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Jun 15, 2011
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Las Vegas
Some what of a new brewer as well I've only brewed 2 batches of beer so far. One beer in a can deal just add sugar and yeast for my first brew then a all grain for my second brew.
The all grain didn't work out due to some errors on my part as in not monitoring the temp during the steeping of the grains., I forgot to aereate the wort as well before pitching my yeast so when I racked the beer over to the Carboy from my fermentor is really when it started the fermentation process. At this point the wort had been dry hopped already and by the time that was done it had only sat a week. I ended up with some really weak beer like 2.4%.
I've since bought a 10 gallon water cooler and converted it into a mash/tun. I had a 5 gallon one made out of the same exact thing and it was just to small.
I'm curious if I should just make the PVC manifold for my mash/tun bigger for the 10 gallon or buy one of the false bottom types.
My brother has a metal false bottom and the only kind I can find online here are the plastic ones. He brought it to my attention that the plastic one might not work as well as a metal one due to the plastic getting warm and being flexible.
Anyways what is going to be the best set up with this new vessel. The PVC Manifold with the holes on the bottom or the false bottom? Then is it going to matter weather the false bottom is metal of plastic?
I'm glad I found this forum as soon as I can afford it I'm going to get me the 25 dollar membership. This is one of my two hobbies that I allow to take up my time. Beings I'm a site donator for the other hobby. I might as well sponsor this one as well. My brother is a member here already he already bought the membership and told me all the goodies that come along with it so I can't wait. Especially the massive recipe section you guys have. Or so I've been told. Thanx to anyone that leaves feed back I've put a good chunk of money into this hobby by buying the propane burner and a 81/2 gallon boil pot stainless steel like 125 bucks. Then all the other things needed to brew. Wort chiller which I made. The mash/tun which I made as well. A good stainless steel long spoon. I've set myself up pretty nicely I think especially for someone just starting out. I'm not much of a beer drinker so I give most of it away. I'd really like to get into making root beer and creme sodas and what not along with beer as well. The Root Beer I will not be giving out though beings I do partake in a good root beer. Thanx once again and am looking forward to using this as a reference tool. :)
Just bought my 10 gallon cooler and am planning on making a copper manifold.
ya I seen those as well the PVC one came in the 5 gallon cooler which I bought from the local brew store. Then after I get it home and look at it I was like man I'm a complete idiot I could have made this for half that and made a 10 gallon one to start with.
So using the PVC manifold idea is because I already got the pieces to make it and I also got a chunk of PVC had a small sprinkler leak only needed about 18 inches of 1/2 pvc but it only came in 10 foot sections. So making a new PVC one would be absolutely free.
Buying the false bottom one is going to cost me whatever it costs to buy the thing and then whatever it costs to ship it. I'm thinking about having my brother grab me a metal one from his local brew shop and have him just ship it to me. Just to avoid the plastic one all together.
I've got grains that are to old as I've been told, but they have been kept in a sealed bag a seal a meal type deal. The grains have been milled and are a few months old. I wouldn't think due to them being stored in a sealed air tight bag that they would go bad or would in that matter of time. I'd much rather buy 11 pounds of grains than mess another batch up?
Try for the stainless false bottom they are worth the investment.
Welcome to the forum I am new to it as well. This is a great place to get info and ideas!