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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
Reaction score
UK > Bristol
Hello all, my first post at what looks to be a great forum.

Heres a bit about myself, for all you nosey people out there :)

I am one of those damn students, sponging off parents and spending there days getting drunk/stoned heh, hopefuly i wont be discriminated against, but we shall see.
I used to be fairly heavily into animation, making many anims in the program Macromedia Flash (if any one uses it, drop me a line!). I spent about 4 years or so doing this, and i like to think i became reasonable at it heh.
After a long break of about 6 months i took the brave leap into 3D and i must say i've never looked back.
Ive been working in 3D for about 8 months, and am just finishing a 3 week break, cant wait to get back into it.
I have worked as a 3D modeller for Pivotal Games (Link) for a week (work experience :)) and loved it, I aim to get into the 3D industry as soon as posable.

But onto my brewing experience.

I have been brewing for a few months after hearing somewhere that wine was simple to make. I began looking up every site i could find on how to make wine and eventualy gave it a go.
Not having any of the equipment, my first batch was done in a big Robinsons bottle with a baloon on the topwith a few hles pierced in it, secured on with an elastic band heh.
And i must say it came out great! i had about 6 wine bottles full and pretty much everyone i know requested a bottle after tasting it heh. I have one bottle left that i am letting age, purely to see what happens.

After this i decided to make some beer/ale. I went out and actualy bought the equipment for this and came home grinning like a mad man, demijohn (sp?), little bung with the water bit and a big bag of hops in hand.
I had read up (again ^-^) that i needed to to take the hops out before i let it ferment.
big mistake.
The ale came out extremely watery, but, i suppose that i learnt a fair bit from it, should i do it again in the future, i will know to leave them in for longer.

Since tasting some amazing home brewed cider on a recent holiday, i decided that i should have a crack at it heh.

Went to get out the ol' demijohn yesterday, and the bottom fell clean off :S
no worries though, im off out to get a new one today, so only a minore set back :)

well thats about me up to date, as said i am off out today to get a new demijohn.

Oh, and if any one has a easy 1 gallon cider recipes, it would be much appreciated if you could throw them my way :)