Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

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Putting all sanity aside: Isn't Luck coming up to a new contract? Why would he be out there risking injury and bad stats? Or is this an excuse for the bad stats?

If you were Luck, why would you commit to a long-term deal with the Colts? In all seriousness. I actually like Luck a lot, and they have completely ****ed him over. The team around him is dreadful. The "playmakers" they've brought in are all sixty years old. I'm shocked they didn't sign Wes Welker. The offensive line is terrible. The GM is clueless, and has been for years. His owners is prescription drug addict.

I mean, the Colts'll franchise him in a heartbeat... but if you were Luck, wouldn't you start letting it be known that you weren't happy? Any team except New England and Green Bay would love to have him, they'd gladly pay draft picks in a trade and give him a ****load of guaranteed money.

Why stick in Indianapolis?
I noticed that you guys have a 3 game lead on the Jets plus a tiebreaker. **** this team.

I was wondering this weekend...

The Jets came into Gillette with the #1 defense in the league, and Brady threw like a million times, the Pats got a solid win, and the Jets became the #1 running defense.

Then Derek Carr threw for a million yesterday.

So, um... What the heck happened to Revis and Cromartie?
What an egregious thing...not telling the world your QB is banged up so they can target him. Way worse than altering the only piece of equipment on the field that both teams use. You know, the one thing on the field everyone is trying to get...
What an egregious thing...not telling the world your QB is banged up so they can target him. Way worse than altering the only piece of equipment on the field that both teams use. You know, the one thing on the field everyone is trying to get...

.... hold on... let me quote the NFL on how important the rule is.

"This policy is of paramount importance in maintaining the integrity of the league"

So... Which opinion should I believe? What the NFL says right in the body of the rule.





It doesn't say any of that "integrity of the league" stuff under the tampering with game balls or equip section.
What an egregious thing...not telling the world your QB is banged up so they can target him. Way worse than altering the only piece of equipment on the field that both teams use. You know, the one thing on the field everyone is trying to get...

That said, there are a few differences there. But most importantly, somewhere there are X-Rays that show, definitively, whether Luck's ribs are fractured or not. Have I seen them? Nope. Do I believe any of the guys writing about that mess have seen them? Nope. But they're there and if it ever came to that point, a subpoena would force that bit of hard evidence out. While in Defakegate, everything hinges on circumstantial evidence, and there exists no single smoking-gun to show guilt.

And all _that_ said, calling for any punishment of Luck is every bit as dumb as any of the punishment leveled against Brady was. Luck doesn't control (or have to submit) the injury report. That's a team thing. So, throw the book at the team - the book says a $25k fine so, if they find that Indy violated the injury report rules, fine 'em $25k per week that they violated the rule. Done, and put this non-story to bed faster than we put the last non-story to bed, for the love of Tebow.
God Pats fans really are the worst though. Defending World Champs*. Currently undefeated. Their QB is the leading MVP candidate. The team has only had one "close" game all season - all the rest have been blow outs. But ****, let's scream on the internet about the Colts, a team that's 3-4 and sinking fast, possibly manipulating a pre-game injury report.

Sounds like a solid plan!

Cheers! (And Thanks! ;))
Goodell has shown that the penalty in the book is not at all important. I would suggest no draft picks next year for this egregious breaking of the rules. Maybe Blackball irsay at the local pharmacies too.
Jets were fined $75k and then Mangini and Tannebaum were fined $25k each for a total fine of $125 back in '09 when they cheated in a similar way with Favre.

This time the cheating was much more systematic by the Colts and extended over a longer time period... so... I think $5mm in fines, several first round picks, and banning Luck for a year makes the most sense
Jets were fined $75k and then Mangini and Tannebaum were fined $25k each for a total fine of $125 back in '09 when they cheated in a similar way with Favre.

This time the cheating was much more systematic by the Colts and extended over a longer time period... so... I think $5mm in fines, several first round picks, and banning Luck for a year makes the most sense

not a good look for you at all.
What a POS organization. I'm glad they lost to the freakin' Raiders to regain their title of laughing stock of the league.

