Also, I came across a same date comparison of the profile from. Last year to this year. Very big differences in both pictures. One difference, for comparison purposes, is that I added the "X" design at the cage's crown with a vertical line to the crown. This allowed a bine to climb the middle and then wind around the top, providing the canopy look. I also fertilized less this year with chemicals, and more with natural ferts. Bloodmeal, bonemeal, coffee grounds, wood ash. I started the season with the 10-10-10, but I ran out and never replaced it. Everything else I had. I may start the year next year with a very high nitrogen fertilizer, as my N reading was low this year. You'd never tell by the plants themselves, so you'll have to take my word for it. Maybe I'll leave the cover of clover to naturally replenish the N in the soil.
Anyway, here's the comparison picture.
Aug 2nd 2015
View attachment 365029
Aug 2nd 2016
View attachment 365030
These plants are monsters. All they do is consume space, and provide fun little beer flowers. This is a fun project for me, I hope other readers are enjoying it too.