Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

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dataz722 said:
Zinfindel? You think that highly of them? I was thinking more of boones farm or a mad dog 40 and crack pipe.

Does it go well with cheddar?
Hey dataz... you're little reverse jinx deal looks like it might backfire on you.

Charlie Batch huh?

Now we need them to gag up one more and the Pats to continue to dominate... which... is about as gaurenteed as you can get.
I wonder if Ray Lewis and Suggs got all of their steriods from the same guy Clay Matthews does.

Gotta love Pete Carroll. Guys getting paid under his watch at USC. **** hits the fan there and he does a total 180 and decides "hey I wanted to go to the nfl all along". All at the same time his former players like Cushing and Matthews are getting popped for PEDs. Then he gets to the NFL and within 3 years has 2 of his defensive stars nailed for PEDs. What a bag of **** the guy is.
Brady won the MVP award for the 2007 and 2010 seasons. Since those seasons ended in 18-1 and in losing our first playoff game to the JETS, the *last* friggin' thing I want to happen is for Brady to win the award this year.

****, Aaron Rodgers won it last year; how did that work out? Peyton won in 2009,they lost to the Saints that year. He won in 2008, and they didn't even make the Super Bowl. The last time the NFL MVP actually won the Super Bowl was Kurt Warner in 1999.

The only MVP that matters is Super Bowl MVP.
Gotta love Pete Carroll. Guys getting paid under his watch at USC. **** hits the fan there and he does a total 180 and decides "hey I wanted to go to the nfl all along". All at the same time his former players like Cushing and Matthews are getting popped for PEDs. Then he gets to the NFL and within 3 years has 2 of his defensive stars nailed for PEDs. What a bag of **** the guy is.

What are you trying to say? That Pete isn't the only one in his program that is pumped and Jacked?
I wonder if Ray Lewis and Suggs got all of their steriods from the same guy Clay Matthews does.

If Mathews hair starts thinning in the next couple of years we'll know the validity of your accusation. Guess there's always weaving it back on though.
Gotta love Pete Carroll. Guys getting paid under his watch at USC. **** hits the fan there and he does a total 180 and decides "hey I wanted to go to the nfl all along". All at the same time his former players like Cushing and Matthews are getting popped for PEDs. Then he gets to the NFL and within 3 years has 2 of his defensive stars nailed for PEDs. What a bag of **** the guy is.

So you really think he facilitated those infractions? ;)
So you really think he facilitated those infractions? ;)

I don't know his personal involvement in any of this stuff, but it does seem to follow him. Though as a USC grad who was there when he was I cut him a lot of slack until I saw that utterly classless celebration in front of the packers after "winning" that fail Mary game. Then to continue to run around cheering like a jackass in front of the players who were classy enough to come out for the PAT just made me feel embarrassed for him.
I don't know his personal involvement in any of this stuff, but it does seem to follow him. Though as a USC grad who was there when he was I cut him a lot of slack until I saw that utterly classless celebration in front of the packers after "winning" that fail Mary game. Then to continue to run around cheering like a jackass in front of the players who were classy enough to come out for the PAT just made me feel embarrassed for him.

So he should have pouted about that win? Maybe forfeit the game? Dude he celebrated a game winning play. You're just a hater....
So he should have pouted about that win? Maybe forfeit the game? Dude he celebrated a game winning play. You're just a hater....

No you don't pout the win, but the call was highly questionable/flat out wrong and due to the review he had time to see that like everyone else. In that situation you quietly accept the win and move on to the next week. You don't dance around like an idiot in front of players that just got jobbed and you absolutely don't continue to do it when those players do the classy thing an come back out for the PAT.
So he should have pouted about that win? Maybe forfeit the game? Dude he celebrated a game winning play. You're just a hater....

You ARE kidding right? He reminded me of the '72 Dolphins players that would celebrate with champagne and crap every time a undefeated team went down during the regular season.

Petey didn't need to pout, just show a little class.

booo fecking hooo

the players had to come out for the PAT; class had absolutely nothing to do with it. Dumbest thing I've ever heard...

booo fecking hooo

the players had to come out for the PAT; class had absolutely nothing to do with it. Dumbest thing I've ever heard...

Actually they didn't. They could have said **** you we are not coming out. Pete acted like an *******.
McBrewskie said:
Actually they didn't. They could have said **** you we are not coming out. Pete acted like an *******.

No they had to come as its thier JOB. You think GODell would have not hammered the pack if they said F you we aren't coming out?
No they had to come as its thier JOB. You think GODell would have not hammered the pack if they said F you we aren't coming out?

Goodell was already looking like complete **** that night to hammer the Pack with sanctions would have just added to it. Not saying he wouldn't have done it but the players still could have refused. There was no excuse for Carroll's actions, that was possibly the single worst call in NFL history and he acted with no class at all. He came off as a total bafoon.
and who can forget SB XL...... Phantom Offensive pass interference on Jackson wipes out a TD.. Phantom holding call on Locklear wipes out a Seattle completion to the Pittsburgh 1 yard line, Hasslebeck called for blocking below the waist while tackling the BD who picked him off and a Big Ben TD that was super questionable... i have never seen a replay that shows he got that ball across the goal line. THAT WAS THE SUPERBOWL!

And there was way less crying than this meaningless game in week 3 where a more popular team didn't get the call. It's just a joke..
Goodell was already looking like complete **** that night to hammer the Pack with sanctions would have just added to it. Not saying he wouldn't have done it but the players still could have refused. There was no excuse for Carroll's actions, that was possibly the single worst call in NFL history and he acted with no class at all. He came off as a total bafoon.

