Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

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**** the jets. I think Rex Ryan is kind of a dildo. And cromartie wants to play wr now too? :confused: you ain't Deion sanders bro
Marshawn Lynch *is* a pretty good RB. I mean, you'd have to get a little better, learning by having New England beat your ass twice a year.

Of course, since Seattle as a whole pretty much sucks balls, that tells you everything you need to know about the other 52 players on the squad.

Lynch definitely has his moments. Was the only running back last year to score a TD on my Niners defense. He'd beast mode right through the NE "defense".
... so how the **** you gonna stop Gronkowski?

And Hernandez?

And Welker?

And Lloyd?

Branch still gets open pretty easily.

Don't sleep on Edelman. Returning punts, grabbing ****s. Pretty decent receiver, too.

Woody's tough as **** to tackle. The kid running backs are looking real good (Ridley averaged almost 6/carry last season).

Gaffney and/or Stallworth can play (Seattle must have a hard-on for whatever wide receiver we end up releasing).

So, how the **** do you stop THAT offense, big guy?

But more specifically, how the **** do you stop Gronkowski?

Giants defense has slapped you bitches around twice, and they aren't even a top 5 defense. Niners would have stomped you guys. Gronk and Hernandez would have their hands full with Willis and Bowman. Welker would get pounded at the line by Terrell Brown and Culliver. Rogers against Brandon "alligator arms" Lloyd? Lolololol. Add to all that Justin Smith picking your linemen up and throwing them at Brady and Aldon blowing up your backfield all day.
Hey millennium team. Title count:

Packers 13
Bears 9
Browns 8
Giants 7
Steelers 6
San Fran, Dallas 5
Pats 3

Been about a year since we went down this path. ;)

Just for the salt factor, Yankees 27

Thats great. A fast guy who can do stuff with space.

Defenses in the NFL are pretty slow, so expect a lot of juke opportunities for the (presumably) fourth/fifth RB...

/end sarcasm

Marshawn Lynch would watch those highlights and respond with this, jukes are for college. Marshawn Lynch Houdini

Here in Seattle, the 'hawks welcome the opportunity for your awful running game to try and get open space in week six. Our secondary is huge, strong and fast. Not that it matters, Red Bryant doesn't let anyone through the middle anyhow and our starting LBs are looking mean.

I think last year was a changing of the guards for defense in the NFL. Screw AFC north's old timers, Seattle and the niners are the intimidating Ds these days. Assuming the Cards defense continues to improve, the NFC West is the knockdown drag out division until further notice.
DesertBrew said:
Hey millennium team. Title count:

Packers 13
Bears 9
Browns 8
Giants 7
Steelers 6
San Fran, Dallas 5
Pats 3

Been about a year since we went down this path. ;)

Just for the salt factor, Yankees 27

Never, ever mention the mf Yankees.
(yawn). We've gone over those ridiculous "world championships"... Before there even was a Super Bowl.... Way back before effin electricity, when linemen went a strapping 181 lbs, they didn't wear helmets, they all had handlebar mustaches and remember the War of Independence.
Counting the 4 Sox world series wins before 1920 when a professional football team didn't even exist ain't working for me either.

Send in the:


I mean the Boston Bird!

(we gotta do this annually for the newbs)
Is it wrong that I hope Michael Vick will have some sort of serious injury that he will have to sit out games this season? Did look too serious but I really hope it is... I loath him
j1laskey said:
Is it wrong that I hope Michael Vick will have some sort of serious injury that he will have to sit out games this season? Did look too serious but I really hope it is... I loath him

Meant to say...it didn't look too serious
Vick is becoming the papier-mâché of his previous self. Not like anybody didn't expect that eventually. Prison will do that to you I heard.
No lie - just turned it to ESPN during the Pats/Eagles game and right when I turned it the announcer (not sure which one, maybe Cape killed him and took his spot) said "The Patriots are a dominant global franchise." :rolleyes:
That's what he said? I could barely hear it with the cock in his mouth. Even though they're 10 pts back (yea, I know preseason).
Mock all you want. When you're a fan of a dominant global franchise, the haters gonna hate.

And yes, I was there. I took one son (the 5yr old) to the Saints game and then took my other son (the 6yr old) last night. Both were stunned by the overall global dominance.
And yeah, if the whole Sox post was some sort attempt to change my mind on the ridiculous "championships" Packer fans claim from 230 years ago.... 1) I couldn't care less about the Sox 2) totally agree on those championships not being relevant any longer and 3) the Pack blows... Almost as bad as the Sox. I would say "as bad" but at least the Pack has one guy who is remotely likable (sorry, I think Rodgers photo bombing everyone is funny) vs the Sox who really have a likable guy on the whole team.
And yeah, if the whole Sox post was some sort attempt to change my mind on the ridiculous "championships" Packer fans claim from 230 years ago.... 1) I couldn't care less about the Sox after 2004 2) totally agree on those championships not being relevant any longer and 3) the Pack blows... Almost as bad as the Sox. I would say "as bad" but at least the Pack has one guy who is remotely likable (sorry, I think Rodgers photo bombing everyone is funny) vs the Sox who really have a likable guy on the whole team.

speaking of 2004, everyone hear what shilling is up to these days?
And even if it was... I don't get it.

"I am in Shtsplatt, Nowhere and there isn't a Patriots bar! Nyeeeeh" (sticking his tongue out)

Ehhhh. Ok.

Ummmm. Congrats??
I'm guessing Mr. Wilson's significant other is significantly less attractive than Mrs. Ryan Tannehill:


Whatever happens at practice, he gets to go home and knock boots with her. Her presence alone makes the Miami situation far, far more interesting!
... and for comparison (because that's the kind of pig I am), Mrs. Russell Wilson upon news of his being drafted.


Now I'll admit, her ability to unhinge her jaw COULD be useful. Like, if we've got a gazelle to eat up or something.
I forgot about Mrs. Tannehill Draft Day Discovery. I'm watching hard knocks and thinking if a 5 year QB veteran would be banging that and what ramifications a 5 year veteran blonde wife would be on my mental health. I still voted YES.

I'd vote NO on this one.

Speaking of mustaches and Rodgers (for those not heard b4).

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