Also not too upset to see that fat cnut Grigson getting investigated by the league for cheating. Glass houses btich!

Fckuing Luck better lose games, the fckuing Colts better pay a huge effin fine, and multiple draft picks better be lost.

STRAIGHT OF OF THE NFL RULEBOOK.... "This policy is of paramount importance in maintaining the integrity of the game."

Let's go Rodger.... there's your fkcuing precious "integrity of the game" bllshti!

I don't remember seeing any "integrity of the game" mention around fkcuing with football pressure (something a majority of people now think didn't even fckuing happen)

What??? Luck didn't KNOw he had broken ribs?? Luck wasn't "generally aware" that he wasn't on the injury report???

Ban him for a fckuing YEAR dickface!!

C'mon Rodger.... let's see how you really feel about "integrity" you ******.

Actually... couldn't be more opposite. I'm downright giddy to see Grigson take it square in the ass on this one.

The dumb fcku has Goodell backed into a corner given all if the bullshti rhetoric that has been spewed for the last 8 months.

There ya go Rodger.... have at it... let's see how much you really care about the "integrity of the game".

I want to see Grigson's cell phone records in case he discusses purposely leaving Luck off the injury report. I also think criminal charges should some how be filed.

What am I going to tell me kids when they ask about how much lying and cheating the Colts do? What kind of role model is Luck? "Hey kids... Here's how you lie to authority figures".

Nice work cheaters.

If you think about it... this has been going on for several weeks. And what? Grigson was the ONLy person within the entire organization, including Luck, that knew???

Systematic conspiracy to circumvent the rules over a period of time that directly effected the integrity of the game.

Ban Luck for a year.

Trolling nuthin.... I'm dead fckuing serious.

Not a one time thing at all so they systematically kept the cheating in place for several weeks.

No way its possible Grigson was the only person who knew. I'm going to go out on a limb and say Luck knew. More than one person who knew = conspiracy.

What?? Was in unintentional??? They had him on the injury report and just accidentally forgot he had broken ribs??

Systematic conspiracy to intentionally break the rules...

The rule says RIGHT IN THE RULE... "Impacts the integrity of the game".

Ban Luck for a year.

Several first round picks and $5mm

Brady got four games the league is still fighting in court to enforce for being "generally aware" that something may have been going on.

What? Luck didn't know his ribs were broken??? I would say Luck was a shtiload more definitive than "more probable than not" that he was "generally aware" of the issue.

One year ban.

One awesome part of this (there are so many) is that, with the court case going on, the NFL HAS to go way over board with the Colts on this or else they're going to look totally asinine standing in front of a judge on Brady.

Did Luck know he had broken ribs? Yes.

Did Luck know the rib injury was not on the injury report? Yes. Saying "no" is bullshti and even if he supposedly didn't know... I'm sure he was "generally aware".

He knew the Colts were systematically breaking the rules week after week after week.

One year ban.

From ESPN report today...

"Luck told ESPN that he had been advised not to discuss the reports"

Cover up!!!!!

No... I just want equal treatment. If the Pats are the "shadiest team of all time", awesome... Then the Colts are now a close second and I want fines, Luck banned, loss of draft picks, etc.

#ribgate starting to trend on Twitter.

What a glorious day

Oooooo. #ribsgate is apparently trending even better

"The Pats cheat! I like toast!! Stop putting your pajamas in the car when it's moving!!!"

LOL!!!!! Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight... Cuz everyone has taken "the high road" for the last eight months when it came to a total non-issue with the Pats????

Yeah... sorry... you'll have to excuse me if my answer is "gargle my change purse".

Most relevant facts on this thread.

It's amazing how NO ONE seems to really care about Ribsgate from other teams but you can be damn effin sure the "high road" wasn't taken when the Jets had their locker swept for bugs. Nooooooo. They didn't find even the slightest hint of any wrong-doing but that got mentioned. But the Colts obviously and blatantly breaking a rule?? Nah... No biggie.

