No more AG for me :(

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They should smell exactly the same?????????? Does not make sense. wife pretty much said the same thing, but I could understand her position - she was in the first trimester of pregnacy and her sense of smell was crazy...

Just had a thought on what others and I just said, check your wife is not pregnant, that is the only thing that I could think of that might of change between brewing extract and AG. Only constructive thing I can say.
Man, you guys are harsh! I can see that some people might not like the odor of boiling wort in their house.

When my kids were teens and still living at home, I usually brewed on Wednesdays when I had the day off and no one was home. I'd be all done and cleaned up by 1 PM or so. (I've always brewed inside- still do!)

Never failed, at 3:15, child number one would come in "Hi mom! OMG, it stinks in here!!! You BREWED today! Ewwwww!" Five minutes later, the routine would be repeated by child number two.

Never mind that their hockey/gym clothes/basketball shoes had enough stench to knock out a small army. I told them that I had a solution- that in my home, they just didn't have to breathe on Wednesdays. When they had their own home, they could breath every day if they wanted, since they would then be paying for their own air.

Now, my son's apartment stinks like jock straps and cigarettes. My daughter still hates the smell and doesn't care much for beer. But she asked me to brew for her wedding, the baby's birthday, her husband's party, etc. Amazing how it doesn't smell when it's for them!
what you need to do here is just be more crazy. history tells us that if you act crazy, people will not eff with you. Go confront her, get in a HUGE argument, tell her she has large thighs, then just start smashing $hit in a Russel Crowesque rage, maybe throw a telephone, cut the sofa in half with a chain saw, you know, real psycho stuff. then i bet she won't say a word to you about your beer ever again...........its worth it, save the beer. go gibson on her, tell her "YOU RUINED ME!!!!, THIS IS MY HOUSE! AND WHAT WAS THE GREEN THING YOU WERE WEARING THE OTHER DAY?!!!! ARRRRHHHHHH!!!!" Then start grunting and snorting with a lot of heavy breathing.
I too brew in a small apartment (outdoors not possible), and a few brews ago a few friends came over to help out, showing up after I'd just finished my mini-mash and started my boil. They said they could "smell it all the way down the hall". My wife hates the smell. She's learned to just deal. She's calmed down about it though, after experiencing the potent rhino farts that came streaming out of the primary when I made her some hard cider. Boiling wort is quite pleasant when compared to sulphury death :)

Point is, she'll get over it. Or just open a few windows and set up a few fans.
what you need to do here is just be more crazy. history tells us that if you act crazy, people will not eff with you. Go confront her, get in a HUGE argument, tell her she has large thighs, then just start smashing $hit in a Russel Crowesque rage, maybe throw a telephone, cut the sofa in half with a chain saw, you know, real psycho stuff. then i bet she won't say a word to you about your beer ever again...........its worth it, save the beer. go gibson on her, tell her "YOU RUINED ME!!!!, THIS IS MY HOUSE! AND WHAT WAS THE GREEN THING YOU WERE WEARING THE OTHER DAY?!!!! ARRRRHHHHHH!!!!" Then start grunting and snorting with a lot of heavy breathing.
Well I must just be a lucky SOB because my family loves the smell after I brew. I have never had anyone complain - quite the contrary, they love the smell.
My wife hates the smell too. After first batch I get to buy a turkey fryer to brew in the garage:rockin: She still was getting the smell seeping into the house so she would go to her mothers. Now,after I suggested it i'm in the process of building a brew shed:ban: I love the fact she hates the smell, it's only helped my brewing facilities.:D
Get better ventilation. Or a new wife. There are many reasons that homebrewing sometimes can't work where you live. But the smell being the reason? Lame
I don't understand these words "the only way I can get away with it" like she is your parent.
Your best bet is thus:
"Honey, I am sorry that the smell of my last brew day was offensive to you. In order to make sure that your deilcate senses are no longer disrupted, I have purchased these burners, these pots, etc so that I may brew outside".
Done and done. Oh, and politely explain to her that you do what you want.
that sucks, my wife just the other day demanded I make another stout and follow it up with a belgian rye.
Unacceptable. :(