LOL you are ridiculous...."worst call in history" gtfo

McBrewskie said:
Goodell was already looking like complete **** that night to hammer the Pack with sanctions would have just added to it. Not saying he wouldn't have done it but the players still could have refused. There was no excuse for Carroll's actions, that was possibly the single worst call in NFL history and he acted with no class at all. He came off as a total bafoon.

Why do you care? Seriously he does that after every game. He just did it last week when Rice was laying on the ground looking like he was dead. Thankfully he's ok but that's just how Pete acts. Why people seem to hate him for that is very odd. He's not your coach and his players all seem to Stepup and buy in to his program so I guess he's doing something right.
and who can forget SB XL...... Phantom Offensive pass interference on Jackson wipes out a TD.. Phantom holding call on Locklear wipes out a Seattle completion to the Pittsburgh 1 yard line, Hasslebeck called for blocking below the waist while tackling the BD who picked him off and a Big Ben TD that was super questionable... i have never seen a replay that shows he got that ball across the goal line. THAT WAS THE SUPERBOWL!

And there was way less crying than this meaningless game in week 3 where a more popular team didn't get the call. It's just a joke..

Seahawks got jobbed in that Super Bowl.
What I find hilarious is the Packers can't even be the team that would have the win for the hawks effect them. Its that pileup of team who are 6-6 right now.
Why do you care? Seriously he does that after every game. He just did it last week when Rice was laying on the ground looking like he was dead. Thankfully he's ok but that's just how Pete acts. Why people seem to hate him for that is very odd. He's not your coach and his players all seem to Stepup and buy in to his program so I guess he's doing something right.

I don't have a problem when you have actually won the game. But it was abundantly clear that the Seahawks had just been given the game and that it was a shameful evening for the NFL. I'm just glad that my Niners have a coach that's got Pete's number.
McBrewskie said:
I don't have a problem when you have actually won the game. But it was abundantly clear that the Seahawks had just been given the game and that it was a shameful evening for the NFL. I'm just glad that my Niners have a coach that's got Pete's number.

Ahhh now it all makes sense your a niners fan.
I want to make one thing clear. My dad was at that game (he's a sissy Packers fan). He had to call me to ask about the play because they wouldn't show the replay in the stadium. So that means Pete DID NOT know if the call was good or bad. So your argument about him celebrating in spite "knowing the Packers got screwed" is just void
McBrewskie said:
Yeah, I'm also a USC fan so I was a big Carroll fan.

But now cause he's a rival coach that goes out the window. But when he was winning championships it was ok. Gotcha
But now cause he's a rival coach that goes out the window. But when he was winning championships it was ok. Gotcha

Has nothing to do with being a rival coach. When it turns out your program at USC was paying players, your former players were getting popped for PEDs, and now your new team gets popped for PEDs it raises some serious issues about your ethical make up.
I want to make one thing clear. My dad was at that game (he's a sissy Packers fan). He had to call me to ask about the play because they wouldn't show the replay in the stadium. So that means Pete DID NOT know if the call was good or bad. So your argument about him celebrating in spite "knowing the Packers got screwed" is just void

Was your pops on the field watching it get intercepted? Did he have access to coaches in the booth who had the same replays we saw on television?
Was your pops on the field watching it get intercepted? Did he have access to coaches in the booth who had the same replays we saw on television?

Oh, so you're saying the coaches in the booth were obviously telling him how bad of a call it was? Seriously, get real... Touchdown Seahawks!
Has nothing to do with being a rival coach. When it turns out your program at USC was paying players, your former players were getting popped for PEDs, and now your new team gets popped for PEDs it raises some serious issues about your ethical make up.

That's 80% of all college and NFL coaches. Have you ever watched sports?
I want to make one thing clear. My dad was at that game (he's a sissy Packers fan). He had to call me to ask about the play because they wouldn't show the replay in the stadium. So that means Pete DID NOT know if the call was good or bad. So your argument about him celebrating in spite "knowing the Packers got screwed" is just void

over 11,500 posts....and this is the first "my daddy said so" argument we've come across.

i'm kind of surprised by that, actually.

altho I'm not surprised it came from Hoppy.
and who can forget SB XL...... Phantom Offensive pass interference on Jackson wipes out a TD.. Phantom holding call on Locklear wipes out a Seattle completion to the Pittsburgh 1 yard line, Hasslebeck called for blocking below the waist while tackling the BD who picked him off and a Big Ben TD that was super questionable... i have never seen a replay that shows he got that ball across the goal line. THAT WAS THE SUPERBOWL!

And there was way less crying than this meaningless game in week 3 where a more popular team didn't get the call. It's just a joke..

Just to point out, in week 3 that may have seemed meaningless, but right now that game is affecting the playoff picture for no less than 3 teams. And for crying out loud, for the umpteenth time: it's not that "a more popular team didn't get the call." The freaking refs involved in the call, the day after the game, owed up to the fact that they should have called the offensive PI on Tate on that play - no catch, game over, Packers win, nobody's arguing about some dumb-ass concept of a "simultaneous catch" because Tate happened to have a hand on the ball when the DB clearly caught it. The NFL itself, later that week, even chimed in and said that the "simultaneous catch" call was bogus and that it should've been in interception, but they couldn't step in and reverse the result of the game. And now, playoff seeding is in question. Go Roger Goodell and the replacement refs!

If Carrol had any class whatsoever, he would have walked across the field, shook hands with the opposing coach, walked directly to his team's locker room, and THEN proceeded to party down like an idiot. There's no way he didn't realize what had just been handed to him. But as we all saw, and have seen again since then, he's incapable of doing the classy thing.