Way to prove everyone's horrific butthurt about your teams getting pounded by the Pats.

Read the fckuing rule Darwin....

"This policy is of paramount importance in maintaining the integrity of the game".

So cram your "boo hooo. How does that impact blah blah blah" in your cramhole

"Take the high road". That's actually making me laugh

Because he's a huge cheater and knows the Colts are cheaters too... so he'll want to stick to his kind

... well if he played for the Colts he probably wouldn't even show up on the injury report.

.... hold on... let me quote the NFL on how important the rule is.

"This policy is of paramount importance in maintaining the integrity of the league"

So... Which opinion should I believe? What the NFL says right in the body of the rule.





It doesn't say any of that "integrity of the league" stuff under the tampering with game balls or equip section.

Jets were fined $75k and then Mangini and Tannebaum were fined $25k each for a total fine of $125 back in '09 when they cheated in a similar way with Favre.

This time the cheating was much more systematic by the Colts and extended over a longer time period... so... I think $5mm in fines, several first round picks, and banning Luck for a year makes the most sense

Your obsession with Luck and Colts is pretty creepy, and getting more so by the hour.
I was wondering this weekend...

The Jets came into Gillette with the #1 defense in the league, and Brady threw like a million times, the Pats got a solid win, and the Jets became the #1 running defense.

Then Derek Carr threw for a million yesterday.

So, um... What the heck happened to Revis and Cromartie?

They lost a close divisional game to their arch-rival last week, flew to the west coast, it was also daylight savings, the starting QB goes out with an injury right away, and Geno plays significant game time. That adds up to a monumental turd.

The Raiders though really aren't that bad of a team anymore. The Jets did play terrible and showed little interest in basic things like tackling. It was pathetic.
They lost a close divisional game to their arch-rival last week, flew to the west coast, it was also daylight savings, the starting QB goes out with an injury right away, and Geno plays significant game time. That adds up to a monumental turd.

The Raiders though really aren't that bad of a team anymore. The Jets did play terrible and showed little interest in basic things like tackling. It was pathetic.

But what's the Fitz/Geno falloff (and yeah, there's some falloff since bad-Fitz hadn't shown up yet) got to do with the fact that Revis and Cromartie are getting lit up like Christmas trees.

Speaking of Christmas trees - what the heck is up with the local grocery store switching over the seasonal aisle to all Christmas stuff the week before Halloween?

That should be getting at least as much attention as ribsgate or monkeygate...
But what's the Fitz/Geno falloff (and yeah, there's some falloff since bad-Fitz hadn't shown up yet) got to do with the fact that Revis and Cromartie are getting lit up like Christmas trees.

Speaking of Christmas trees - what the heck is up with the local grocery store switching over the seasonal aisle to all Christmas stuff the week before Halloween?

That should be getting at least as much attention as ribsgate or monkeygate...

Lack of interest in playing? Boredom? I don't know - I was surprised to see Derek Carr light it up like that. Cromartie is old and a bit over-rated. Skrine was playing hurt and they're short at the safety position at the moment. None of this would have mattered if Fitz hadn't been hurt and Geno had to play big minutes. The problem with Geno is that he is a gifted athlete but a terrible QB. The Jets will bring in Matt Flynn for a few weeks rather than give Geno more games.
They lost a close divisional game to their arch-rival last week, flew to the west coast, it was also daylight savings, the starting QB goes out with an injury right away, and Geno plays significant game time. That adds up to a monumental turd.

The Raiders though really aren't that bad of a team anymore. The Jets did play terrible and showed little interest in basic things like tackling. It was pathetic.

Did you seriously just use daylight saving (no 's') time as part of an excuse for the jets blowing? That's hilarious. We gained an hour! If anything, they had an hour more to be prepared and/or rested.

Cheers! ("No Sale" ;))