Seriously though, are you brewing outside or in? She won't let you brew outdoors?
After she threw down the verdict, did she take your balls out of her purse?
THIS!!!! offense but i'd be the one handing over the divorce papers if I were you. Trust me, not all women are like that. Maybe I just got lucky...
WHa WHa WHAAAAATTTT! Seriously dude....get a bigger mash tun and tell her to go buy some damn offense Yooper. Dammit man...stand up for yourself.....first they take our motorcycles, and now they take our all-grain. Unacceptable. :mad::mad::mad::mad:
The Girl loves beer, but she noticed the smell gets strong. She found that some of her candles really compliment the smell from mashing. Now she just lights a candle and helps be brew. House smells like Girl Scout Samoa cookies within an hour. It's Awesome.
The Girl loves beer, but she noticed the smell gets strong. She found that some of her candles really compliment the smell from mashing. Now she just lights a candle and helps be brew. House smells like Girl Scout Samoa cookies within an hour. It's Awesome.

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Just throw a little yogurt on there...that always helped me when I needed to cover up grape nuts. That's why they call me capenuts/swiss caple, because I have so many damn uses!
I don't understand why all-grain would create a stronger smell than extract? The main source of the smells is from the boil, not the mash.
Sounds like a great reason to get a burner and go outside, you'll both be happy then.

Personally, I went with outdoor brewing because a) my electric stove couldn't handle full boils very well, and b) I like being able to clean up with a garden hose instead of a sponge and paper towel!
It's not the smell of the grains she doesn't like just the hop additions. She says it smells like wet dog food. It was raining so I didn't have any windows open. Even I had a headache when I was done. My in-laws live in the basement and she's worried about them complaining about the smell. I can't brew in the garage as there's no space, I could brew in the backyard with a propane burner. I'll decide when this batch is ready to drink. I usually brew those pre-hopped extract kits, not the greatest but better than Laker lager.

As for her having my balls, I choose the battles I can win. I wonder out of all the "balls" replies how many are actually married or in a long term relationship? Just a question.

I don't get this type of behavior. A good relationship is about compromise. What you typed reads like you're on the wrong end of a dictatorship.
She better be hot.

You either need to post a picture to get some street cred back, err forum cred, or buy a turkey fryer and brew outside.
It's not the smell of the grains she doesn't like just the hop additions. She says it smells like wet dog food. It was raining so I didn't have any windows open. Even I had a headache when I was done. My in-laws live in the basement and she's worried about them complaining about the smell. I can't brew in the garage as there's no space, I could brew in the backyard with a propane burner. I'll decide when this batch is ready to drink. I usually brew those pre-hopped extract kits, not the greatest but better than Laker lager.

As for her having my balls, I choose the battles I can win. I wonder out of all the "balls" replies how many are actually married or in a long term relationship? Just a question.


I'm in a two year old marriage so it's at the age where my wife still thinks she has more leverage by just saying something like your's did. If you don't take a stand then it's sort of like WW2. "The nazis weren't after me so I didn't do anything" then poof one day a battle you THOUGHT you could win, you downright lose. Don't keep passing off small battles. A priest at a wedding I attended said "if you sweat the little things than they never become big things" and I thought about that and it really made a lot of sense.

I've found that after being with my wife for the two years prior to marriage and now being married for two years, she shows more respect when I actually react to things I care about. She may not like it at first but when her estrogen induced ***** high wears off she can see my side of the argument. I still boil extract for starters or something in the kitchen. I do partial mashes for malted cider on the stove as well. I have mason jars of bottle sediment and yeast all over the place. There are mason jars with vinegar cultures in my sunroom. I get the occasional smelly ferment and the solution to that is taping a NATO gas mask filter on top of my 3-piece airlock. If she likes beer at all make a batch similar to what she likes. Mine likes IPAs which makes keeping her happy easy. I also started throwing in the occasional wine kit since she likes wine. Hell it was my wife that got me a turkery fryer kit and then saw it could be used for brewing. She then suggested "maybe you should try making beer at home with the turkey fryer".

So all snide jokes aside. Stand your ground about this if you care about brewing. As far as I see it if you don't your wife will act like the blitzkrieg of all things fun and enjoyable for you. One day all these seemingly small things will build up and BOOM you'll launch a ICBM during a battle that required only tear gas and riot gear.
I agree with everything said here. And honestly I was in the EXACT same boat you were in.

