew day gremlins.