my brew sucks!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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Santa Cruz
Not really, but as i create my own recipes, i know that day is coming. Earlier, i read a thread about making apple jack and i was thinking about turning a bad batch into an freezing experiment. Anyone have any luck turning this into something tasty? Maybe as a liquor? I tried a search and most everything i find is about legality of distilling. Anyone willing to just answer the question?
But that's what i don't get. Im not asking anyone to do something illegal, im asking for opinions which are constitutional. Unless someone can show a specific example of someone being prosecuted for talking about doing something, then this has become taboo by fear. A big part of law is intent and explaining how to do something doesn't constitute a violation. Ok, its a rant, but talking really is ok. If not, aurhors of murder mysteries would be guilty of explaining how someone could be killed.
Lumpher- its just an experiment. If its not good, i don't want to bottle, wait weeks and taste it again to find it carbonated not good. Rather than throw away, maybe play with it and see what i get. Haven't tried yet, but figured someone has just to try it and what they though.
i'm not saying anything bad or condemning. i'm just saying it looks like you're preparing for a nasty brew (and we all get them when starting). my suggestion is to not worry about it, brew anyway, and post the problems here when it DOES happen
Don't get me wrong, im not complaining or trying to create gold out of lead, im just saying if i have something im not happy with, before i pitch and make adjustments on a second try, why not experiment with what's in front of you? if i make a tasty batch, im gonna bottle and drink plus im too cheap to waste ingredients on something just to experiment if i can make a beer ill enjoy. This is just a for fun, oh well, i have this stuff, let's have some fun with it kind of question
Are you talking about freezing your beer and pouring the alcohol off the ice (left over water) thus condensing your beer into a stronger beer? Or actual distillation? Because the first option is actually legal vs the later which is very much illegal.

But either way I think it will just be condensed BLECH. Perhaps you could mix it with another beer like a black & tan?
Freeze and pour off like home made apple jack like i have seen on other posts. I figured it wouldn't turn out great, but maybe someone has made a beer schnapps or something fun.
Well, if it was me I'd start with a GOOD beer to condense. I don't think it will help a bad beer.

Perhaps make a somewhat stronger barleywine and then go from there?
dude, you have really one option. cellar it and forget about it. i've had *tons* of brews that were exceptional after a couple years, but if you always thinking about them that will never happen. freezing/condensing a beer will *concentrate* the bad flavors.

the other option (not a good option at all) is to make another beer to blend with. or just chalk it up to a learning experience (gawd do i have a bunch of them).
I think the issue is that the forum doesn't want to be associated with discussing an illegal act that some people confuse homebrewing for ANYWAY.

On topic, don't do it. If your beer sucks now, making a higher concentration of it is going to make it suck more, just in a lower volume.
i figured it would not produce anything great, but it was just a for fun thing if the mood struck. like i said, i would not intentionally set out to make this as i wouldn't waste the money if i can make a beer instead as it would be way more enjoyable. it was just the mad experimenter in me :)
you can talk about it, but it makes home brewers *very, very uneasy*. i've seen pics of 'moonshine raids' that consisted of nothing more than homebrewing equipment. we have to draw a pretty strong line in the sand, even though talking about it isn't illegal.
Freeze and pour off like home made apple jack like i have seen on other posts. I figured it wouldn't turn out great, but maybe someone has made a beer schnapps or something fun.

Brew Dog does just that for their 32% alcohol Tatical Nuclear Penguin beer

Also did it with their 40% Sink the Bismark IIPA

I do believe though that if your beer isn't good now, freeze concentrating it isn't going to make it any better, only make it worse. (Well not make it worse, just intensify the flavor)
Brew Dog does just that for their 32% alcohol Tatical Nuclear Penguin beer

Also did it with their 40% Sink the Bismark IIPA

I do believe though that if your beer isn't good now, freeze concentrating it isn't going to make it any better, only make it worse. (Well not make it worse, just intensify the flavor)

Has anybody had this ? I can't imagine myself drinking it...

To the OP, concetrating via icing the wort is a viable technique to get to a more concentrated beer, both in alcohol and in flavour. We know that the grist of many malt liquors who use this technique (or something akin to it) is bland and flavorless, yet they end up tasting like sweet and nasty rocketful instead of inoffensive like many BMC offerings. Imagine if you took a bad batch that was undrinkable instead... Not a good idea. Live and learn I guess.

That or just mix it with some other alcohol/drink that will cover the nastyness. I know that a friend of mine mixes sangria with his bad wines... He mixes a lot of sangria by the way.
I've tried to freeze distill a crappy beer before, and the result was much crappier (though also stronger). Overall a not recommended.

I have never done actual distilling, being a generally law-abiding citizen of the US, but I would think it would stand a better chance of resulting in an acceptable product.

Some beers won't age their way to beauty. The best way I've found to deal with a less-than-optimal batch is to mix it with something. By the glass, blend it with another beer, some spirits, water, seltzer, juice, etc. until you find a match.
I made a hefe recently and broke my hydro when brewing so I didn't get to test it.

It taste like coors lite! Debating about trying something with it.
So far nothing has been really bad, just not as anticipated. I guess from my point of view, if the mood strikes, ill freeze one and see what happens. Part of homebrewing is experimenting, and its fun even if it ends up being worse; its just more notes in a recipe book
Can't hurt to try freezing it. Remember that it's easy to spill beer in your freezer when doing this experiment. Take appropriate precautions.
Hoppy liqueur sounds so yummy. Although what would you mix it with? Beer?

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