My wife and I live with her parents, we're all a little hard up for cash and the group setting works well. My wife stays home all day to watch our baby and I have a 3 day weekend Sunday-Tuesday. So on one of those days about twice a month, I would make a mr beer kit. It was great no smell and it was beer.

Then I made a mini mash. The smell of the hops gave her a headache even with the windows open.

She said that her mother would flip if she came home and the "house smelled like a brewery" so she helped me air it out and strongly suggested I go back to mr beer.

Well the bug had bitten me and I said, I really can't do that, this had developed into something I really enjoy. I know some people on the forum I regularly lurk (showing that I'm not the only guy who likes to do this) that brew outside. All I need is a few more things (actually it ran me about 200+ to get a full setup going but I sprung for some decent things)

She said that sounded like a decent compromise and to work out what it would cost and see if we could swing it.

That happened in the beginning of march and on the 25 of April I was making my first all grain outside.

In turn I helped her with her hobby, bookmaking and she made me a "brew book" so I could document my brews and labels.

This last part is to everyone who posted and the op:

That conversation would have turned out very differently if I had "told her how it was" or "played my man card" (sorry revvy) a marriage isn't about man cards and woman cards. Sometimes you have to play the family card and if that's something you don't have in your deck, then maybe you have other issues other tha the grain/hop smell. Best of luck to you all.



I was telling her about these comments a few minutes ago,and you know what her response was.. "I didn't say you couldn't brew inside, it's just that it stinks and still does." She changes her mind every 5 mins. I'll probably go with the turkey fryer in a while, but not yet. I want to keg first.

A friend of mine used to tell me "Don't sweat the small ****, and it's ALL small ****"

I was telling her about these comments a few minutes ago,and you know what her response was.. "I didn't say you couldn't brew inside, it's just that it stinks and still does." She changes her mind every 5 mins. I'll probably go with the turkey fryer in a while, but not yet. I want to keg first.

A friend of mine used to tell me "Don't sweat the small ****, and it's ALL small ****"


You can get a turkey fryer for a lot less than a kegging setup (I bought mine for 30 bucks- Someone posted yesterday that they bought one from Gander Mtn. for 36, irc.) All joke aside, if 40 bucks is all that it would take for a little marital tension reduction, I'd put off buying a kegging setup for a bit, and get set up where she can't complain.If she changes her mind every 5 minutes, then you're smarter to deal with this now, before you brew again....or you won't have anything to PUT in those kegs you want.
You need to understand how women communicate. They never just come out and say anything, you need to read the signals and subtle hints.

You HEARD it as a complaint about the smell.
But it was really an invitation to do the right thing and buy an outdoor turkey fryer.
And it will help if you also buy some flowers too.

I agree with whomever stated that it's necessary to stand your ground.

A few months ago, my wife said "beer or me" because I was supposedly blowing all our money on brewing (even though food was on the table, bills paid on time, money going into savings, etc). The moment she gave me the ultimatum, I lost it and showed her the door. She knows when I start arguing back that I'm incredibly pissed, because I usually don't argue a whole lot, it takes a lot to piss me off enough to yell.

Although this made it a bajillion times worse at the time, she calmed down and we discussed things rationally.

She thinks she won because I agreed to a brewing budget, but she doesn't know that the budget she agreed to is more than I was originally spending.
It's not the smell of the grains she doesn't like just the hop additions. She says it smells like wet dog food. It was raining so I didn't have any windows open. Even I had a headache when I was done. My in-laws live in the basement and she's worried about them complaining about the smell. I can't brew in the garage as there's no space, I could brew in the backyard with a propane burner. I'll decide when this batch is ready to drink. I usually brew those pre-hopped extract kits, not the greatest but better than Laker lager.

As for her having my balls, I choose the battles I can win. I wonder out of all the "balls" replies how many are actually married or in a long term relationship? Just a question.


I still don't get it. You hop your extract recipes, right?
The next thing she says is no more, so the only way I can get away with Ag is if she goes away for the night.

My in-laws live in the basement and she's worried about them complaining about the smell. I can't brew in the garage as there's no space, I could brew in the backyard with a propane burner. I'll decide when this batch is ready to drink.

Ok This sounds like you need to build a nice brew shed to me.

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