New to lagering, need help

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2009
Reaction score
Little Rock, AR
About to put together my first lager, a mini-mash Maibock kit from Austin Homebrew, and need some advice.

I'm already behind on having this ready for the spring, so I was wanting to put it together Friday evening as I leave for a week's vacation Saturday morning.

So, I smacked the smack pack (Wyeast Munich Lager) about an hour ago to get ready to make a starter. Was planning on letting it grow two days and brewing Friday.

Problem is, I just remembered the whole bringing it down to 55 degrees slowly thing (per the AHB instructions). I have a freezer and temp control, but I'm guessing that if I brew Friday evening it won't be ready for me to start bringing the temp down until after I've left, right?

So, two-part question:

1. Is there any way around doing it that way? I'll be gone for one week, so is there any temp I could keep it at for that long without messing it up?

2. If not, can I salvage this smack pack by putting it back in the fridge for a week after already being activated?

Thanks in advance, sorry for the newbie questions.
If you pitch enough yeast, you don't want to start at 70 degrees and bring it down to 50 anyway. You want to pitch a HUGE starter (consult and go to the pitching calculator) when the wort and yeast starter are 48-50 degrees.

You'll want to make the starter now, if you want to pitch by this weekend. A big starter has a lot of oxidized spent wort, and you'll want to chill it at least 36 hours so you can pour off the spent wort before pitching.
I agree with Yooper. Rock the wort chiller till the temp is in the 50s. Pitch at that temp and toss it in the lagering vessel. It'll take hours for it to cool that last few degrees.

This is what I do and have had pretty good luck. Just brewed a wicked maibock (1.080 to 1.010) 2 weeks @ 52, 3 days @ 68, then crash to 34 for 10 weeks.

Ok, I've read about this debate a little. I was planning on following the kit instructions, but I'll go with you guys on this one and see how it works.

Rentachik, you hit on one question I have had about doing it this way, though. I was under the impression that I would need to do the whole recirculated ice water thing in order to chill fast enough down to those temps. Isn't your beer vulnerable to contamination if it sits with the chiller in it for hours?

Thanks again for the help.
Sorry, forgot my follow up question. Wyeast's FAQ says that yeast will last for "an extended time" if refrigerated after being activated. How long is that, exactly? About ten days should be ok?
I've done it twice now. As long as you refridge and you let it reswell for an hour to make sure all is still good (I've found that it deflates a slight bit) it works fine. I've only done it after a week so based on what you're saying you should be fine.