Well-Known Member
Also curious in this- I thought that bucket/quarter split was for chemicals.
Quick question;
About the splits is a 5 gallon bucket large enough to hold a 1/2 split? I think you mentioned a small HD/Lowes pail for the 1/4 splits.
I added a split of Break Brite. Works killer for kettle fining. One tab per 10 gallons. Get in on it while you can.
Aw crap i just missed it?
New brewer here from Westford, MA. Love that there is a forum for us massholes. I'm bummed I missed out on this buy. Did anyone purchase more DME than they need? I'm interested in buying some off of you if so.
Guys and gals please hold off on sending payments until we can get the sheet issues sorted. Those that have paid should be good since they didn't have splits.